I have a basic cache set up. Whenever a user requests a bitmap, it fetches or loads it from disk if it isn't already loaded, significantly reducing load times.
Currently, the design explicitly tells the user that they are responsible for freeing the individual bitmaps when they are done. That's fine, but the biggest problem I notice right away is that the cache is created on first use. There's no way to delete
it without having the user expressly call a Release method (which seems like a bad idea). They are forced not only to release each individual bitmap, but also the cache even though they never created it.
Should I create Initialize
and Release
methods strictly to new
and delete the std::map
(It's named pool
in the code because the member name hasn't been updated as of this posting.)
#include <allegro\file.h>
#include <allegro\gfx.h>
#include <allegro\draw.h>
#include <allegro\datafile.h>
#include <allegro\color.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
struct BITMAP;
class BitmapCache {
static BITMAP* GetBitmap(std::string filename);
static BITMAP* GetBitmap(BITMAP* file);
static std::string GetBitmapFilename(BITMAP* file);
static BITMAP* GetBlankBitmap(int width, int height);
static std::map<std::string, BITMAP*>* _pool;
static void CleanCache();
#include "CBitmapCache.h"
#include <algorithm>
std::map<std::string, BITMAP*>* BitmapCache::_pool = NULL;
BITMAP* BitmapCache::GetBitmap(std::string filename) {
//Return NULL if a bad filename was passed.
if(filename.empty()) return NULL;
if(exists(filename.c_str()) == false) return NULL;
//Reduce incorrect results by forcing slash equality.
filename = fix_filename_slashes(&filename[0]);
//Create pool on first use.
if(_pool == NULL) _pool = new std::map<std::string, BITMAP*>();
//Clean the pool if it's dirty.
//Search for requested BITMAP.
std::map<std::string, BITMAP*>::iterator _iter = _pool->find(filename);
//If found, return it.
if(_iter != _pool->end()) return _iter->second;
//Otherwise, create it, store it, then return it.
BITMAP* result = load_bmp(filename.c_str(), NULL);
if(result == NULL) return NULL;
_pool->insert(std::pair<std::string, BITMAP*>(filename, result));
return result;
BITMAP* BitmapCache::GetBitmap(BITMAP* file) {
if(file == NULL) return NULL;
if(_pool == NULL) new std::map<std::string, BITMAP*>();
for(std::map<std::string, BITMAP*>::iterator _iter = _pool->begin(); _iter != _pool->end(); ++_iter) {
if(_iter->second != file) continue;
return _iter->second;
return NULL;
std::string BitmapCache::GetBitmapFilename(BITMAP* file) {
if(file == NULL) return std::string("");
if(_pool == NULL) return std::string("");
for(std::map<std::string, BITMAP*>::iterator _iter = _pool->begin(); _iter != _pool->end(); ++_iter) {
if(_iter->second != file) continue;
return _iter->first;
return std::string("");
BITMAP* BitmapCache::GetBlankBitmap(int width, int height) {
//Smallest allowed size is 1x1.
if(width < 1 || height < 1) return NULL;
//Create pool on first use.
if(_pool == NULL) _pool = new std::map<std::string, BITMAP*>();
//Cleans the cache.
//Partial Sequential Search for requested BITMAP.
if(_pool->empty() == false) {
for(std::map<std::string, BITMAP*>::iterator _iter = _pool->begin(); _iter != _pool->end(); ++_iter) {
//String keys sorted in ascending order.
//If key is not empty reached non-blank section.
if(_iter->first.empty() == false) break;
if(width == _iter->second->w && height == _iter->second->h) {
return _iter->second;
//Attempt to create bitmap, if failed, return NULL.
BITMAP* result = create_bitmap(width, height);
if(result == NULL) return NULL;
//Clear to black, store it, then return to caller.
_pool->insert(std::pair<std::string, BITMAP*>("", result));
return result;
void BitmapCache::CleanCache() {
//Clean the pool of any NULL bitmaps that were deleted by caller.
for(std::map<std::string, BITMAP*>::iterator _iter = _pool->begin(); _iter != _pool->end(); ++_iter) {
if(_iter->second != NULL) continue;