I've written a small library for reading and writing PGM/PPM images. The format is described here. I attach the library itself and a small utility to convert binary encoded images to ASCII encoding. Any type of comment will be appriciated. However, these points are most important to me:
Abusing of the type system - I fear that I forced my OOP design on the Haskell type system. I wanted to use typeclasses in order to prevent code duplication as much as possible between PGM and PPM images. However, the final result was that I had to duplicate code in several places. The worse thing is that I was forced to add a type signature in the bin2asc utility, so it doesn't support PGM. How can I design this library better to support both types?
Performance - Running my bin2asc utility on this image takes 0.633 seconds. I think it's a bit slow for an image in such size. Since I don't know how to profile code in Haskell I can't tell which function takes most of the time. Is there any bad practice that I have done that hurts performance?
Branching in mixed IO/Maybe functions - When using the
notiaion in a function that returns aMaybe
I prevent checking forNothings
by chaining monads. However, in bin2asc I have to check explicitly forNothing
, creating an extra branch. Is there anything I can do to prevent this?Parsing multiple values in a function - For
- I had to use multpler
variables to hold the remainders. Is there any less error-prone implementation?
module Data.PNM
( Coord
, Image(..)
, ImageType(..)
, Encoding(..)
, PPMImage(..)
, PGMImage(..)
, parseHeader
, Header(..)
) where
import Data.Array
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as SC
import Data.Word
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import Control.Applicative
import Debug.Trace
type Coord = (Int,Int)
data GrayscalePixel = GrayscalePixel Int deriving Show
data ColorPixel = ColorPixel Int Int Int deriving Show
data Encoding = ASCII | Binary deriving (Show,Eq)
data ImageType = PPM | PGM deriving (Eq,Show)
data PPMImage = PPMImage (Array Coord ColorPixel) deriving Show
data PGMImage = PGMImage (Array Coord GrayscalePixel)
data Header = Header { imageType :: ImageType
, imageEncoding :: Encoding
, imageCoords :: Coord
, imageBitDepth :: Int }
class Pixel p where
readPixel :: Encoding -> S.ByteString -> Maybe (p,S.ByteString)
encodePixel :: Encoding -> p -> S.ByteString
class Image img where
decode :: S.ByteString -> Maybe img
dimensions :: img -> Coord
encode :: Encoding -> img -> S.ByteString
hLoad :: Handle -> IO (Maybe img)
hLoad h = decode <$> S.hGetContents h
load :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe img)
load fileName = decode <$> S.readFile fileName
dump :: Encoding -> img -> FilePath -> IO ()
dump encoding img fileName = do
let encodedImage = encode encoding img
S.writeFile fileName encodedImage
encodePixels :: (Pixel p) => Encoding -> [p] -> SC.ByteString
encodePixels encoding pixels = SC.concat $ fmap (encodePixel encoding) pixels
encodeHeader :: Header -> S.ByteString
encodeHeader (Header type' encoding (width,height) depth) =
let fields = fmap SC.pack [ magic type' encoding
, show width
, show height
, show depth ]
formattedFields = SC.intercalate (SC.singleton ' ') fields
in formattedFields `SC.append` (SC.singleton '\n')
magic PGM ASCII = "P2"
magic PPM ASCII = "P3"
magic PGM Binary = "P5"
magic PPM Binary = "P6"
nextWord :: S.ByteString -> S.ByteString
nextWord s
| SC.null s = SC.empty
| otherwise = let next = SC.dropWhile isSpace s
in if SC.null next then SC.empty
else if SC.head next == '#'
then nextWord $ SC.dropWhile (/= '\n') next
else next
nextLine :: S.ByteString -> S.ByteString
nextLine = SC.drop 1 . SC.dropWhile (/= '\n')
parseMagic :: S.ByteString -> Maybe ((Encoding,ImageType),S.ByteString)
parseMagic s = do
let (word,remainder) = SC.span (\c -> c /= '#' && not (isSpace c)) s
result <- parseMagic' word
return (result, remainder)
where parseMagic' w
| w == SC.pack "P2" = Just (ASCII,PGM)
| w == SC.pack "P3" = Just (ASCII,PPM)
| w == SC.pack "P5" = Just (Binary,PGM)
| w == SC.pack "P6" = Just (Binary,PPM)
| otherwise = Nothing
parseHeader :: S.ByteString -> Maybe (Header,S.ByteString)
parseHeader rawImage = do
((encoding,imageType),r1) <- parseMagic rawImage
(width,r2) <- SC.readInt $ nextWord r1
(height,r3) <- SC.readInt $ nextWord r2
(bitDepth,r4) <- SC.readInt $ nextWord r3
return ((Header imageType encoding (width,height) bitDepth),r4)
readPixels :: (Pixel p) => Encoding -> S.ByteString -> [p]
readPixels encoding s
| SC.null s = []
| otherwise = let result = readPixel encoding (next' s)
in case result of
Nothing -> []
Just (pixel,r) -> pixel:readPixels encoding r
| encoding == ASCII = nextWord
| encoding == Binary = id
instance Pixel GrayscalePixel where
readPixel ASCII s = do
(num, r) <- SC.readInt s
return ((GrayscalePixel num),r)
readPixel Binary s = do
(x,xs) <- S.uncons s
let pixelBin = fromIntegral x
return $ ((GrayscalePixel pixelBin),xs)
encodePixel ASCII (GrayscalePixel l) = SC.pack $ (show l) ++ " "
encodePixel Binary (GrayscalePixel l) = SC.singleton $ chr l
instance Pixel ColorPixel where
readPixel ASCII s = do
(red, r1) <- SC.readInt s
(green, r2) <- SC.readInt $ nextWord r1
(blue, r3) <- SC.readInt $ nextWord r2
return ((ColorPixel red green blue),r3)
readPixel Binary s = do
(red,r1) <- S.uncons s
(green,r2) <- S.uncons r1
(blue,r3) <- S.uncons r2
return ((ColorPixel (fromIntegral red) (fromIntegral green) (fromIntegral blue)),r3)
encodePixel ASCII (ColorPixel r g b) = SC.concat $ fmap toAscii [r,g,b]
where toAscii l = SC.pack $ (show l) ++ " "
encodePixel Binary (ColorPixel r g b) = SC.pack $ fmap chr [r,g,b]
instance Image PPMImage where
dimensions (PPMImage pixels) = let (width,height) = snd $ bounds pixels
in (width + 1,height + 1)
decode rawImage = do
(header,r) <- parseHeader rawImage
let imgType = imageType header
unless (imgType == PPM) Nothing
let rawPixels = nextLine r
pixels = readPixels (imageEncoding header) rawPixels
(width,height) = imageCoords header
unless ((length pixels) == (width * height)) Nothing
return (PPMImage $ listArray ((0,0),(width - 1,height - 1)) pixels)
encode encoding img@(PPMImage pixels) =
let pixelList = elems pixels
header = Header PPM encoding (dimensions img) 255
in (encodeHeader header) `S.append` (encodePixels encoding pixelList)
instance Image PGMImage where
dimensions (PGMImage pixels) = let (width,height) = snd $ bounds pixels
in (width + 1,height + 1)
decode rawImage = do
(header,r) <- parseHeader rawImage
let imgType = imageType header
unless (imgType == PGM) Nothing
let rawPixels = nextLine r
pixels = readPixels (imageEncoding header) rawPixels
(width,height) = imageCoords header
unless ((length pixels) == (width * height)) Nothing
return (PGMImage $ listArray ((0,0),(width - 1,height - 1)) pixels)
encode encoding img@(PGMImage pixels) =
let pixelList = elems pixels
header = Header PGM encoding (dimensions img) 255
in (encodeHeader header) `S.append` (encodePixels encoding pixelList)
Main.hs (pnmbin2asc):
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as S
import System.Environment
import Data.PNM
convertImage :: (Image a) => Maybe a -> String -> IO ()
convertImage Nothing _ = do putStrLn "Bad Source Image"
convertImage (Just img) dest = dump ASCII img dest
main = do
(source:dest:[]) <- getArgs
content <- S.readFile source
let header = parseHeader content
case header of
Nothing -> putStrLn $ source ++ ": Bad image"
Just (header,_) -> case (imageEncoding header) of
ASCII -> putStrLn $ source ++ ": Already an ASCII image"
Binary -> let image = decode content :: Maybe PPMImage
in convertImage image dest
P.S. I know about Parsec but I have yet to learn how to use it. I wanted to write this library without it for learning purpose