I'm currently rewriting a legacy program for Data Processing. So in general i have an Input Source (could be for example the Filesystem or Data that comes in via HTTP) then the Data should be further processed (for example wrapped into a json, adding some metadata to it) and in the end the data could be for example stored on the Disk or Send to other systems.
I started to think about some kind of Pipe and Filters Mechanism and started to develop a kind of Pipeline Architecture with commands that could be sticked together and then be executed.
For archiving a loose coupling of the Components of my application i used the Poco::NotificationQueue
to communicate between the Input Source and the Command Pipeline.
My Code looks like this:
Core Library
In the Core Library i define the Message
Class and a Wrapper around the Poco::NotificationQueue
#pragma once
#include <Poco/Notification.h>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <optional>
#include "export.hpp"
namespace core {
class CORE_EXPORT Message : public Poco::Notification {
using Metadata = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>;
explicit Message(const std::string& id);
Message(const std::string& id, const std::string& content);
std::string content() const {
return content_;
std::string id() const {
return id_;
void content(const std::string& content) {
content_ = content;
void id(const std::string& id) {
id_ = id;
size_t metadataSize() const {
return metadata_.size();
std::optional<std::string> getMetadata(const std::string& key);
Metadata getAllMetadata() const {
return metadata_;
void addMetadata(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
friend CORE_EXPORT bool operator==(const Message& l_message, const Message& r_message);
friend CORE_EXPORT bool operator!=(const Message& l_message, const Message& r_message);
std::string id_;
std::string content_;
Metadata metadata_;
using MessagePtr = std::unique_ptr<Message>;
using MessageRawPtr = Message*;
} // namespace Core
# Message.cpp
#include "Core/Message.hpp"
namespace core {
Message::Message(const std::string& id) : Message(id, {}) {
Message::Message(const std::string& id, const std::string& content) : id_(id), content_(content) {}
Message::~Message() = default;
std::optional<std::string> Message::getMetadata(const std::string& key) {
auto tmp = metadata_.find(key);
return tmp == metadata_.end() ? std::nullopt : std::optional<std::string>{ tmp->second };
void Message::addMetadata(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
metadata_.emplace(key, value);
bool operator==(const Message& l_message, const Message& r_message) {
return l_message.id_ == r_message.id_;
bool operator!=(const Message& l_message, const Message& r_message) {
return !(l_message == r_message);
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "export.hpp"
namespace core {
class Message;
class CORE_EXPORT MessageQueue {
virtual void enqueue(std::unique_ptr<Message> message) = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<Message> dequeue() = 0;
virtual int size() const = 0;
virtual void close() = 0;
using MessageQueuePtr = std::unique_ptr<MessageQueue>;
using MessageQueueRawPtr = MessageQueue*;
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "export.hpp"
#include "MessageQueue.hpp"
namespace core {
class Message;
class CORE_EXPORT MessageQueueImpl : public MessageQueue {
class MessageQueuePimpl;
virtual ~MessageQueueImpl();
void enqueue(std::unique_ptr<Message> message) override;
std::unique_ptr<Message> dequeue() override;
int size() const override;
void close() override;
std::unique_ptr<MessageQueuePimpl> pimpl_;
#include "Core/MessageQueueImpl.hpp"
#include <Poco/NotificationQueue.h>
#include <Core/Message.hpp>
namespace core {
class MessageQueueImpl::MessageQueuePimpl {
void enqueue(std::unique_ptr<Message> message);
std::unique_ptr<Message> dequeue();
int size() const;
void close();
Poco::NotificationQueue queue_;
void MessageQueueImpl::MessageQueuePimpl::enqueue(std::unique_ptr<Message> message) {
auto raw_message = message.release();
std::unique_ptr<Message> MessageQueueImpl::MessageQueuePimpl::dequeue() {
auto notification = queue_.waitDequeueNotification();
return std::unique_ptr<Message>(dynamic_cast<Message*>(notification));
int MessageQueueImpl::MessageQueuePimpl::size() const {
return queue_.size();
void MessageQueueImpl::MessageQueuePimpl::close() {
MessageQueueImpl::MessageQueueImpl() : pimpl_(std::make_unique<MessageQueuePimpl>()) {
MessageQueueImpl::~MessageQueueImpl() = default;
void MessageQueueImpl::enqueue(std::unique_ptr<Message> message) {
std::unique_ptr<Message> MessageQueueImpl::dequeue() {
return pimpl_->dequeue();
int MessageQueueImpl::size() const {
return pimpl_->size();
void MessageQueueImpl::close() {
Commands Library
The Commands Library provides the Interface for the Commands and also a CommandFactory
to register/deregister Commands. The idea is to register a set of predefined Commands during the Start of the Program and later also be able to register commands that where added to the program as a kind of plugins. For that i used the Prototype Pattern in the Commands
I took parts of this from the Book Practical C++ Design: From Programming to Architecture from Adam Singer which i find is a great book.
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "export.hpp"
namespace core {
class Message;
namespace commands {
using commandsConfig = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>;
class COMMANDS_EXPORT Command {
static std::string version();
explicit Command(const std::string& name = "");
virtual ~Command();
std::unique_ptr<core::Message> execute(std::unique_ptr<core::Message> message);
Command* clone(commandsConfig config);
std::string name() const;
size_t messageCount() const;
double totalDuration() const;
void incMessageCount();
virtual std::unique_ptr<core::Message> executeImpl(std::unique_ptr<core::Message> message) = 0;
virtual void checkPreconditionsImpl(core::Message* message) = 0;
virtual Command* cloneImpl() = 0;
virtual void configureImpl(commandsConfig config) = 0;
std::string name_{};
size_t message_count_{ 0 };
std::chrono::duration<double> total_duration_{};
using CommandPtr = std::unique_ptr<Command>;
using CommandRawPtr = Command*;
template<typename T, typename... Args>
auto MakeCommandPtr(Args&&... args) {
return CommandPtr{ new T{std::forward<Args>(args)...} };
inline auto MakeCommandPtr(Command* p) {
return CommandPtr{ p };
// Command.cpp
#include <Commands/Command.hpp>
#include <Commands/VersionInfo_Commands.h>
#include <Core/Message.hpp>
namespace commands {
std::string Command::version() {
return std::string{PRODUCT_VERSION_FULL_STR};
Command::Command(const std::string& name) : name_(name) {
Command::~Command() = default;
core::MessagePtr Command::execute(core::MessagePtr message) {
auto command_execution_duration_begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto result = executeImpl(std::move(message));
total_duration_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - command_execution_duration_begin;
return result;
Command* Command::clone(commandsConfig config) {
std::unique_ptr<Command> new_cmd(cloneImpl());
return new_cmd.release();
std::string Command::name() const {
return name_;
size_t Command::messageCount() const {
return message_count_;
double Command::totalDuration() const {
return total_duration_.count();
void Command::incMessageCount() {
#pragma once
#include "Command.hpp"
#include "export.hpp"
#include <set>
namespace commands {
class COMMANDS_EXPORT CommandFactory {
static CommandFactory& Instance();
void registerCommand(const std::string& name, CommandPtr command);
CommandPtr deregisterCommand(const std::string& name);
CommandPtr allocateCommand(const std::string& name, commandsConfig config) const;
size_t getNumberOfCommands() const;
std::set<std::string> getAllCommandNames() const;
bool hasKey(const std::string& name) const;
void clearAllCommands();
CommandFactory() = default;
~CommandFactory() = default;
CommandFactory(CommandFactory&) = delete;
CommandFactory(CommandFactory&&) = delete;
CommandFactory& operator=(CommandFactory&) = delete;
CommandFactory& operator=(CommandFactory&&) = delete;
using Factory = std::unordered_map<std::string, commands::CommandPtr>;
Factory factory_;
// CommandFactory.cpp
#include "Commands/CommandFactory.hpp"
#include <sstream>
namespace commands {
CommandFactory& CommandFactory::Instance() {
static CommandFactory instance;
return instance;
void CommandFactory::registerCommand(const std::string& name, CommandPtr command) {
if(hasKey(name)) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Command " << name << " already registered";
throw std::runtime_error{oss.str()};
factory_.emplace(name, std::move(command));
CommandPtr CommandFactory::deregisterCommand(const std::string& name) {
if(hasKey(name)) {
auto it = factory_.find(name);
auto tmp = MakeCommandPtr(it->second.release());
return tmp;
return MakeCommandPtr(nullptr);
CommandPtr CommandFactory::allocateCommand(const std::string& name, commandsConfig config) const {
if (hasKey(name)) {
const auto& command = factory_.find(name)->second;
return MakeCommandPtr(command->clone(config));
return MakeCommandPtr(nullptr);
size_t CommandFactory::getNumberOfCommands() const {
return factory_.size();
std::set<std::string> CommandFactory::getAllCommandNames() const {
std::set<std::string> tmp;
for(auto& pair : factory_) {
return tmp;
bool CommandFactory::hasKey(const std::string& name) const {
return factory_.find(name) != factory_.end();
void CommandFactory::clearAllCommands() {
Concrete Commands
The Concrete Commands are developed in seperate Libraries. Here is an example of a Concrete Command:
#pragma once
#include "export.hpp"
#include <Commands/Command.hpp>
namespace commands {
class WRAPCOMMAND_EXPORT WrapCommand : public Command {
using TransformAction = void(WrapCommand::*)(core::Message*);
using TransformActions = std::unordered_map<std::string, TransformAction>;
static std::string version();
// Config keys
// specifies the format type of the wrapped message
// e.g. 'json' or 'xml'
inline static const std::string CFG_CMD_WRAP_TYPE{"type"};
// specifies the node name of the message content
// e.g. 'content' or 'data'
inline static const std::string CFG_CMD_WRAP_ELEMENT{"element"};
// specifies if metadata is added to the wrapped message
// 'true' = metadata is added
// 'false' = metadata is not added
inline static const std::string CFG_CMD_WRAP_METADATA{"metadata"};
explicit WrapCommand(const std::string& name = "WrapCommand");
WrapCommand(WrapCommand&&) = delete;
WrapCommand(const WrapCommand&) = default;
WrapCommand& operator=(const WrapCommand&) = delete;
WrapCommand& operator=(WrapCommand&&) = delete;
void checkPreconditionsImpl(core::Message* message) override;
WrapCommand* cloneImpl() override;
void configureImpl(commandsConfig config) override;
std::unique_ptr<core::Message> executeImpl(std::unique_ptr<core::Message> message) override;
void wrapInJson(core::Message*);
void checkConfigHasKey(const std::string& key);
void validateConfig();
commandsConfig config_{};
TransformActions actions_{
{"json", &WrapCommand::wrapInJson}
bool add_metadata_{ false };
} // namespace commands
// Wrapcommand.cpp
#include "WrapCommand/WrapCommand.hpp"
#include "WrapCommand/VersionInfo_WrapCommand.h"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <Core/Message.hpp>
using json = nlohmann::ordered_json;
namespace commands {
std::string WrapCommand::version() {
return std::string{ PRODUCT_VERSION_FULL_STR };
WrapCommand::WrapCommand(const std::string& name) : Command(name) {
void WrapCommand::checkPreconditionsImpl(core::MessageRawPtr message) {
WrapCommand* WrapCommand::cloneImpl() {
return new WrapCommand{ *this };
void WrapCommand::configureImpl(commandsConfig config) {
config_ = config;
core::MessagePtr WrapCommand::executeImpl(core::MessagePtr message) {
return message;
void WrapCommand::wrapInJson(core::MessageRawPtr message) {
json new_content;
if (add_metadata_) {
for (auto& [key, value] : message->getAllMetadata()) {
new_content[key] = value;
std::string content = message->content();
new_content[config_[CFG_CMD_WRAP_ELEMENT]] = content;
void WrapCommand::checkConfigHasKey(const std::string& key) {
if (config_.find(key) == config_.end()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Argument '" + key + "' is missing");
void WrapCommand::validateConfig() {
if (actions_.find(config_[CFG_CMD_WRAP_TYPE]) == actions_.end()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Parameter '" + CFG_CMD_WRAP_TYPE + "' = " + config_[CFG_CMD_WRAP_TYPE] + " is not supported");
if (config_[CFG_CMD_WRAP_METADATA] == "true") {
add_metadata_ = true;
} else if (config_[CFG_CMD_WRAP_METADATA] == "false") {
add_metadata_ = false;
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("Parameter '" + CFG_CMD_WRAP_METADATA + "' = " + config_[CFG_CMD_WRAP_METADATA] + " is invalid. Value must be 'true' or 'false'");
} // namespace commands
Pipeline Library
The Pipeline itself should have a list of commands that it needs to execute for every message that was added to the Queue. For each message it executes all the commands.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "export.hpp"
#include "Commands/Command.hpp"
#include "Core/MessageQueue.hpp"
namespace pipeline {
std::string PIPELINE_EXPORT version();
class PIPELINE_EXPORT Pipeline {
class PipelineImpl;
Pipeline(const std::string& name, std::vector<commands::CommandPtr> commands, commands::CommandPtr error_command);
virtual ~Pipeline();
void queue(core::MessageQueuePtr queue);
void start();
void stop();
[[nodiscard]] std::string name() const;
[[nodiscard]] size_t workerSize() const;
[[nodiscard]] size_t availableWorkers() const;
[[nodiscard]] size_t usedWorkers() const;
std::unique_ptr<PipelineImpl> pimpl_;
#include <Pipeline/Pipeline.hpp>
#include <Poco/ThreadPool.h>
#include <Poco/RunnableAdapter.h>
#include <FilesystemInput/FilesystemInput.hpp>
#include <Commands/Command.hpp>
#include <PipelineWorker.hpp>
#include <Core/Message.hpp>
#include "Core/MessageQueueImpl.hpp"
#include "Pipeline/VersionInfo_Pipeline.h"
namespace pipeline {
std::string version() {
return std::string{ PRODUCT_VERSION_FULL_STR };
class Pipeline::PipelineImpl {
PipelineImpl(const std::string& name, std::vector<commands::CommandPtr> commands, commands::CommandPtr error_command);
void start();
void stop();
void queue(core::MessageQueuePtr queue);
std::string name() const;
size_t workerSize() const;
size_t availableWorkers() const;
size_t usedWorkers() const;
void internalCallback(const std::string& id, const std::string& content);
std::vector<commands::CommandRawPtr> commandsRawPtr() const;
std::string name_;
std::unique_ptr<filesysteminput::FilesystemInput> fsi_;
core::MessageQueuePtr queue_ = std::make_unique<core::MessageQueueImpl>();
std::vector<commands::CommandPtr> commands_;
commands::CommandPtr error_command_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PipelineWorker>> workers_{};
std::vector<Poco::RunnableAdapter<PipelineWorker>> worker_adapters_{};
Poco::ThreadPool worker_pool_{ 2, 16 };
Pipeline::PipelineImpl::PipelineImpl(const std::string& name, std::vector<commands::CommandPtr> commands, commands::CommandPtr error_command) :
fsi_(std::make_unique<filesysteminput::FilesystemInput>([this](const std::string& id, const std::string& content) {this->internalCallback(id, content); })),
error_command_(std::move(error_command)) {
void Pipeline::PipelineImpl::start() {
for (int i = 0; i < worker_pool_.capacity(); ++i) {
std::string name{ "PipelineWorker_" + std::to_string(i) };
workers_.emplace_back(std::make_unique<PipelineWorker>(name, queue_.get(), commandsRawPtr(), error_command_.get()));
worker_adapters_.emplace_back( *workers_[i], &PipelineWorker::run );
for (auto& worker : worker_adapters_) {
void Pipeline::PipelineImpl::stop() {
void Pipeline::PipelineImpl::queue(core::MessageQueuePtr queue) {
queue_ = std::move(queue);
std::string Pipeline::PipelineImpl::name() const {
return name_;
size_t Pipeline::PipelineImpl::workerSize() const {
return worker_pool_.capacity();
size_t Pipeline::PipelineImpl::availableWorkers() const {
return worker_pool_.available();
size_t Pipeline::PipelineImpl::usedWorkers() const {
return worker_pool_.used();
void Pipeline::PipelineImpl::internalCallback(const std::string& id, const std::string& content) {
queue_->enqueue(std::make_unique<core::Message>(id, content));
std::vector<commands::CommandRawPtr> Pipeline::PipelineImpl::commandsRawPtr() const {
std::vector<commands::CommandRawPtr> commands;
for (const auto& command : commands_) {
return commands;
Pipeline::Pipeline(const std::string& name, std::vector<commands::CommandPtr> commands, commands::CommandPtr error_command) :
pimpl_(std::make_unique<PipelineImpl>(name, std::move(commands), std::move(error_command))) {
Pipeline::~Pipeline() = default;
void Pipeline::queue(core::MessageQueuePtr queue) {
void Pipeline::start() {
void Pipeline::stop() {
std::string Pipeline::name() const {
return pimpl_->name();
size_t Pipeline::workerSize() const {
return pimpl_->workerSize();
size_t Pipeline::availableWorkers() const {
return pimpl_->availableWorkers();
size_t Pipeline::usedWorkers() const {
return pimpl_->usedWorkers();
The Pipeline uses a PipelineWorker
which runs as a seperate Thread.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <Core/Message.hpp>
#include <Core/MessageQueue.hpp>
#include <Commands/Command.hpp>
namespace pipeline {
class PipelineWorker {
class PipelineWorkerImpl;
PipelineWorker(const std::string& name, core::MessageQueueRawPtr queue, const std::vector<commands::CommandRawPtr>& commands, commands::CommandRawPtr error_command);
virtual ~PipelineWorker();
void run();
std::string name() const;
double pipelineProcessDuration() const;
std::unique_ptr<PipelineWorkerImpl> pimpl_;
// PipelineWorker.cpp
#include <PipelineWorker.hpp>
namespace pipeline {
class PipelineWorker::PipelineWorkerImpl {
PipelineWorkerImpl(const std::string& name, core::MessageQueueRawPtr queue, const std::vector<commands::CommandRawPtr>& commands, commands::CommandRawPtr error_command);
void run();
std::string name() const;
double pipelineProcessDuration() const;
std::string name_;
core::MessageQueueRawPtr queue_;
std::vector<commands::CommandRawPtr> commands_;
commands::CommandRawPtr error_command_;
std::chrono::duration<double> pipeline_process_duration_{};
std::string PipelineWorker::PipelineWorkerImpl::name() const {
return name_;
double PipelineWorker::PipelineWorkerImpl::pipelineProcessDuration() const {
return pipeline_process_duration_.count();
PipelineWorker::PipelineWorkerImpl::PipelineWorkerImpl(const std::string& name, core::MessageQueueRawPtr queue, const std::vector<commands::CommandRawPtr>& commands, commands::CommandRawPtr error_command) :
error_command_(error_command) {
void PipelineWorker::PipelineWorkerImpl::run() {
while (auto message = queue_->dequeue()) {
auto pipeline_process_duration_begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (auto command : commands_) {
try {
message = command->execute(std::move(message));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
error_command_->execute(std::make_unique<core::Message>(e.what(), std::string{ "Worker: " + name() + "\nCommand: " + command->name() }));
pipeline_process_duration_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - pipeline_process_duration_begin;
PipelineWorker::PipelineWorker(const std::string& name, core::MessageQueueRawPtr queue, const std::vector<commands::CommandRawPtr>& commands, commands::CommandRawPtr error_command) :
pimpl_( std::make_unique<PipelineWorkerImpl>(name, queue, commands, error_command) ) {
PipelineWorker::~PipelineWorker() = default;
void PipelineWorker::run() {
std::string PipelineWorker::name() const {
return pimpl_->name();
double PipelineWorker::pipelineProcessDuration() const {
return pimpl_->pipelineProcessDuration();
In the Main class all the components needs to be sticked together for example:
#include <FilesystemInput/FilesystemInput.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <Commands/Command.hpp>
#include <Commands/CommandFactory.hpp>
#include <AddMetadataCommand/AddMetadataCommand.hpp>
#include <WrapCommand/WrapCommand.hpp>
#include <ErrorCommand/ErrorCommand.hpp>
#include <Pipeline/Pipeline.hpp>
#include <Core/Message.hpp>
class TestCommand : public commands::Command {
void checkPreconditionsImpl(core::Message* msg) override {
std::cout << "Check Precondition...\n";
std::cout << "...done\n";
Command* cloneImpl() override {
return new TestCommand{ *this };
void configureImpl(commands::commandsConfig config) override {
std::cout << "Configure\n";
std::unique_ptr<core::Message> executeImpl(std::unique_ptr<core::Message> msg) override {
std::cout << "Message received write through\n";
std::cout << "Message ID: " << msg->id() << '\n';
std::cout << "Message Content: " << msg->content() << '\n';
return msg;
int main() {
auto& cmd_factory = commands::CommandFactory::Instance();
cmd_factory.registerCommand("AddMetadataCommand", commands::MakeCommandPtr<commands::AddMetadataCommand>());
cmd_factory.registerCommand("WrapCommand", commands::MakeCommandPtr<commands::WrapCommand>());
cmd_factory.registerCommand("TestCommand", commands::MakeCommandPtr<TestCommand>());
cmd_factory.registerCommand("ErrorCommand", commands::MakeCommandPtr<commands::ErrorCommand>());
commands::commandsConfig addmetadata_config{ {"key_1", "value_1"}, { "key_2", "value_2" } };
commands::commandsConfig wrap_config{
{commands::WrapCommand::CFG_CMD_WRAP_TYPE, "json"},
{ commands::WrapCommand::CFG_CMD_WRAP_ELEMENT, "content" },
{ commands::WrapCommand::CFG_CMD_WRAP_METADATA, "true" }
std::vector<commands::CommandPtr> pipe_commands{};
pipe_commands.push_back(cmd_factory.allocateCommand("AddMetadataCommand", addmetadata_config));
pipe_commands.push_back(cmd_factory.allocateCommand("WrapCommand", wrap_config));
pipe_commands.push_back(cmd_factory.allocateCommand("TestCommand", {}));
auto pipeline = std::make_unique<pipeline::Pipeline>("Pipeline 1", std::move(pipe_commands), std::move(cmd_factory.allocateCommand("ErrorCommand", {})));
std::cout << "Start Pipeline...\n";
std::cout << "Wait 2 Minutes...\n";
std::cout << "Stop Pipeline...\n";
Later the plan is to provide a ConfigurationLoader
Class to create the Pipeline from a configuration file.
I'm open for any suggestions, improvements or changes. I also uploaded the Example with the other commands to Github: DataProcessor