I hope this is not a really bad question for a first time here beginner.
This piece of code selects from the left table and will list the content in the right hand table. This is a working code but I would like to see how a professional would protect and make it faster.
Any suggestion (with some code) would be appreciated. Thanks a lot
PS: There is also a little glitch with it: after deleting it lose the selected item on the right list.
<?php include("db_con1.php");?>
<form method="post" action="test.php">
<div id="left">
$queryl = $pdo->prepare('SELECT id, name FROM test1 ORDER BY name ASC');
<?php foreach ($queryl as $i => $rowl) { ?>
<?php if ($i) {?>
<input name="checkbox1_del[]" id="test_<?php echo $i ?>" type="checkbox" value="<? echo $rowl['id']; ?>"/>
<label for="test_<?php echo $i ?>">
<a href="test1.php?gid=<?php echo $rowl['id']; ?>"><?php echo $rowl['name']; ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<div id="right">
if(isset($_GET['gid'])) {
$queryr = $pdo->prepare('SELECT test3.name FROM test1, test2, test3 WHERE test1.id=test2.groupid AND test3.id=test2.peopleid AND test1.id='.$gid.' ORDER BY test3.name ASC');
<?php foreach ($queryr as $i => $rowr) { ?>
<?php if ($i) {?>
<input name="checkbox2_del[]" id="test_<?php echo $i ?>" type="checkbox" value="<? echo $rowr['id']; ?>"/>
<label for="test_<?php echo $i ?>"><?php echo $rowr['name']; ?></label>
<?php } ?>
<input type="submit" name="del" value="Delete the selected items">
if (isset($_POST['del'])) {
echo "Don't delete:)";
for ($c = 0; $c < count($_POST['checkbox1_del']); $c++){
$checkbox1_del = $_POST['checkbox1_del'][$c];
$sql = 'UPDATE test1 SET status=0, log="'.date("Y-m-d").'"WHERE id='.$checkbox1_del;
echo $sql;
$query = $pdo->prepare($sql);
for ($c = 0; $c < count($_POST['checkbox2_del']); $c++){
$checkbox2_del = $_POST['checkbox2_del'][$c];
$sql = 'UPDATE test2 SET status=0, log="'.date("Y-m-d").'"WHERE id='.$checkbox2_del;
echo $sql;
$query = $pdo->prepare($sql);
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=test1.php\">";
Revise 1: This is a extracted part of my program, however here is the definition of this function:
Having 3-5000 contact, to send emails them easier to group them to Distribution list. So this part of the program provide 3 tables:
Distribution list | Members of selected group | People
you can make group names and can add people into it.
So basic functions that I wrote for this part:
- new distribution list can be added
- By clicking on any Distribution list you'll get the Members table ($_GET)
- Also by clicking on Distribution list should be BOLD (class="bold") as highlighted
- Selecting any members in the member list can be deleted (checkbox2_del())
- From people list anyone can be added to the list
This is what I tried to write and this test shows that basic steps of it. I just didn't want to overload anybody to read through the whole script. If anyone would like to see I happy to replace with it. Thanks