
I'm a beginner to Model-View-Presenter pattern and I'm finding a way to use it in a sample application

In my C# winforms application has a Employee Class and it has properties like EmployeeID,Name, Address, Designation etc. Also it has behaviors like viewEmployee(), AddNewEmployee(), PromoteEmployee() etc.

  1. Could you please suggest how these things are organized in MVP pattern?

  2. I have several entity classes in my project like Employee, Client, Attendance, Salary etc. So should I make separate DataService and Presenter classes for each one?

My current understanding is like this...

Implementing ViewEmployee()----------

Class Employee
    public string EmployeeID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Address { get; set; }
    public string Designation { get; set; }

Class EmployeePresenter
   public void ViewEmployee(string employeeID, frmEmployeeDetails _form)
     Employee Emp= EmloyeeDataService.GetEmployeeData(employeeID);

Class EmployeeDataService
    public static Employee GetEmployeeData(String employeeID)
      //Get data from database
      // Set Properties of Employee
      //Return Employee

Partial Class frmEmployeeDetails : Form
    btnViewEmployee_Click() //Button Event

1 Answer 1


I think your question would be better if you fleshed it up with your actual working code, there's a lot of "placeholder" code in your post, which makes it border the line of off-topicness.

You may be able to find more information and high-level design guidance about MVP on Programmers.SE.

There isn't a lot to review here, but this is jumping at me:

public static Employee GetEmployeeData(String employeeID)

And then:

Employee Emp = EmloyeeDataService.GetEmployeeData(employeeID);

By doing that, you have tightly coupled the EmployeePresenter class to the EmployeeDataService class. The static method makes the ViewEmployee method harder to unit test - now whatever you do, if you call ViewEmployee you're going to call EmloyeeDataService.GetEmployeeData.

If you code to an abstraction instead of an implementation:

public interface IEmployeeRepository
    Employee GetById(string employeeId);

public class EmployeeDataService : IEmployeeRepository
    public Employee GetById(string employeeId)
        // do whatever it takes to return an Employee object.

Here you're accessing an SQL database with ADO.NET, but then later you might want to implement the same interface with Linq-to-SQL, or with Entity Framework - actually, the data could just as well be in XML files on the file system, or on Azure (cloud), or retrieved with some web service - all you need to care is the object's interface, which takes an employeeId and returns an Employee. Exactly how that's done, is irrelevant to the Presenter:

class EmployeePresenter
    private readonly IEmployeeRepository _service;

    public EmployeePresenter(IEmployeeRepository service)
        _service = service;

Now whoever is instantiating an EmployeePresenter will also need to instantiate some implementation of IEmployeeRepository, and inject that implementation into the presenter's constructor; you're no longer strongly coupled with a specific implementation, and you can change that anytime, without rewriting anything in the EmployeePresenter code.

This is more about SOLID and DI/IoC than MVP. I suggest you look at this read from Martin Fowler about GUI architectures, there's a section on MVP.

However I can tell you that this isn't MVP:

partial class frmEmployeeDetails : Form
    btnViewEmployee_Click() //Button Event

The Form shouldn't know anything about a presenter, or any repository or service - it's just a view. Instead, you fire events that the presenter can listen to, and respond. Shortly put, the Hollywood Principle: don't call them, they'll call you.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Could you explain what do you mean by view shouldn't know anything about a presenter, or any repository or service - it's just a view? In your code frmEmployeeDetails does know about concrete implementation of presenter, EmployeePresenter. I dont think it violates any MVP or neat design principles. \$\endgroup\$
    – nawfal
    Commented Jul 22, 2016 at 8:19

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