I am writing a loop (in R) to webscrape Reddit posts - using Reddit's API ("Pushshift").
Essentially, I would like to get every comment that contains the word "Trump" between now and until 20,000 hours ago at an hourly basis. The API stores the comments in a JSON frame - I wrote the following code in R to obtain these comments (note - I made it so that the results are saved after every 200 iterations in case of a crash):
part1 = "https://api.pushshift.io/reddit/search/comment/?q=trump&after="
part2 = "h&before="
part3 = "h&size=500"
results = list()
for (i in 1:20000)
url_i<- paste0(part1, i+1, part2, i, part3)
r_i <- data.frame(fromJSON(url_i))
results[[i]] <- r_i
myvec_i <- sapply(results, NROW)
print(c(i, sum(myvec_i)))
ifelse(i %% 200 == 0, saveRDS(results, "results_index.RDS"), "" )
}, error = function(e){})
final = do.call(rbind.data.frame, results)
saveRDS(final, "final.RDS")
The code runs - but I am looking for tips to increase the speed and efficiency of this code. For example, I have noticed that:
- Sometimes this code seems to take a really long time on certain iterations
- I also have a feeling that as the "list" grows in size and the global environment with R becomes more full, things are also slowing down.
- Sometimes, the webscraping stops collecting new results (i.e. I added a statement which shows the cumulative number of results that have been collected at each iteration - sometimes, this number stops updating)
- I used "tryCatch()" to skip errors to prevent the loop from crashing - but perhaps there might have been some way around this that could have potentially resulted in more Reddit comments being scraped?
Could someone please recommend some tips on how to optimize and speed this code up?