
Can anyone think of a way to DRY up this code or is there a way to make it more efficient or quicker. Its what authenticates a user with my API and i want to make it as fast as possible.

def authenticate!
  authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |access_key, secret_key|
    @current_app = App.find_by_access_key(access_key)
    @current_app.secret_key == secret_key ? true : false

1 Answer 1


There is not much to say, just two notes:

  • Common mistake of redundant boolean check: some_boolean ? true : false -> some_boolean.

  • You can either use the bang find method or check the returned value, but not just use without a check.

So simply:

def authenticate!
  authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |access_key, secret_key|
    @current_app = App.find_by_access_key(access_key)
    @current_app && @current_app.secret_key == secret_key

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