I am a C# developer, dont know much about vc++ or c++, never used it, for some reasons i have decided to use a c++ dll in my app for downloading content from the web.
I dont want to use WebClient.
I want it to download html content by providing Url of the resource, the dll will return the string response.
this is the code i have till now, source
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock.h>//dont forget to add wsock32.lib to linker dependencies
using namespace std;
#define BUFFERSIZE 1024
void die_with_error(char *errorMessage);
void die_with_wserror(char *errorMessage);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
string request;
string response;
int resp_leng;
char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
struct sockaddr_in serveraddr;
int sock;
WSADATA wsaData;
char *ipaddress = "";
int port = 80;
request+="GET /test.html HTTP/1.0\r\n";
request+="Host: www.zedwood.com\r\n";
//init winsock
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData) != 0)
die_with_wserror("WSAStartup() failed");
//open socket
if ((sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0)
die_with_wserror("socket() failed");
memset(&serveraddr, 0, sizeof(serveraddr));
serveraddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ipaddress);
serveraddr.sin_port = htons((unsigned short) port);
if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr)) < 0)
die_with_wserror("connect() failed");
//send request
if (send(sock, request.c_str(), request.length(), 0) != request.length())
die_with_wserror("send() sent a different number of bytes than expected");
//get response
response = "";
resp_leng= BUFFERSIZE;
while (resp_leng == BUFFERSIZE)
resp_leng= recv(sock, (char*)&buffer, BUFFERSIZE, 0);
if (resp_leng>0)
response+= string(buffer).substr(0,resp_leng);
//note: download lag is not handled in this code
//display response
cout << response << endl;
return 0;
void die_with_error(char *errorMessage)
cerr << errorMessage << endl;
void die_with_wserror(char *errorMessage)
cerr << errorMessage << ": " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
The instructions with the code says, code will end an http download 'early' if the download is anything slower than instant.
Please suggest better code, or modifications, which can be perfect for use in a Fast Crawler.