I'm currently working on a very simple one-file project:
Lumix provides the possibility for the camera TZ41 (and others) to load GPS data and tourist information from a DVD to a SD-card so that you can see on the camera (which has GPS and the SD card inside) this information. Sadly, the software to copy it on the SD card (with the required folder structure) is not available for Linux. So that's what my lumix-maptool does.
As this should be simple to use, I wanted to create a Debian package. But this is not so simple, so I've created a Python package first and I hope a working Python package will make packaging for Debian easier. But it also is the first time I've created a Python package.
I want the user to be able to install the package and then enter lumixmaptool
and get the program. This currently works.
Here are some relevant links:
Currently, my project structure is:
. ├── dist <- automatically generated │ ├── LumixMaptool-1.0.5.tar.gz │ ├── LumixMaptool-1.0.6.tar.gz │ ├── LumixMaptool-1.0.7.tar.gz │ ├── LumixMaptool-1.0.8.tar.gz │ └── LumixMaptool-1.0.9.tar.gz ├── LICENSE.txt ├── lumixmaptool │ ├── __init__.py │ └── lumixmaptool.py ├── lumix-maptool.desktop <- needed for Debian packaging ├── LumixMaptool.egg-info <- automatically generated │ ├── dependency_links.txt │ ├── entry_points.txt │ ├── PKG-INFO │ ├── requires.txt │ ├── SOURCES.txt │ └── top_level.txt ├── lumix-maptool-icon.png <- will be used for Debian packaging ├── README.md ├── setup.cfg └── setup.py
3 directories, 19 files
from setuptools import setup
author='Martin Thoma',
author_email='[email protected]',
description='Manage GPS information for Panasonic Lumix cameras.',
long_description="""Panasonic offers GPS metadata to add to a SD card. This metadata can contain
tourist information that might be useful for sightseeing. This maptool helps
to copy the data from Lumix DVD to the SD card that is inserted into your
computer (the camera has not to be connected).""",
"argparse >= 1.2.1",
"pyparsing >= 2.0.1",
"pyparsing >= 2.0.1",
['lumixmaptool = lumixmaptool:main']
#!/usr/bin/env python
Author: Martin Thoma <[email protected]>,
based on https://github.com/RolandKluge/de.rolandkluge.lumix_map_tool/
from Roland Kluge.
Manage GPS information for Panasonic Lumix cameras.
Panasonic offers GPS metadata to add to a SD card. This metadata can contain
tourist information that might be useful for sightseeing. This maptool helps
to copy the data from Lumix DVD to the SD card that is inserted into your
computer (the camera has not to be connected).
This script was tested with Lumix TZ41.
import os
import re
import shutil
import logging
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter, Action
from pyparsing import Word, nums, OneOrMore, alphanums
logfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'maptool.log')
logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, level=logging.INFO,
format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')
__version__ = "1.0.9"
region_mapping = {}
region_mapping[1] = 'Japan'
region_mapping[2] = 'South Asia, Southeast Asia'
region_mapping[3] = 'Oceania'
region_mapping[4] = 'North America, Central America'
region_mapping[5] = 'South America'
region_mapping[6] = 'Northern Europe'
region_mapping[7] = 'Eastern Europe'
region_mapping[8] = 'Western Europe'
region_mapping[9] = 'West Asia, Africa'
region_mapping[10] = 'Russia, North Asia'
def is_valid_mapdata(parser, path_to_mapdata):
"""Check if path_to_mapdata is a valid path."""
if os.path.isfile(path_to_mapdata):
return path_to_mapdata
if path_to_mapdata == '':
parser.error("You have to specify the path to the mapdata file "
+ "(it's on a DVD).")
parser.error("The file '%s' does not exist." % path_to_mapdata)
def is_valid_sdcard(parser, path_to_sdcard):
"""Check if sdcard is a valid path."""
if not os.path.exists(path_to_sdcard):
parser.error("The path '%s' does not exist." % path_to_sdcard)
if not os.access(path_to_sdcard, os.W_OK):
parser.error("The path '%s' is not writable" % path_to_sdcard)
return path_to_sdcard
def parse_mapdata(path_to_mapdata):
with open(path_to_mapdata, 'r') as f:
mapdata = f.read()
mapdata_pattern = re.compile("\s*(\d{8})\s*(\d{8})\s*(.*)\s*", re.DOTALL)
num1, num2, data = mapdata_pattern.findall(mapdata)[0]
parsed_map_data = {'num1': num1, 'num2': num2, 'regions': {}}
def regionParsing(x):
parsed_map_data['regions'][int(x[0])] = x[1:]
regionnum = Word(nums, exact=2).setResultsName("region-number")
regionnum = regionnum.setName("region-number")
filename = Word(alphanums + "/.").setResultsName("filename")
filename = filename.setName("filename")
regiondata = Word("{").suppress() + OneOrMore(filename)
regiondata += Word("}").suppress()
regiondata = regiondata.setResultsName("region-data")
regiondata += regiondata.setName("region-data")
region = (regionnum + regiondata).setResultsName("region")
region = region.setName("region")
map_grammar = OneOrMore(region)
data = data.strip() # a strange character at the end
return parsed_map_data
def copy_maps(path_to_mapdata, path_to_sdcard, regions):
"""Copy map information of regions to sdcard."""
mapdata_cd_folder = '/'.join(path_to_mapdata.split("/")[:-1])
logging.info("mapdata_cd_folder: %s" % mapdata_cd_folder)
#mapdata_on_sdcard = path_to_sdcard + "/PRIVATE/MAP_DATA"
# This works with Panasonic Lumix DMC TZ-41
mapdata_on_sdcard = os.path.join(path_to_sdcard,
if not os.path.exists(mapdata_on_sdcard):
mapdata = parse_mapdata(path_to_mapdata)
# Delete previously stored cards
shutil.rmtree(mapdata_on_sdcard, ignore_errors=True)
# And create the directory again
for selected_region_id in regions:
print("Copying region '%s' ..." % selected_region_id)
for path in mapdata['regions'][selected_region_id]:
logging.info("Copy file %s" % path)
subdir, filename = path.split("/")
abspath_to_source_file = os.path.join(mapdata_cd_folder, path)
target_dir = mapdata_on_sdcard + "/" + subdir
target_file = target_dir + "/" + filename
logging.info("abspath_to_source_file: %s" % abspath_to_source_file)
logging.info("target_dir: %s" % target_dir)
logging.info("target_file: %s" % target_file)
if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
if not os.path.exists(target_file):
shutil.copy(abspath_to_source_file, target_dir)
print("Copying region '%i' DONE" % selected_region_id)
print("All operations exited succesfully.")
class UniqueAppendAction(Action):
"""Make sure that the list of regions contains unique values."""
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
unique_values = set(values)
setattr(namespace, self.dest, unique_values)
def autodetect_mapdata():
"""Try to find the DVD with map data."""
path = "/media"
subdir = [f for f in os.listdir(path)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, f))]
while len(subdir) == 1:
path = os.path.join(path, subdir[0])
subdir = [f for f in os.listdir(path)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, f))]
if "MAP_DATA" in subdir:
path = path = os.path.join(path, "MAP_DATA/MapList.dat")
return path
return ""
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
# Add more options if you like
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mapdata", dest="mapdata", metavar="MAPDATA",
help="path to MAPDATA folder on the Lumix DVD",
type=lambda x: is_valid_mapdata(parser, x))
parser.add_argument("-s", "--sdcard", dest="path_to_sdcard",
metavar="SDCARD", required=True,
help="path to SDCARD",
type=lambda x: is_valid_sdcard(parser, x))
helptext = "The space-separated indices of the regions to copy. "
helptext += "E.g. 1 6 10. At least one region needs to be given. "
helptext += "Regions are:\n"
tmp = map(lambda i: "%i -\t%s" % (i, region_mapping[i]), range(1, 11))
helptext += "\n".join(list(tmp))
parser.add_argument("-r", "--regions", dest="regions", nargs='+',
required=True, choices=list(range(1, 11)), type=int,
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '
+ __version__)
args = parser.parse_args()
copy_maps(args.mapdata, args.path_to_sdcard, args.regions)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python
import lumixmaptool
if __name__ == "__main__":
Especially I would like to know if the way I currently use the __init__.py
is correct and if my project structure makes sense. But I'm also interested in general coding advice.
I've used http://pep8online.com/ to check for "obvious" advice.
helptext = ('abc' [newline] 'def' [newline] 'ghi')