I'm not a dedicated cryptographer, so I'm looking for someone to look over these functions I wrote and let me know if there are any implementation errors leading to security vulnerabilities or just anything I should improve. Any other comments about improving performance, etc. would be great too.
This is used in a PHP-based file server I'm writing, where users can optionally encrypt their files individually through their web browser. These are the filesystem functions that are called in the middle of Ajax request.
I had to separate the decryption into 3 parts because it's used not only for statically decrypting files but also for doing it on the fly during a file download. So it's not always used the same way.
It's designed to be very modular so that ciphers and other settings can be changed readily. I also took a cautious approach to security, using cascading ciphers, a 512-bit salt, 4000-iteration whirlpool-based key derivation and multiple keys and initialization vectors per file, which also saves on memory usage.
public static function EncryptFile($owner, $id, $password) { // This requires PHP 5.5.0 or higher!
global $mysqli, $settings;
if (empty($owner) || empty($id) || !isset($password)) {
return false;
$crypto_settings = unserialize($settings['crypto']);
$secure = false;
openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(1, $secure);
if (!$secure) {
return false;
if (!($file = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($mysqli, 'SELECT * FROM content_files WHERE owner="' . $owner . '" AND id="' . $id . '"')))) {
return false;
if ($file['crypto_binary'] || $file['crypto_settings']) {
return false;
$chunks = ceil($file['size'] / $crypto_settings['chunk_size']);
$keys = array();
$vectors = array();
$keys_string = "";
$vectors_string = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $chunks; $i++) {
$keys[$i] = array();
for ($n = 0; $n < count($crypto_settings['ciphers']); $n++) {
$key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($crypto_settings['key_lengths'][$n] / 8);
$keys[$i][$n] = $key;
$keys_string. = $key;
$vectors[$i] = array();
for ($n = 0; $n < count($crypto_settings['ciphers']); $n++) {
$vector = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($crypto_settings['vector_lengths'][$n] / 8);
$vectors[$i][$n] = $vector;
$vectors_string. = $vector;
$salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($crypto_settings['salt_length'] / 8);
$master_key_length = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($crypto_settings['ciphers']); $i++) {
$master_key_length += ($crypto_settings['key_lengths'][$i] + $crypto_settings['vector_lengths'][$i]) / 8;
$master_key = openssl_pbkdf2($password, $salt, $master_key_length, $crypto_settings['pbkdf2_iterations'], $crypto_settings['pbkdf2_algorithm']);
$master_key_used = 0;
$crypto_binary = "TRUE".$keys_string.$vectors_string;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($crypto_settings['ciphers']); $i++) {
$crypto_binary = openssl_encrypt($crypto_binary, $crypto_settings['ciphers'][$i], substr($master_key, $master_key_used, $crypto_settings['key_lengths'][$i] / 8), OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, substr($master_key, $master_key_used + $crypto_settings['key_lengths'][$i] / 8, $crypto_settings['vector_lengths'][$i] / 8));
$master_key_used += ($crypto_settings['key_lengths'][$i] + $crypto_settings['vector_lengths'][$i]) / 8;
$crypto_binary = $salt.$crypto_binary;
if (!mysqli_query($mysqli, 'UPDATE content_files SET crypto_binary="'.mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $crypto_binary).
'", crypto_settings="'.mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, serialize($crypto_settings)).
'" WHERE id="'.$id.
'" AND owner="'.$owner.
'"')) {
return false;
for ($chunk = 0; $chunk < $chunks; $chunk++) {
$file = fopen("content/$id", 'rb+');
if (!$file) {
return false;
fseek($file, $chunk * $crypto_settings['chunk_size']);
$data = fread($file, $crypto_settings['chunk_size']);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($crypto_settings['ciphers']); $i++) {
$data = openssl_encrypt($data, $crypto_settings['ciphers'][$i], $keys[$chunk][$i], OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $vectors[$chunk][$i]);
fseek($file, $chunk * $crypto_settings['chunk_size']);
fwrite($file, $data);
return true;
public static function DecryptHeader($crypto_settings, $crypto_binary, $filesize, $password) {
$chunks = ceil($filesize / $crypto_settings['chunk_size']);
$salt = substr($crypto_binary, 0, $crypto_settings['salt_length'] / 8);
$header = substr($crypto_binary, $crypto_settings['salt_length'] / 8);
$master_key_length = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($crypto_settings['ciphers']); $i++) {
$master_key_length += ($crypto_settings['key_lengths'][$i] + $crypto_settings['vector_lengths'][$i]) / 8;
$master_key = openssl_pbkdf2($password, $salt, $master_key_length, $crypto_settings['pbkdf2_iterations'], $crypto_settings['pbkdf2_algorithm']);
$master_key_used = 0;
for ($i = count($crypto_settings['ciphers']) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$header = openssl_decrypt($header, $crypto_settings['ciphers'][$i], substr($master_key, -1 * $master_key_used - ($crypto_settings['key_lengths'][$i] + $crypto_settings['vector_lengths'][$i]) / 8, $crypto_settings['key_lengths'][$i] / 8), OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, substr($master_key, -1 * $master_key_used - ($crypto_settings['vector_lengths'][$i] / 8), $crypto_settings['vector_lengths'][$i] / 8));
$master_key_used += ($crypto_settings['key_lengths'][$i] + $crypto_settings['vector_lengths'][$i]) / 8;
if (substr($header, 0, 4) != "TRUE") {
return false;
} else {
$header = substr($header, 4);
$keys = array();
$vectors = array();
$header_position = 0;
for ($c = 0; $c < $chunks; $c++) {
$keys[$c] = array();
for ($n = 0; $n < count($crypto_settings['ciphers']); $n++) {
$keys[$c][$n] = substr($header, $header_position, $crypto_settings['key_lengths'][$n] / 8);
$header_position += $crypto_settings['key_lengths'][$n] / 8;
for ($c = 0; $c < $chunks; $c++) {
$vectors[$c] = array();
for ($n = 0; $n < count($crypto_settings['ciphers']); $n++) {
$vectors[$c][$n] = substr($header, $header_position, $crypto_settings['vector_lengths'][$n] / 8);
$header_position += $crypto_settings['vector_lengths'][$n] / 8;
return array('keys' = > $keys, 'vectors' = > $vectors);
public static function DecryptChunk($file, $crypto_settings, $header, $chunk) {
fseek($file, $chunk * $crypto_settings['chunk_size']);
$data = fread($file, $crypto_settings['chunk_size']);
for ($i = count($crypto_settings['ciphers']) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$data = openssl_decrypt($data, $crypto_settings['ciphers'][$i], $header['keys'][$chunk][$i], OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $header['vectors'][$chunk][$i]);
fseek($file, $chunk * $crypto_settings['chunk_size']);
return $data;
public static function DecryptFile($owner, $id, $password) { // This requires PHP 5.5.0 or higher!
global $mysqli;
if (empty($owner) || empty($id) || !isset($password)) {
return false;
if (!($file = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($mysqli, 'SELECT size, crypto_settings, crypto_binary FROM content_files WHERE owner="'.$owner.
'" AND id="'.$id.
'"')))) {
return false;
if (!$file['crypto_settings'] || !$file['crypto_binary']) {
return false;
$crypto_settings = unserialize($file['crypto_settings']);
$crypto_binary = $file['crypto_binary'];
$header = Filesystem::DecryptHeader($crypto_settings, $crypto_binary, $file['size'], $password);
if (!$header) {
return false;
for ($chunk = 0; $chunk < count($header['keys']); $chunk++) {
$handle = fopen("content/$id", 'rb+');
if (!$handle) {
return false;
$data = Filesystem::DecryptChunk($handle, $crypto_settings, $header, $chunk);
fwrite($handle, $data);
if (!mysqli_query($mysqli, 'UPDATE content_files SET crypto_binary="", crypto_settings="" WHERE id="'.$id.
'" AND owner="'.$owner.
'"')) {
return false;
return true;
Here's what I currently have in the DB as the starting cipher settings:
input must be properly escaped. Can you guarantee this happens outside theEncryptFile()
function? \$\endgroup\$