I'm a beginner to Model-View-Presenter pattern and I'm finding a way to use it in a sample application
In my C# winforms application has a Employee Class
and it has properties like EmployeeID
, Address
, Designation
etc. Also it has behaviors like viewEmployee()
, AddNewEmployee()
, PromoteEmployee()
Could you please suggest how these things are organized in MVP pattern?
I have several entity classes in my project like
etc. So should I make separateDataService
classes for each one?
My current understanding is like this...
Implementing ViewEmployee()----------
Class Employee
public string EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public string Designation { get; set; }
Class EmployeePresenter
public void ViewEmployee(string employeeID, frmEmployeeDetails _form)
Employee Emp= EmloyeeDataService.GetEmployeeData(employeeID);
Class EmployeeDataService
public static Employee GetEmployeeData(String employeeID)
//Get data from database
// Set Properties of Employee
//Return Employee
Partial Class frmEmployeeDetails : Form
btnViewEmployee_Click() //Button Event