
I have the following org-table

datum werk start pauze start pauze stop werk stop
12/02/2024 09:48 12:45 13:14 17:22
13/02/2024 08:01 12:06 12:31 16:38
14/02/2024 07:38 12:12 12:38 16:48
15/02/2024 08:11 13:11 13:28 17:08

Now I want to calculate how many hours I did per day and see if I did too much or too little in a month.

For this I wrote some helper functions.

   (defun hm-to-minutes (str)
     (let* ((lst (split-string str ":"))
            (hour (car lst))
            (minute (cadr lst)))
       (+ (* (string-to-number hour) 60)
          (string-to-number minute))))

   (defun hm-get-minutes (str)
     (string-to-number (cadr (split-string str ":"))))

   (defun minutes-to-hm (minutes)
     (concat (format "%02d"  (/ minutes 60))
             (format "%02d" (% minutes 60))))

  (defun hm-minutes-floor-quarter (str)
    (let* ((original (hm-to-minutes str))
          (minutes (hm-get-minutes str))
          (remainder (% minutes 15)))
      (- original remainder)))

   (defun hm-floor-quarter (str)
     (minutes-to-hm (hm-minutes-floor-quarter str)))

   (defun hm-ceil-quarter (str)
     (minutes-to-hm (+ (hm-minutes-floor-quarter str) 15)))

I also wrote some table functions, however I'm not happy with all the intermediate columns and the result on the last row in the columns I don't need.

datum werk start pauze start pauze stop werk stop werkelijk start werkelijk stop pauze te doen gepresteerd delta
12/02/2024 09:48 12:45 13:14 17:22 10:00 17:15 00:30 08:00 06:45 -01:15
13/02/2024 08:01 12:06 12:31 16:38 08:15 16:30 00:30 08:00 07:45 -00:15
14/02/2024 07:38 12:12 12:38 16:48 07:45 16:45 00:30 08:00 08:30 00:30
15/02/2024 08:11 13:11 13:28 17:08 08:15 17:00 00:30 08:00 08:15 00:15
#ERROR #ERROR 00:15 08:00 -00:15 -00:45
#+TBLFM: $6='(hm-ceil-quarter $2)
#+TBLFM: $7='(hm-floor-quarter $5)
#+TBLFM: $8=$4 - $3;U
#+TBLFM: $8='(hm-ceil-quarter $8)
#+TBLFM: $9=08:00;U
#+TBLFM: $10=($7 - $6 - $8);U
#+TBLFM: $11=($10 - $9);U::@>$11=vsum(@2..@-1);U

I'm most interested in columns gepresteerd and delta.



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