I'm working on a simple program and am trying to make it faster.
import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pp
first_file = open("ac_data.dat", 'r') #real dataset includes about 20000 terms
res_file = open("res.dat", 'w')
times_file = open("times.dat", 'a')
#times = [0.000000, 0.000500, 0.001000, 0.001500, 0.002000, 0.002500, 0.003000, 0.003500, 0.004000, 0.004500, 0.005000, 0.005500, 0.006000, 0.006500, 0.007000, 0.007500, 0.008000, 0.008500, 0.009000, 0.009500]
#magn = [-13.876622, -10.014824, -16.356894, -11.639914, -13.103313, -14.335239, -12.250072, -10.727098, -8.701272, -9.632907, -9.673712, -10.541722, -14.075446, -13.097790, -12.495679, -10.322924, -14.979391, -14.895666, -11.874325, -9.287736]
times = []
magn = []
for i in first_file:
dat = [float(j) for j in i.split()]
length = len(magn) #supposed to be equal 20000 for original data
#autocorrelation function
def rxx_func(amp):
N = len(amp)
rxx = [0]*N
for m in xrange(N):
for n in xrange(N-m):
return rxx
#just prove with in-built
def autocorr(x):
result = np.correlate(x, x, mode='full')
return result[result.size/2:]
#Parallel or ordinary?
answer = int(raw_input('Non-arallel = 0, parallel = 1 '))
if answer == 0:
print 'Non-parallel calc was started'
start = time.time()
rxx = rxx_func(magn)
end = time.time()
calc_time = end - start
time_string = 'Non-parallel: N = %i T = %f\n'%(length,calc_time)
print 'Parallel calc was started'
ppservers = ()
ncp = 4
job_server = pp.Server(ncp, ppservers=ppservers)
print "Starting pp with", job_server.get_ncpus(), "workers"
arg_n = tuple(magn)
job = job_server.submit(rxx_func, (arg_n,), (), ())
start = time.time()
rxx = job()
end = time.time()
calc_time = end - start
time_string = 'Parallel with %i CPUs: N = %i T = %f\n'%(ncp,length,calc_time)
print (" \n Task for %i terms takes %f seconds for calc" %(length, calc_time))
print (" Max value of Autocorrelation func achieves %f" %(max(rxx)))
print (" And it'll be normalized to 50 \n")
#normalization to 50
norm_const = 50/max(rxx)
proves = autocorr(magn)
for k in xrange(length):
rxx[k] = rxx[k]*norm_const
proves[k] = proves[k]*norm_const
plt.plot(times, magn)
plt.plot(times, rxx)
plt.plot(times, proves,'*')
for j in xrange(length): #saving results
st = '%f %f %f\n'%(times[j], rxx[j], proves[j])
times_file.write(time_string) #saving calc times for comparsion
The program reads datasets from files to lists. Typical datasets look like commented #magn and #time. Real datasets will consist of 20000 lines or more.
I've trying use the "parallel Python" package, but it runs even more slower than non-parallel code.
For example, some results:
Non-parallel: N = 20000 T = 74.530000 sec Parallel with 2 CPUs: N = 20000 T = 80.229000 sec Parallel with 4 CPUs: N = 20000 T = 80.594000 sec
And I can't figure out why. Maybe I don't understand how it must be used.