Source Code
I've attempted to create a simple logging library in cpp. My goal was to make it lightweight to incorporate and easy to add to the codebase.
* @file herrlog.hh
* @author Saphereye
* @brief Header file only logging library
* @version 0.5
* @date 2023-12-30
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <mutex>
* @brief Set of ANSI colors, more can be found here:
#define RESET_COLOR "\033[0m"
#define BOLD_RED_COLOR "\033[1;31m"
#define BOLD_GREEN_COLOR "\033[1;32m"
#define BOLD_YELLOW_COLOR "\033[1;33m"
#define BOLD_BLUE_COLOR "\033[1;34m"
#define BACKGROUND_RED_COLOR "\033[41m"
#define BOLD_WHITE_COLOR "\033[1;37m"
* @brief Enum defining different log types as bit flags.
enum class LogType : std::uint8_t {
Trace = 0b000001, // For specific details
Debug = 0b000010, // Temporary debug printing
Info = 0b000100, // General purpose details, e.g. "Program has started"
Error = 0b001000, // For errors, exits the program
Warn = 0b010000, // For reporting warning, the program keeps working
Fatal = 0b100000, // Program exits and produces core dump
All = 0b111111,
None = 0b000000,
* @brief Overloading the `|` operator for combining log types.
* @param a
* @param b
* @return LogType
LogType operator|(LogType a, LogType b) {
return static_cast<LogType>(static_cast<uint8_t>(a) |
* @brief Overloading the `&` operator for checking if a log type is set.
* @param a
* @param b
* @return true
* @return false
bool operator&(LogType a, LogType b) {
return static_cast<bool>(static_cast<uint8_t>(a) & static_cast<uint8_t>(b));
* @brief Logger implementation providing flexible logging capabilities.
class Logger {
static LogType log_type;
static std::string output_file_name;
static std::ofstream output_file;
static bool is_output_to_console;
static const char* datetime_format;
static std::mutex log_mutex;
* @brief A recursive function to print the templated arguments passed
* @tparam T
* @tparam Rest
* @param stream
* @param format
* @param arg
* @param rest
template <typename T, typename... Rest>
static void print_to_stream(std::ostream& stream, const char* format, T arg,
Rest... rest) {
for (size_t index = 0; format[index] != '\0'; index++) {
if (format[index] == '{' && format[index + 1] == '}') {
stream << arg;
return print_to_stream(stream, format + index + 2, rest...);
stream << format[index];
* @brief Base case for the recursive function
* @param stream
* @param format
static void print_to_stream(std::ostream& stream, const char* format) {
for (size_t index = 0; format[index] != '\0'; index++) {
stream << format[index];
* @brief Logs a message with specified details to the console or a file.
* @tparam Args
* @param name
* @param color
* @param format
* @param args
template <typename... Args>
static void log(const char* name, const char* color, const char* format,
Args... args) {
auto current_time_point = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::time_t current_time =
char time_string[100];
std::strftime(time_string, sizeof(time_string), datetime_format,
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Logger::log_mutex);
if (is_output_to_console) {
std::cout << color << "[" << name << " " << time_string << "]"
<< RESET_COLOR << " ";
print_to_stream(std::cout, format, args...);
std::cout << std::endl;
} else {
output_file << "[" << name << " " << time_string << "] ";
print_to_stream(output_file, format, args...);
output_file << "\n";
* @brief Preventing construction of a new logger object.
Logger() = delete;
* @brief Sets the log type, default is LogType::All.
* @param log_type
static void set_type(LogType log_type) { Logger::log_type = log_type; }
* @brief Set the output file name object
* @param output_file_name
static void set_output_file_name(std::string output_file_name) {
Logger::output_file_name = output_file_name;
is_output_to_console = false;
Logger::output_file = std::ofstream(Logger::output_file_name);
if (Logger::output_file.is_open()) {
* @brief Set the datetime format object, default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
* @param datetime_format
static void set_datetime_format(const char* datetime_format) {
Logger::datetime_format = datetime_format;
* @brief Logs messages of type trace.
* @tparam Args
* @param name
* @param color
* @param format
* @param args
template <typename... Args>
static void trace(const char* format, Args... args) {
if (log_type & LogType::Trace) {
log("TRACE", BOLD_WHITE_COLOR, format, args...);
* @brief Logs messages of type debug
* @tparam Args
* @param name
* @param color
* @param format
* @param args
template <typename... Args>
static void debug(const char* format, Args... args) {
if (log_type & LogType::Debug) {
log("DEBUG", BOLD_BLUE_COLOR, format, args...);
* @brief Logs messages of type info
* @tparam Args
* @param name
* @param color
* @param format
* @param args
template <typename... Args>
static void info(const char* format, Args... args) {
if (log_type & LogType::Info) {
log(" INFO", BOLD_GREEN_COLOR, format, args...);
* @brief Logs messages of type error. Furthermore closes the output file
* and exits the program.
* @tparam Args
* @param name
* @param color
* @param format
* @param args
template <typename... Args>
static void error(const char* format, Args... args) {
if (log_type & LogType::Error) {
log("ERROR", BOLD_RED_COLOR, format, args...);
if (!is_output_to_console) {
* @brief Logs messages of type warning. Doesn't exit the program, just
* notifies the issue.
* @tparam Args
* @param format
* @param args
template <typename... Args>
static void warn(const char* format, Args... args) {
if (log_type & LogType::Warn) {
log(" WARN", BOLD_YELLOW_COLOR, format, args...);
* @brief Logs messages of type fatal. Exits the program and creates a core
* dump.
* @tparam Args
* @param format
* @param args
template <typename... Args>
static void fatal(const char* format, Args... args) {
if (log_type & LogType::Fatal) {
log("FATAL", BACKGROUND_RED_COLOR, format, args...);
if (!is_output_to_console) {
LogType Logger::log_type = LogType::All;
std::string Logger::output_file_name = std::string();
std::ofstream Logger::output_file;
bool Logger::is_output_to_console = true;
const char* Logger::datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
std::mutex Logger::log_mutex;
Example Usage
#include "herrlog.hh"
int main() {
Logger::set_output_file_name("test.log"); // The output will be redirected to "test.log"
Logger::trace("This is trace message number 1");
Which will write [TRACE 2023-12-31 12:41:09] This is trace message number 1
to the file test.log
- If the file option is chosen, the script writes to the file every time a logging function is called. My logic was that if it writes all the logs to a temporary buffer and then proceeds to write it to a file at the end of execution, all the logs will be lost in case of premature termination.
- Currently, I am using helper methods such as
to set my respective variables. Initially, I had planned to use aninit
function, which takes all the parameters. But it doesn't cover all cases in which the user wants to give input. I tried the following.- Create all permutations of the function and put default values for each variable. This was a quick and dirty solution, but if I plan to increase variables, this will increase dramatically (
) - I planned on using the boost library's name parameters. However, as I plan to create a single header library, I am unsure how to add that.
- Create all permutations of the function and put default values for each variable. This was a quick and dirty solution, but if I plan to increase variables, this will increase dramatically (
Final comments
I would really appreciate your input and suggestions on this and thank you for your time.
trace(" STufff", val1(), val2(), val3());
Is forced to callval1()
even if no logging is going to happen. In production code when I know my service is stable I would want to disable all but the most serious logging information to get the top throughput. Most logging libraries use some macros to prevent extra code being called when logging is not going to happen. \$\endgroup\$