
In short, this bootloader code loads sectors from the disk into memory, sets the video mode and prints a message on the screen. After that, it goes into an infinite loop, keeping the system running.

[ORG 0x7C00]
    mov ah, 0x02
    mov al, 0x01
    mov ch, 0x00
    mov cl, 0x02
    mov dh, 0x01
    mov es, [EXTENSION]
    mov bx, 0x00
    int 13h
    jmp PRINT
MSG: db  'Welcome to my OS',0xa,13,10,0x00

times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55
db 0xAA

mov ah, 0x00; Contains the type of function
        mov al, 0x13
        int 0x10
    mov al, 0x01 ; The pixel color
        mov bh, 0x00 ; The page number 
        mov cx, 0x00 ; X Position
        mov dx, 0x00 ; Y Position

    mov ah, 0x0C
        int 0x10 ; Video function
        je RESETCOLLOR
        inc cx ; Advance to the right pixel
        cmp cx, 0x0140 ; Checks if it is 320
        jne LOOP ;  Continued if not 320
        mov cx, 0x00 ; Returns to position 0 of the X axis
        inc dx ;  Advance to the next line
        cmp dx, 0xC8 ; Checks if it reached the last line 
        jne LOOP 
        mov dx, 0x00  ; Back to the first line
        inc al ; Jump to the next color 
        cmp al, 0xFF ; Check if it is the last color
        je RESETCOLLOR
        jmp LOOP
    mov al, 0x00 ; Collor reset
    jmp LOOP
    xor ax, ax    ; Reset acumulator
        mov ds, ax
        mov si, MSG
    or al, al ; Checks if the value is 0
        jz WAITNG  ; Loop until you turn off the computer
        mov ah, 0x0E 
        int 0x10
        jmp CHAR_PRINT ; Jump to the next character
    jmp WAITNG

made for educational purposes


1 Answer 1


In short, this bootloader code loads sectors from the disk into memory, sets the video mode and prints a message on the screen. After that, it goes into an infinite loop, keeping the system running.

I would say even shorter: this bootloader code loads one (random) sector from the disk into memory, and then crashes the computer, keeping the system running.

There are a lot of errors that need taking care of here:

  • The instruction mov dh, 0x01 sets the Head value to 1. The bootsector itself is always stored in the very first sector on the drive (CHS=001). Therefore your 'extension' that immediately follows would logically reside at CHS=002, so Head=0.

  • The instruction mov es, [EXTENSION] loads the word (2 bytes) at the address EXTENSION. Provided that the DS segment register was setup correctly to DS=0, this would lead to loading ES with the value 00B4h (which is the encoding of mov ah, 0).

  • Together with the setup for ES, the instruction mov bx, 0x00 results in a far pointer to 00B4h:0000h. That's a destination address that your jmp PRINT instruction can't reach!

It's nice that you're making this for educational purposes, and so I hope you'll study next improved version:

  [ORG 7C00h]
  cld             ; For correct operation of LODSB
  xor  ax, ax     ; To match ORG 7C00h, we set DS=ES=0
  mov  ds, ax
  mov  es, ax

  mov  dh, 0      ; BIOS gave us DL
  mov  cx, 0002h
  mov  bx, EXTENSION
  mov  ax, 0201h  ; BIOS.LoadSector
  int  13h
  jc   Stop       ; Unexpected error occurred
  mov  si, MSG
  jmp  PRINT

  jmp  Stop
MSG: db  'Welcome to my OS',13,10,0

times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0AA55h



  test al, al
  jz   WAITNG    ; Loop until you turn off the computer
  mov  ah, 0Eh   ; BIOS.Teletype
  int  10h
  jmp  PRINT
  jmp  WAITNG

The part of changing the color of the screen in a loop seems a somewhat unrelated task. This is a revised code (the first je RESETCOLLOR was out-of-place! and zeroing a register is better done using xor reg, reg):

  mov  ax, 0013h ; Set 320x200 256-color screen
  int  10h

  mov  ah, 0Ch   ; The function number
  mov  bh, 0     ; The page number
  xor  cx, cx    ; X Position
  xor  dx, dx    ; Y Position
  mov  al, 1     ; Pixel color
  int  10h       ; Plot pixel using colors [1,254]
  inc  cx
  cmp  cx, 320
  jne  LOOP
  xor  cx, cx
  inc  dx
  cmp  dx, 200 
  jne  LOOP
  xor  dx, dx
  inc  al        ; Next color
  cmp  al, 255   ; Check if it is the last color
  jne  LOOP
  jmp  LOOP_     ; Go reset color
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks for the tip, I'll study better. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 13 at 23:01

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