This is my implementation based on Map<K,V>
interface. The BST is a linked binary tree with root reference, both internal and external nodes (MyBSNode
) contains (key, value) entries
What do you think? There's something to improve?
public BSPosition<E> insert(int k, E e) {
/* Sets root */
BSPosition<E> r = new MyBSNode<E>(null);
r.setElement(k, e);
return r;
BSPosition<E> n = treeInsert(k, root); //k-key node or last node visited
if(k == n.getKey()){ //tree has already a k-key node
n.setElement(k, e); //only modifies e
return n;
/* n is a external (last visited) node with different key */
if(k < n.getKey())
return n.setLeftChild(k, e);
return n.setRightChild(k, e);
private BSPosition<E> treeInsert(int k, BSPosition<E> v){
if(isLeaf(v)) return v;
if(k < v.getKey()){
if(v.getLeftChild() == null) return v;
return treeInsert(k, v.getLeftChild());
else if(k == v.getKey()) return v;
if(v.getRightChild() == null) return v;
return treeInsert(k, v.getRightChild());