
I've been programming with Python 2.7 for about six months now and if possible, I'd like some critique to see what I might have done better or what I might be doing wrong.

My objective was to make a script scraper that finds variables and functions, outputting them to a text file along with their line number. It also organizes the output based on type and string length for readability. It works as intended, but I'd like to know if/how I could have wrote it better, cleaner.

import re

def change_line():
        parse_next['line_count'] += 1

def make_readable(list):
        fix_order = {}
        for item in list:
                fix_order[len(item)] = item
        return sort_this(fix_order)

def sort_this(dict):
        fixed = dict.keys()
        newly_ordered = []
        for number in fixed:
        return newly_ordered   

def parse_match(match):
        if '\n' in match:
        elif 'def' in match:
                parse_next[match] = parse_next['line_count']
        elif match:
                parse_next[match] = parse_next['line_count']
                print 'error'

funcs = []
varis = []             
txt_file = open('c:\\code\\test.txt', 'r')
output = open('c:\\code\\output.txt', 'w+')
found = re.findall(r'\n|def\s.+|.+ = .+', txt_file.read())

parse_next = {
        '\n': change_line,
        'line_count': 1,

for match in found:

funcs = make_readable(funcs)
varis = make_readable(varis)   

for item in funcs:
        s_fix = item.replace('def ', '',)
        to_write = [s_fix, ' Line:', str(parse_next.get(item)), '\n']


for item in varis:
        to_write = [item.strip(),' Line:', str(parse_next.get(item)), '\n']


To run it, you'll need to edit this filepath:

txt_file = open('c:\code\test.txt', 'r')

with code from a script of your choice.

Be harsh if necessary, I'd really like to get better.


1 Answer 1


A couple of suggestions:

make_readable has a very serious problem - what if two inputs have the same length? A dictionary can only have one value per key; I suggest making it a dictionary of lists of items (or a collections.defaultdict(list)) instead. Also, don't call the argument list - that's a built-in.

sort_this could be shortened (and the argument shouldn't be called dict):

def sort_this(d):
    return [d[key] for key in sorted(d)]

Iterating over a dictionary (e.g. in sorted) automatically iterates over the keys. Also, this will work without modification in Python 3.x (where fixed.sort() will fail).

The global variables (e.g. funcs) should either be explicitly global (i.e. put global funcs at the start of functions that use them) or, much better, passed as arguments to the functions:

def parse_match(match, funcs, varis, parse_next):

One bug you may want to look into - if a variable is defined over multiple lines:

my_list = [1, 2, 3,
           4, 5, 6]

Your code only gets the start of the definition.

Finally, it would be neat to not have to change the hard-coded strings to change the files to analyse and output to! Look into taking command line arguments (sys.argv) or using e.g. tkinter to put a GUI in. At the very least, have a higher-level function analyse(input_file, output_file) then call it at the end of your script:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    analyse("C:\\code\\test.txt", "C:\\code\\output.txt")

It is not best practice to put the variables you have to change somewhere in the middle of the file - top or bottom is easier to find!

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks man! I'll post an updated version of the script once i fix everything. Might be a day or so before i get back and post it though. \$\endgroup\$
    – Lusidium
    Commented Mar 13, 2014 at 20:13
  • \$\begingroup\$ Posted an edited version, but I found a major bug. I'll reupdate when it's fixed. \$\endgroup\$
    – Lusidium
    Commented Mar 14, 2014 at 19:22
  • \$\begingroup\$ Sadly, I don't think I'm going to be able to fix it this time. I fed it a few different inputs and it gave me a different error every time. It would be so much easier to just remake the whole thing with the bug in mind. \$\endgroup\$
    – Lusidium
    Commented Mar 14, 2014 at 19:56

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