I tried to write a naive Bayes classifier to classify OkCupid profiles, and I was wondering if you could give me feedback on my code. The classifier performs no better than chance and the coding style is probably not great either. I had a training set of 20 good profiles and 20 bad profiles, and a test set of 16 good and 29 bad, so I don't know if I am classifying poorly or if I just don't have enough data.
# Naive Bayes classifier for OkCupid data. The features are the words in
# the profile and the classes are HIGH and LOW. This is used to
# predict the rating I would give a profile.
# TODO: tweak the classifier so it works better.
from subprocess import call
from math import sqrt
# File containing training data in the form "<rating> <username>"
TRAINING_DATA = "train.dta"
# File containing test set in the form "<rating> <username>"
TEST_DATA = "test.dta"
# Dictionary
dictionary = "TWL06.txt"
# Hash table containing words in highly-ranked profiles.
# Hash table containing words in low-ranked profiles.
# Number of users in each category
hi = 0
low = 0
# Add training data to the hash tables.
t = open(TRAINING_DATA, 'r')
for user in t:
rating = int(user.split(" ")[0])
name = user.split(" ")[1]
# Count users
if rating == 1:
hi += 1
low += 1
# Get data for each user
call(["curl", "-o", "tmp.dta", "http://www.okcupid.com/profile/" + name])
d = open("tmp.dta", 'r')
# Get word list from user
words = {}
for line in d:
for word in line.split(" "):
if "/" in word or "=" in word or "<" in word or ">" in word or "()" in word or "&" in word or len(word) > 10:
words[word.rstrip().lower()] = None
# Add words in this word list to our master word lists
for word in words:
if rating == 1:
if word in HIGH_WORDS:
HIGH_WORDS[word] += 1
HIGH_WORDS[word] = 1
if word in LOW_WORDS:
LOW_WORDS[word] += 1
LOW_WORDS[word] = 1
# Classify a point, assuming training has already happened.
# P(C | F1 ... Fn) proportionate to P(C) * P(F1 | C) * ... * P(Fn | C)
def classify(username):
# P(C)
Phi = float(hi) / float(hi + low)
Plow = float(low) / float(hi + low)
ratio = Phi / Plow
# Get data
call(["curl", "-o", "tmp.dta", "http://www.okcupid.com/profile/" + username])
d = open("tmp.dta", 'r')
for line in d:
for word in line.split(" "):
# Calculate the probability of the feature given a class
if word in HIGH_WORDS:
numHi = float(HIGH_WORDS[word])
numHi = 1
if word in LOW_WORDS:
numLow = float(LOW_WORDS[word])
numLow = 1
ratio = ratio * (numHi / float(hi)) / (numLow / float(low))
# if word in HIGH_WORDS:
## Phi = Phi * float(HIGH_WORDS[word]) / float(hi)
## else:
## Phi = Phi * (1 / float(hi))
# if word in LOW_WORDS:
## Plow = Plow * float(LOW_WORDS[word]) / float(low)
## else:
## Plow = Plow * (1 / float(low))
print ratio
if ratio > 1:
return 1
return 0
# Compute out of sample error on test set.
def getError():
t = open(TEST_DATA, 'r')
numUsers = 0.0
total = 0.0
for line in t:
user = line.split(" ")[1]
rating = int(line.split(" ")[0])
prediction = classify(user)
numUsers += 1.0
if rating != prediction:
total += 1.0
print str(rating) + " " + str(prediction) + " " + user
return total / numUsers
print getError()