I've been working on implementing a fast Huffman decoder for video decoding. With some help from you, I have been able to produce a decent implementation. However I am still not satisfied with the results. I have done some research both on Stack Overflow and some research papers, however I haven't found anything to further improve my current implementation.
I'm using a lookup-table for decoding. I've removed most of the branches and byte moves (MOVZX). And also aligned my data for optimal cache usage.
I think I've got the decoding itself as fast as it can get, however building the lookup-table (build_tables2) takes as much time as the decoding itself.
My profiler gives me:
- decoding: 52%
- build lookup-table (build_tables2): 45%
In average my decoder is building ~100 tables per frame (of max 256, one for each node in the biggest tree), which is much but I don't see how I could reduce it. 16 bit tables seems out of the question.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can speed up building the lookup-table? Maybe I could somehow encode some kind of additional data in the frame/"input" which would help for building the tables?
typedef uint8_t block_type;
static const int bits_per_block = 8;
static const int values_per_block = 256;
struct node_t
node_t* children; // 0 right, 1 left
int32_t value; // if leaf then its the value of the current node, if not leaf then its the index of the next lookup-table
int32_t is_leaf;
// NOTE:
// entry is 16 bytes and will be aligned during allocation, thus "values" will always be on 16 byte alignment
struct entry
uint8_t values[bits_per_block];
std::array<entry, values_per_block>* next_table;
int32_t num_values;
typedef std::array<entry, values_per_block> table_t;
typedef std::array<table_t, values_per_block-1> tables_t;
void build_tables2(node_t* nodes, tables_t& tables, int& table_count);
void unpack_tree(void* data, node_t* nodes);
void decode_huff(void* input, uint8_t* dest)
// Initial setup
std::shared_ptr<node_t> nodes(reinterpret_cast<node_t*>(scalable_aligned_malloc(sizeof(node_t)*(513), 64)), scalable_aligned_free); // cacheline alignment
memset_sse(nodes.get(), 0, sizeof(node_t)*512);
auto data = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(input);
size_t table_size = *(data++); // Size is first 32 bits.
size_t result_size = *(data++); // Data size is second 32 bits.
// Unpack huffman-tree.
unpack_tree(data, nodes.get());
if(nodes->children != nullptr)
std::shared_ptr<tables_t> tables(reinterpret_cast<tables_t*>(scalable_aligned_malloc(sizeof(tables_t), 64)), scalable_aligned_free); // cacheline alignment
int table_count = 0;
// Build lookup-table from huffman-tree.
build_tables2(nodes.get(), *tables, table_count);
auto huffman_data = data + table_size/32;
auto ptr = dest;
auto end = ptr + result_size;
entry entry2;
entry2.next_table = tables->data();
// NOTE:
// Use 2x MOVQ instead of memcpy, could use MOVDQA and MOVDQU but we only care about 64 bits, thus we use MOVQ which might be faster?
// _mm_storel_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(ptr), _mm_loadl_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(entry))); load is aligned, store is unaligned
// <=>
// memcpy(ptr, entry, entry->num_values);
// The decoding loop will always be overwriting some values ahead (which haven't been decoded), this means
// that the target memory buffer will need to have extra padding in the end to avoid access violations.
auto entry = &entry2;
while(ptr < end)
auto elem = *(huffman_data++); // Use single mov and shift and masking, instead of 4x movzx/byte-moves
entry = entry->next_table->data() + (elem & 0xff); // entry = &entry->next_table->at(elem & 0xff);
_mm_storel_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(ptr), _mm_loadl_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(entry)));
ptr += entry->num_values;
entry = entry->next_table->data() + ((elem >> 8) & 0xff);
_mm_storel_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(ptr), _mm_loadl_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(entry)));
ptr += entry->num_values;
entry = entry->next_table->data() + ((elem >> 16) & 0xff);
_mm_storel_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(ptr), _mm_loadl_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(entry)));
ptr += entry->num_values;
entry = entry->next_table->data() + (elem >> 24);
_mm_storel_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(ptr), _mm_loadl_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(entry)));
ptr += entry->num_values;
memset_sse(dest, static_cast<char>(nodes->value), result_size);
void build_tables2(node_t* nodes, tables_t& tables, int& table_count)
// Using a stack instead of function recursion helps the profiler.
std::stack<node_t*> stack;
auto root = stack.top();
auto& table = tables[root->value];
for(int n = 0; n < values_per_block; ++n)
auto current = root;
auto& entry = table[n];
entry.num_values = 0;
// Looped and branched version
//for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
// current = current->children + ((n >> i) & 1);
// if(current->is_leaf)
// entry.values[entry.num_values++] = current->value;
// NOTE:
//*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(entry.values + entry.num_values) = current->value;
// <=>
// entry.values[entry.num_values] = current->value;
// Avoids byte moves, the last write can overwrite the next element in the entry structure, "next_table",
// this is not a problem since we set "next_table" below and don't care about its current value
current = current->children + (n & 1); // +0 is left and +1 is right child
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(entry.values + entry.num_values) = current->value; // dummy write if not leaf
entry.num_values += current->is_leaf; // only increment if it was a leaf
current = current->children + ((n >> 1) & 1);
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(entry.values + entry.num_values) = current->value;
entry.num_values += current->is_leaf;
current = current->children + ((n >> 2) & 1);
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(entry.values + entry.num_values) = current->value;
entry.num_values += current->is_leaf;
current = current->children + ((n >> 3) & 1);
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(entry.values + entry.num_values) = current->value;
entry.num_values += current->is_leaf;
current = current->children + ((n >> 4) & 1);
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(entry.values + entry.num_values) = current->value;
entry.num_values += current->is_leaf;
current = current->children + ((n >> 5) & 1);
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(entry.values + entry.num_values) = current->value;
entry.num_values += current->is_leaf;
current = current->children + ((n >> 6) & 1);
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(entry.values + entry.num_values) = current->value;
entry.num_values += current->is_leaf;
current = current->children + (n >> 7);
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(entry.values + entry.num_values) = current->value;
entry.num_values += current->is_leaf;
// a non-leaf, then current->value is the next lookup-table
if(current->value == 0)
current->value = ++table_count;
table[n].next_table = &tables[current->value];
table[n].next_table = &tables[0]; // All bits were used, back to root