A turned around, starting from units digit, reimplementation of Figure/number to text converter javascript implementation (second thought) started by Figure/number to text converter javascript implementation. It consists of a chain of responsibilities chaining (1) a function trimming characters to be translated with (2) a function to convert trimmed characters to words with (3) a function to translate the remaining characters with (4) a function getting the text to be converted and pass it to the chain to be converted...
var formatter = (mapper) => {
return (outputer) => {
return (next) => {
return (text) => {
var input = "" + text;
var mapped = mapper(input);
var prefix = input.substring(0, input.length - mapped.length);
return prefix.length == 0 ? outputer(mapped)
: next(prefix).concat( outputer(mapped) );
...and an abstract factory with fluent interface design patterns implementation for the chain of responsibilities’ strategies...
var infer = { formatter: { of: (quantifier) => {
return { or: (next) => {
return formatter( text => text.length < 3 ? text : text.substring(text.length - 3) )(text => {
return (text.length < 3 ? outgoing.units(text)
: outgoing.hundreds(text.charAt(text.length - 3))
.concat(outgoing.units(text.substring(text.length - 2))))
} };
} } };
...with two digit-to-word converters, one for units/tens and one for hundreds, looking up words into arrays at the index represented by the number to convert...
var outgoing = (function() {
var tens = [""
, ""
, "twenty"
, "thirty"
, "forty"
, "fifty"
, "sixty"
, "seventy"
, "eighty"
, "ninety"
var symbol = [""
, "one"
, "two"
, "three"
, "four"
, "five"
, "six"
, "seven"
, "eight"
, "nine"
, "ten"
, "eleven"
, "twelve"
, "thirteen"
, "fourteen"
, "fifteen"
, "sixteen"
, "seventeen"
, "eighteen"
, "nineteen"
var units = (text) => {
return text.length == 2
&& text.charAt(0) > 1 ? ( text.charAt(1) == 0 ? [ tens[text.charAt(0)] ]
: [ tens[text.charAt(0)]
, symbol[text.charAt(1)] ]
: [ symbol[1 * text] ];
var hundreds = (text) => {
return text == 0 ? [] : [ symbol[1 * text], is.plural(text).of("hundred") ];
return { units: units
, hundreds: hundreds
...called from a corresponding strategy implementation for each order of magnitude...
var unitary = formatter( text => text.length < 3 ? text : text.substring(text.length - 2) );
var millions = infer.formatter.of("billion").or(text=>[]);
var millions = infer.formatter.of("million").or(text=>[]);
var thousands = infer.formatter.of("thousand").or(millions);
var hundred = formatter( text => text.substring(text.length - 1) )(outgoing.hundreds)(thousands);
var units = unitary(outgoing.units)(hundred);
...to return an array of words representing the literary form of the passed figure/number to convert that in a simple setup could be displayed by joining the returned array...
var literate = { numerical: (text) => units(text).join(" ") };
...while in a setup supporting internationalisation the output function could be looking up language specific literary mapped to the elements of the array returned by the converter...
<title>Literate numerical...</title>
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var literate = (function() {
var is = { plural: (quantified) => {
return { of: (substantive) => {
return (quantified == 1) ? substantive : substantive + "s";
}}; }};
var formatter = (mapper) => {
return (outputer) => {
return (next) => {
return (text) => {
var input = "" + text;
var mapped = mapper(input);
var prefix = input.substring(0, input.length - mapped.length);
return prefix.length == 0 ? outputer(mapped) : next(prefix).concat( outputer( mapped ) );
var unitary = formatter( text => text.length < 3 ? text : text.substring(text.length - 2) );
var outgoing = (function() {
var tens = [""
, ""
, "twenty"
, "thirty"
, "forty"
, "fifty"
, "sixty"
, "seventy"
, "eighty"
, "ninety"
var symbol = [""
, "one"
, "two"
, "three"
, "four"
, "five"
, "six"
, "seven"
, "eight"
, "nine"
, "ten"
, "eleven"
, "twelve"
, "thirteen"
, "fourteen"
, "fifteen"
, "sixteen"
, "seventeen"
, "eighteen"
, "nineteen"
var units = (text) => {
return text.length == 2 && text.charAt(0) > 1 ? ( text.charAt(1) == 0 ? [ tens[text.charAt(0)] ]
: [ tens[text.charAt(0)]
, symbol[text.charAt(1)]
: [ symbol[1 * text] ];
var hundreds = (text) => {
return text == 0 ? [] : [ symbol[1 * text], is.plural(text).of("hundred") ];
return { units: units
, hundreds: hundreds
var infer = { formatter: { of: (quantifier) => {
return { or: (next) => {
return formatter( text => text.length < 3 ? text : text.substring(text.length - 3) )(text => {
return (text.length < 3 ? outgoing.units(text) : outgoing.hundreds(text.charAt(text.length - 3))
.concat(outgoing.units(text.substring(text.length - 2))))
} };
} } };
var millions = infer.formatter.of("billion").or(text=>[]);
var millions = infer.formatter.of("million").or(text=>[]);
var thousands = infer.formatter.of("thousand").or(millions);
var hundred = formatter( text => text.substring(text.length - 1) )(outgoing.hundreds)(thousands);
var units = unitary(outgoing.units)(hundred);
return { output: { on: (display) => {
var transcribe = (keys) => {
return (text) => {
var literated = units(text).map(word => keys[word]).join(" ");
}; };
var overflow = (keys) => {
return (text) => {
var literated = ["figures", "multiplied", "by"].concat(units(text))
.map(word => keys[word])
.join(" ");
} };
var max = 10;
return { numerical: (text) => {
return { to: { english: () => {
var en = { one: "one"
, two: "two"
, three: "three"
, four: "four"
, five: "five"
, six: "six"
, seven: "seven"
, eight: "eight"
, nine: "nine"
, ten: "ten"
, twenty: "twenty"
, thirty: "thirty"
, forty: "forty"
, fifty: "fifty"
, sixty: "sixty"
, seventy: "seventy"
, eighty: "eighty"
, ninety: "ninety"
, eleven: "eleven"
, twelve: "twelve"
, thirteen: "thirteen"
, fourteen: "fourteen"
, fifteen: "fifteen"
, sixteen: "sixteen"
, seventeen: "seventeen"
, eighteen: "eighteen"
, nineteen: "nineteen"
, hundred: "hundred"
, hundreds: "hundreds"
, thousand: "thousand"
, thousands: "thousands"
, million: "million"
, millions: "millions"
, figures: "string of figures"
, multiplied: "multiplied"
, by: "by"
if (text.length > max) {
var tail = text.substring(text.length - max);
var literated = tail.charAt(0) == 0 ? "1" + tail.substring(1)
: tail;
} else {
} } }; } }; } } }; })().output.on(board.on(".board"));
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