
I've been doing a lot of searching on PHP, logins, forms, cookies, sessions, etc. And so, I've tried to gather all the info that I got from all over the place. But, I didn't find a place with all the info, and tried to do the best secure login I could do.

This is what I have. If this ends up being good, others can use this. Otherwise, just ignore it. But I'd like to have opinions.

First, every page makes sure you use HTTPS:

if($_SERVER["HTTPS"] != "on")
    header("Location: https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);

Send username and pass using POST over the https should be safe enough?

Using XMLHttpRequest to check password on Check.php:

function validate() {

var un = document.form1.myusername.value;
var pw = document.form1.mypassword.value;

  httpObject = getHTTPObject();

  if (httpObject != null)
    var params = "username="+un+"&password="+pw;

    httpObject.open("POST","Check.php", true);
    httpObject.onreadystatechange = setValid;


On Check.php, upon confirming password (which was saved on server encrypted), I set up cookie and session creating unique IDs and session secrets:

if($u==$username && $p==$password)

        //Setting up session and cookie
        //if cookie stored secret does not meet session secret, session has been hijacked, the same for id
        //session is stored on server while cookie is stored on client

        $sessionTime = time();
        $unique_id = uniqid(sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $username), true); //create a unique ID
        $sessionSecret = sha1($sessionTime . $unique_id);   // Create a unique secret based on time and ID

        $_SESSION[$unique_id]['time']    = $sessionTime;
        $_SESSION[$unique_id]['user']    = $us;
        $_SESSION[$unique_id]['secret']    = $sessionSecret;

        // if user changes cookie Secret, it wont match any secret of any other session stored in server
        setcookie("LoginCookie_s", $sessionSecret);
        setcookie("LoginCookie_i", $unique_id);

        // inform user that login was successfull
        echo $valid;

Back in login: if the return value is 1, I can proceed to main page. On the main page and every other pages I validate cookie and session:

 // Validate session and cookie
//if cookie stored secret does not meet session secret, session has been hijacked, the same for id
//session is stored on server while cookie is stored on client

//is cookie set?
if(!isset($_COOKIE["LoginCookie_s"]) || !isset($_COOKIE["LoginCookie_i"]))
    //this guy did not pass by login!


// was session started on login?
if(!isset( $_SESSION[$_COOKIE["LoginCookie_i"]] ))
    //this guy did not pass by login!

// even if a user forged an id matching another user's id he would need to change cookie secret
// if user changes cookie id or secret, it wont match the session secret of that other user id
if( $_COOKIE["LoginCookie_s"] != $_SESSION[$_COOKIE["LoginCookie_i"]]['secret'] )
    //cookie and\or session has been hijacked

//all is fine, proceed loading the rest of the page...

Am I missing something?

  • \$\begingroup\$ You might want to read this article: phpsec.org/projects/guide/4.html and place a session_destroy / session_regenerate_id in your Check.php code. \$\endgroup\$
    – user29448
    Commented Sep 8, 2013 at 19:19
  • \$\begingroup\$ Why are you reinventing the wheel? Use OpenId. \$\endgroup\$
    – jmoreno
    Commented Sep 8, 2013 at 19:36
  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ By encrypted password you mean hashed, right? And by hashed, you would mean either scrypt or bcrypt right? :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Jack
    Commented Sep 10, 2013 at 8:34

1 Answer 1


Some comments:

if($_SERVER["HTTPS"] != "on")

See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2886224/59087

Avoid calling exit() from more than one location.

The following code is repeated many times:

//this guy did not pass by login!

You could write some functions to avoid the duplication:

function redirectLogin() {
  redirect( "Login.php" );

function redirect( $page ) {
  header( "Location: $page" );

This removes the duplication and ensures that you have only one place in the code to change if you wanted to rename Login.php, for example, to login.php, which is a bit more user-friendly (on Unix systems).


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