I have some triggers placing and sizing elements for video controls. It works well enough but mostly through trial and error and I am not sure if there is a better pattern:
The full source can be found here and webpage here.
My biggest issue I think is when is it appropriate to have an element listen (e.g. on the specific element or on window) and when should I call the reposition trigger (each time or only once at the end).
$(document).ready(function () {
"use strict";
var videos = $("video"), doc = document, fsVideoTime, fsVideo;
Number.prototype.leftZeroPad = function (numZeros) {
var n = Math.abs(this),
zeros = Math.max(0, numZeros - Math.floor(n).toString().length),
zeroString = Math.pow(10, zeros).toString().substr(1);
if (this < 0) {
zeroString = '-' + zeroString;
return zeroString + n;
function isVideoPlaying(video) {
return !(video.paused || video.ended || video.seeking || video.readyState < video.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA);
// Pass in object of the video to play/pause and the control box associated with it
function playPause(video) {
var $playPauseButton = $("#playPauseButton", video.parent);
if (isVideoPlaying(video)) {
$playPauseButton[0].src = "/static/images/smallplay.svg";
$playPauseButton[0].alt = "Button to play the video";
$playPauseButton[0].title = "Play";
} else {
$playPauseButton[0].src = "/static/images/smallpause.svg";
$playPauseButton[0].alt = "Button to pause the video";
$playPauseButton[0].title = "Pause";
function rawTimeToFormattedTime(rawTime) {
var chomped, seconds, minutes;
chomped = Math.floor(rawTime);
seconds = chomped % 60;
minutes = Math.floor(chomped / 60);
return minutes.leftZeroPad(2) + ":" + seconds.leftZeroPad(2);
$(videos).each(function () {
var video = this,
$videoContainer = $("#vidContainer"),
$controlsBox = $("#videoControls"),
$playProgress = $("#playProgress", $controlsBox),
$currentTimeSpan = $(".currentTimeSpan", $controlsBox),
$durationTimeSpan = $(".durationTimeSpan", $controlsBox),
$trackMenu = $("#trackMenu"),
$tracksButton = $("#tracksButton"),
$loadingProgress = $("#loadProgress"),
$playPauseButton = $("#playPauseButton", $controlsBox),
$soundButton = $("#soundButton", $controlsBox),
$soundVolume = $("#soundLevel", $controlsBox);
if (this.controls) {
this.controls = false;
$(video).on("timeupdate", function () {
$playProgress[0].value = (video.currentTime / video.duration) * 1000;
}).on("play", function () {
if ($poster.length !== 0) {
}).on("loadedmetadata", function () {
var canPlayVid = false;
$("source", $(video)).each(function () {
if (video.canPlayType($(this).attr("type"))) {
canPlayVid = true;
if (!canPlayVid) {
errorPoster = "/static/images/movieerror.svg";
$.get(errorPoster, function (svg) {
errorPoster = doc.importNode(svg.documentElement, true);
$(errorPoster).attr("class", "poster errorposter");
$(errorPoster).attr("height", $(video).height());
$(errorPoster).attr("width", $(video).width());
$("source", $(video)).each(function () {
var newText = doc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "tspan"),
link = doc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "a");
newText.setAttributeNS(null, "x", "50%");
newText.setAttributeNS(null, "dy", "1.2em");
link.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", this.src);
$("#sorrytext", errorPoster).append(newText);
} else {
}).on("click", function () {
}).on("ended", function () {
$playPauseButton[0].src = "/static/images/smallplay.svg";
$playPauseButton[0].alt = "Button to play the video";
$playPauseButton[0].title = "Play";
// Poster to show at end of movie
if (video.dataset.endposter) {
customEndPoster = video.dataset.endposter;
} else {
customEndPoster = "/static/images/endofmovie.svg"; // If none supplied, use our own, generic one
// Get the poster and make it inline
// File is SVG so usual jQuery rules may not apply
// File needs to have at least one element with "playButton" as class
$.get(customEndPoster, function (svg) {
$endPoster = doc.importNode(svg.documentElement, true);
$endPoster = $($endPoster);
$endPoster.attr("class", "poster endposter");
$endPoster.attr("height", $(video).height());
$endPoster.attr("width", $(video).width());
$("#playButton", $endPoster).on("click", function () {
$endPoster.remove(); // done with poster forever
// Setup the div container for the video, controls and poster
$videoContainer.on("reposition", function () {
// Move posters and controls back into position after video position updated
var $poster = $(".poster", this);
$poster.offset({top: $("video", this).offset().top, left: $("video", this).offset().left});
$poster.attr("height", $(video).height());
$poster.attr("width", $(video).width());
$trackMenu.css({top: $tracksButton.offset().top + $tracksButton.height() + "px", left: $tracksButton.offset().left + $tracksButton.width() - $trackMenu.width() + "px"});
$soundVolume.css({top: $soundButton.offset().top - $soundVolume.height() + "px", left: $soundButton.offset().left + "px"});
$loadingProgress.css({top: $loadingProgress.parent().offset().top + "px", left: $loadingProgress.parent().offset().left + "px"});
// Setup play/pause button
$playPauseButton.on("click", function () {
// Setup progress bar
$playProgress.on("change", function () {
video.currentTime = video.duration * (this.value / 1000);
}).on("mousedown", function () {
}).on("mouseup", function () {
// Full screen
$("#fullscreenButton").on("click", function () {
if (video.requestFullScreen) {
fsVideo = video;
} else if (video.webkitRequestFullScreen) {
fsVideo = video;
} else if (video.mozRequestFullScreen) {
fsVideo = video;
// Work out if there is audio to control
// Not the greatest way but doesnt look like there is much other option (if any?)...
$("source", video).each(function () {
if (this.src === video.currentSrc) {
if (this.type.split(',').length === 1) { // Split happens on the: codecs="vp8,vorbis"' part
$soundButton[0].src = "/static/images/nosound.svg";
$soundButton[0].alt = "Icon showing no sound is available";
$soundButton[0].title = "No sound available";
} else { // If it DOES have sound
$soundVolume.css({top: $soundButton.offset().top - $soundVolume.height() + "px", left: $soundButton.offset().left + "px"});
return false;
return true;
// Check if there needs to be an option menu for tracks made
if (video.textTracks.length === 0) {
$tracksButton.attr("src", $tracksButton.attr("src").replace("tracks.svg", "notracks.svg"));
$tracksButton.attr("alt", "No tracks are available");
$tracksButton.attr("Title", "No tracks are available");
} else {
$(video.textTracks).each(function () {
this.mode = "hidden";
if ($trackMenu.length) {
$("li", "#trackMenu").on("click", function () {
// 'None' <li> is clicked so disable all the tracks
if ($(this).text().toLowerCase() === "none") {
$(video.textTracks).each(function () {
this.mode = "hidden";
// Find the track referred to and activate it
} else {
var kind = $(this).text().split(":")[0].toLowerCase(), srclang = $(this).text().split("(")[1].slice(0, -1);
$(video.textTracks).each(function () {
if (this.kind === kind && this.language === srclang) {
this.mode = "showing"; // change to this track
} else {
this.mode = "hidden"; // Turn off other tracks
$trackMenu.css({top: $tracksButton.offset().top + $tracksButton.height() + "px", left: $tracksButton.offset().left + $tracksButton.width() - $trackMenu.width() + "px"});
$loadingProgress.css({top: $controlsBox.offset().top + "px", left: $controlsBox.offset().left + "px"});
(function () {
var progressInterval = setInterval(function () {
var totalBuffered = 0, i;
$loadingProgress[0].value = (video.duration / video.buffered.end(0)) * 100;
for (i = 0; i < video.buffered.length; i += 1) {
totalBuffered += video.buffered.start(i) + video.buffered.end(i);
if (totalBuffered === video.duration) {
}, 1000);
$soundVolume.css({top: $soundButton.offset().top - $soundVolume.height() + "px", left: $soundButton.offset().left + "px"});
$soundVolume.on("change", function (){
video.volume = (this.value / 100);
// Posters to show before the user plays the video
customStartPoster = this.dataset.startposter;
if (!customStartPoster) {
customStartPoster = "/static/images/genericstartposter.svg"; // If none supplied, use our own, generic one
// Get the poster and make it inline
// File is SVG so usual jQuery rules may not apply
// File needs to have at least one element with "playButton" as class
$.get(customStartPoster, function (svg) {
$poster = doc.importNode(svg.documentElement, true);
$poster = $($poster);
$poster.attr("class", "poster");
$poster.attr("height", $(video).height());
$poster.attr("width", $(video).width());
$("#playButton", $poster).on("click", function () {
video.load(); // Initial data and metadata load events may have fired before they can be captured so manually fire them
$poster.remove(); // done with poster forever
$($videoContainer).trigger("reposition"); //Get its position right.
// Handle coming out of fullscreen
$(doc).on("webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange fullscreenchange", function () {
var isFullScreen = doc.fullScreen || doc.mozFullScreen || doc.webkitIsFullScreen;
if (isFullScreen) { // Now in full screen
fsVideo = doc.fullscreenElement || doc.mozFullScreenElement || doc.webkitFullscreenElement;
fsVideoTime = fsVideo.currentTime;
$("source", fsVideo).each(function () {
// .dataset.fullscreen is is treated a boolean, but it is just truthy string
// This function uses a standard format of names of full screen appropriate vids as shown below:
// original: originalvid.xyz full screen: originalvid.fullscreen.xyz
// N.B. Can not have period (".") in original file same except for filetype
if (this.dataset.fullscreen) {
var splitSrc = this.src.split(".");
this.src = splitSrc[0] + "." + splitSrc[1] + "." + splitSrc[2] + ".fullscreen." + splitSrc[3];
fsVideo.load(); //Reload with the new source
} else { // Have left full screen and need to return to lower res video
fsVideoTime = fsVideo.currentTime;
$("source", fsVideo).each(function () {
// Remove the full screen and go back to the original file
if (this.dataset.fullscreen) {
var splitSrc = this.src.split(".");
this.src = splitSrc[0] + "." + splitSrc[1] + "." + splitSrc[2] + "." + splitSrc[4];
} // Nothing was changed if data-fullscreen is false so no need to do anything
$(this).parent().load(); // The video
$(this).parent().trigger("reposition"); // The video container box
$(fsVideo).on("loadedmetadata", function () {
this.currentTime = fsVideoTime; // Skip to the time before we went full screen
$(window).on("resize", function () {
$(videos).each(function () {
The second trigger comes in at the end of a big loop and the first on a specific event. Is one way better than another or are both appropriate in this situation?
This is by far the biggest JS project I have worked on so please be brutal as need be and help me make it better.