I have certain error states that I am displaying in my Android TextView but only one message is displayed at a time and if all values are set to 0, no message is displayed. So, I check all the values with if-else and set the associated switch in the chargeCurrentMap
. I then clear the error message if all values in the map are 0.
My concern is that my Kotlin code is too long and clunky. How can I improve it?
private var chargeCurrentMap = HashMap<String?, Int?>()
private lateinit var chargeCurrentErrorMessage: String
private fun processChargeModes(data: ByteArray, increment: Int = 0) {
deviceData.restMode = data[28].toInt()
if (deviceData.restMode == 1) {
chargeCurrentErrorMessage = "Battery full, charger is off"
chargeCurrentMap["rest"] = 1
binding.textviewChargeCurrentStatus.text = "Off"
binding.questionIcon.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
chargeCurrentMap["rest"] = 0
deviceData.misbalancedMode = data[29].toInt()
if (deviceData.misbalancedMode == 1) {
chargeCurrentErrorMessage = "Charging is paused, battery is resolving a minor issue"
chargeCurrentMap["misbalanced"] = 1
binding.textviewChargeCurrentStatus.text = "Off"
binding.questionIcon.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
chargeCurrentMap["misbalanced"] = 0
deviceData.leftChargedMode = data[30].toInt()
if (deviceData.leftChargedMode == 1) {
chargeCurrentErrorMessage = "Charger is off, pack left fully charged for too long. Drive golf cart until battery reaches less than 90%"
chargeCurrentMap["leftCharged"] = 1
binding.textviewChargeCurrentStatus.text = "Off"
binding.questionIcon.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
chargeCurrentMap["leftCharged"] = 0
deviceData.highVoltageMode = data[31].toInt()
if (deviceData.highVoltageMode == 1) {
chargeCurrentErrorMessage = "Charger is off, battery voltage is too high"
chargeCurrentMap["highVoltage"] = 1
binding.textviewChargeCurrentStatus.text = "Off"
binding.questionIcon.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
chargeCurrentMap["highVoltage"] = 0
deviceData.highTempMode = data[32].toInt()
if (deviceData.highTempMode == 1) {
chargeCurrentErrorMessage = "Charger is off, battery temperature is too high"
chargeCurrentMap["highTemp"] = 1
binding.textviewChargeCurrentStatus.text = "Off"
binding.questionIcon.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
chargeCurrentMap["highTemp"] = 0
deviceData.lowTempMode = data[33 + increment].toInt()
if (deviceData.lowTempMode == 1) {
chargeCurrentErrorMessage = "Charger is off, battery temperature is too low"
chargeCurrentMap["lowTemp"] = 1
binding.textviewChargeCurrentStatus.text = "Off"
binding.questionIcon.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
chargeCurrentMap["lowTemp"] = 0
if (increment == 0 && !chargeCurrentMap.containsValue(1)) {
chargeCurrentErrorMessage = ""
binding.textviewChargeCurrentStatus.text = "On"
binding.questionIcon.visibility = View.GONE
} else if (increment == 1) {
deviceData.hotChargerMode = data[33].toInt()
if (deviceData.hotChargerMode == 1) {
chargeCurrentErrorMessage = "Charger resting for a moment to let the battery cool"
chargeCurrentMap["hotCharger"] = 1
binding.textviewChargeCurrentStatus.text = "Off"
binding.questionIcon.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
chargeCurrentMap["hotCharger"] = 0
if (!chargeCurrentMap.containsValue(1)) {
chargeCurrentErrorMessage = ""
binding.textviewChargeCurrentStatus.text = "On"
binding.questionIcon.visibility = View.GONE
? The two different cases confuses me. \$\endgroup\$increment
value be anything else than 0 or 1 ? And the same withDeviceData.misbalancedMode
and the other values for the if-checks you are checking? \$\endgroup\$deviceData.leftChargedMode
etc, can that be anything besides 1 or 0 ? \$\endgroup\$