
This started out with my answer to Radix Sort on an Array of Strings?. Since I intend to write a generic radix sort for my own purposes anyway, I continued a little bit, and here is a version tested on:

  1. a fixed std::array of unsigned numbers, each treated as a fixed sequence of bytes from least-significant (right) to most-significant (left), to be sorted by natural order; and

  2. an std::vector of std::strings, each treated as a variable-length sequence of characters from left to right, to be sorted by lexicographical order.

I will eventually make this more and more generic, but I am posting it here before it becomes extremely abstract. For now, it is not even parametrized with respect to ascending/descending order, but most interesting generalizations will be towards

  • all scalar types: signed integers, floating-point, enums, pointers, etc.;
  • sequences (built-in arrays or standard containers) of previous types to be sorted lexicographically;
  • tuples or structures of previous types to be sorted lexicographically;
  • recursive application of the above.

Here it is (live example):

#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <iostream>

template<bool B>
using expr = std::integral_constant<bool, B>;


template <typename View, bool Var, bool Flip, size_t Radix>
class radix_sort
    template <typename I, typename S>
    void sort(I& idx, const S& slice) const
        using A = std::array<size_t, (Var ? Radix + 1 : Radix)>;

        A count = {};
        I prev = idx;

        for (auto i : prev)

        A offset = {{0}};
        std::partial_sum(count.begin(), count.end() - 1, offset.begin() + 1);

        for (auto i : prev)
            idx[offset[slice(i)]++] = i;

    template <typename D>
    std::vector<size_t> operator()(const D& data) const
        std::vector<size_t> idx(data.size());
        std::iota(idx.begin(), idx.end(), 0);

        if (data.size() < 2)
            return idx;

        View view;
        using R = decltype(data[0]);

        size_t width = Var ?
            view.size(*std::max_element(data.begin(), data.end(),
                [view](R a, R b) { return view.size(a) < view.size(b); }
            )) :

        for (size_t d = 0; d < width; ++d)
            size_t digit = Flip ? width - d - 1 : d;
            sort(idx, [&view, &data, digit] (size_t i) {
                return size_t(view.at(expr<Var>(), data[i], digit));

        return idx;


struct int_view
    template<typename A>
    size_t size(const A& a) const { return sizeof(a); }

    template <bool B, typename E>
    unsigned char at(expr<B>, const E& elem, size_t pos) const
        return (elem >> pos) & 0xFF;


struct array_view
    template<typename A>
    size_t size(const A& a) const { return a.size(); }

    template <typename E>
    typename E::value_type
    at(std::false_type, const E& elem, size_t pos) const
        return elem[pos];

    template <typename E>
    typename E::value_type
    at(std::true_type, const E& elem, size_t pos) const
        using T = typename E::value_type;
        return pos < elem.size() ? elem[pos] + T(1) : T(0);


std::array<unsigned, 100>
    return {{
        162, 794, 311, 528, 165, 601, 262, 654, 689, 748,
        450,  83, 228, 913, 152, 825, 538, 996,  78, 442,
        106, 961,   4, 774, 817, 868,  84, 399, 259, 800,
        431, 910, 181, 263, 145, 136, 869, 579, 549, 144,
        853, 622, 350, 513, 401,  75, 239, 123, 183, 239,
        417,  49, 902, 944, 490, 489, 337, 900, 369, 111,
        780, 389, 241, 403,  96, 131, 942, 956, 575,  59,
        234, 353, 821,  15,  43, 168, 649, 731, 647, 450,
        547, 296, 744, 188, 686, 183, 368, 625, 780,  81,
        929, 775, 486, 435, 446, 306, 508, 510, 817, 794

    return {
        "main street",
        "impaled decolonizing",
        "axial satisfactoriness",
        "creams surges",
        "zouaves dishpan",
        "powerless tiding",


template<typename G, typename S>
void test(G generate, S sort)
    auto data = generate();
    auto idx = sort(data);

    std::cout << "sorted data:" << std::endl;
    for (auto i : idx)
        std::cout << data[i] << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

int main()
    test(numbers, radix_sort<int_view,   false, false, 256>());
    test(strings, radix_sort<array_view, true,  true,  128>());

I would appreciate the following:

  1. General comments on both algorithm and style.
  2. Any more specific comments on correctness and efficiency.
  3. Is the code self-evident, so that no comments are practically needed? For instance, is it evident what "views" and "slices" are?
  4. I think I'll find my way with signed integral and remaining types, but is there a clean, standard, portable way of obtaining integral representations of mantissa + exponent of floating-point numbers, or should one resort to type casts and bitwise operations according to IEEE standard representations?

EDIT Please note I made a slight simplification in radix_sort::sort() compared to my original post.


1 Answer 1



You should reorder your headers in alphabetic order. It will help when you will have to check whether a header is already included or not:

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>

You have many type names that are a single capital letter, which quite hinder readability. For example, you could change A into Arr. For many of them, I can't guess which "concept" should satisfy template parameter types. Apart from T and U for any type or N for any integral value, it is pretty uncommon to use a single capital letter.

You should also be consistent when naming your types: do you want them to be capitalized or not? If you want to be consistent, you could for example rename expr into Expr.

Generally speaking, the style is quite good: the indentation is clear, the lines are not too long and you don't seem to have any magic number besides 0xFF. I wish I could always read code that clean.


In radix_sort::sort, you use member functions begin and end. It is now considered good style to write std::begin and std::end wherever possible so that you won't get into trouble if the code is changed. Moreover, in C++14, you will have std::cbegin and std::cend that rely on member begin and end. That means that pre-C++11 containers that do not provide member cbegin and cend can also be used.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Thanks! About capital letters: in general I use lowercase for both types and objects; and uppercase only for template parameters and single-letter private type aliases. Some template parameters are small words (like View, Radix) but others are single-letter when context helps (e.g. A = std::array, S& slice, or G generate). I guess single-letter is what I should be more careful about. For instance, R = decltype(data[0])` is apparently a (const) reference to some type to me, but maybe not to others. In which case ref might be better, right? \$\endgroup\$
    – iavr
    Commented Apr 14, 2014 at 9:50
  • \$\begingroup\$ @iavr Definetely, I had no idea what R was for actually. It's good that your public interface is clean, but it's even better if other people can understand and maintain your code :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Morwenn
    Commented Apr 14, 2014 at 9:53

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