I was playing around with leetcode's Number of Islands. As per the challenge's description:
Given an m x n 2D binary grid grid which represents a map of '1's (land) and '0's (water), return the number of islands.
An island is surrounded by water and is formed by connecting adjacent lands horizontally or vertically. You may assume all four edges of the grid are all surrounded by water.
Example 1:
Input: grid = [
Output: 1Example 2:
Input: grid = [
Output: 3Constraints:
m == grid.length n == grid[i].length 1 <= m, n <= 300 grid[i][j] is '0' or '1'.
I went for a BFS solution, using a queue. It yielded in 8ms (beats 10.81%)
on leetcode. I then tried another BFS approach using recursion this time, and it yielded in 2ms (beats 85.39%)
this time.
Q: Why is the recursive method faster than the one using the queue?
Here are both BFS using queue / BFS using recursion code (java):
BFS (Queue)
// Directions: Down, right, Up, left - ie incrementing either row index or col index
private static final int[][] directions = {
{1, 0}, // Down 1 row
{0, 1}, // Right 1 col
{-1, 0}, // Up 1 row
{0, -1} // left 1 col
public static int numIslands(char[][] grid) {
Queue<int[]> queue = new LinkedList<>();
int nbOfIslands = 0;
//loop matrix
for (int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < grid[0].length; j++) {
if (grid[i][j] == '1') {
// Concept: Each BFS is one island, so on first encounter of a '1'
// You know you have one new island so you increment total number
// of islands, then go to BFS to mark all remaining '1's in this island as visited.
//BFS using queue
//Mark current cell as visited
grid[i][j] = '2';// you can mark it as '0' or anything you want; except '1'
queue.add(new int[]{i, j});// add [row,col]
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
int[] rcPair = queue.remove();//dequeue and get first [row,col] pair
// go up, down, left , right to mark as visited where it is '1'
for (int[] direction : directions) {
int new_row = rcPair[0] + direction[0];
int new_col = rcPair[1] + direction[1];
if (new_row >= 0 && new_row < grid.length
&& new_col >= 0 && new_col < grid[0].length
&& grid[new_row][new_col] == '1') {
queue.add(new int[]{new_row, new_col});
grid[new_row][new_col] = '2';
}//end while
return nbOfIslands;
BFS (Recursion)
// Directions: Down, right, Up, left - ie incrementing either row index or col index
private static final int[][] directions = {
{1, 0}, // Down 1 row
{0, 1}, // Right 1 col
{-1, 0}, // Up 1 row
{0, -1} // left 1 col
public static int numIslands(char[][] grid) {
int nbOfIslands = 0;
//loop matrix
for (int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < grid[0].length; j++) {
if (grid[i][j] == '1') {
// Concept: Each BFS is one island, so on first encounter of a '1'
// You know you have one new island so you increment total number
// of islands, then go to BFS to mark all remaining '1's in this island as visited.
//BFS Using recursion
bfs(grid, i, j);//grid,row,col
return nbOfIslands;
// Method copied from another user on leetcode, to test difference.
public static void bfs(char[][] grid, int row, int col) {
// Mark the current cell so it won't be revisited.
grid[row][col] = '2';
// Recursively visit all adjacent cells that are part of the island ('1').
if (row > 0 && grid[row - 1][col] == '1')
bfs(grid, row - 1, col);
if (row + 1 < grid.length && grid[row + 1][col] == '1')
bfs(grid, row + 1, col);
if (col > 0 && grid[row][col - 1] == '1')
bfs(grid, row, col - 1);
if (col + 1 < grid[0].length && grid[row][col + 1] == '1')
bfs(grid, row, col + 1);