I'm new here. I wrote the following code to parse the linear temporal logic(LTL) formula and evaluate it with respect to a trace. But I'm totally not happy with my code because I think the complexity is very high and the "if else" condition in the two eval
functions can be improved. The LTL grammar is as follows,
phi = True|a|~phi|phi1 & phi2|(phi1 | phi2)|phi1 U phi2|G phi|F phi|X phi|phi1->phi2|phi1<->phi2
I have the following code,
import pyparsing as pp
def eval_unary(s, trace):
op, p = s[0], s[1]
print(f'Unary operators: op = {op}, p = {p}')
if op == '~':
if p == True:
return False
elif p in trace[0][0]:
return False
return True
elif op == 'X':
if p == True:
return True
elif p in trace[0][1]:
return True
return False
elif op == 'G':
if p == True:
return True
for s in trace[0]:
if p not in s:
return False
return True
elif op == 'F':
if p == True:
return True
if p == False:
return True
for s in trace[0]:
if p in s:
return True
return False
def eval_binary(s, trace):
p1, op, p2 = s[0], s[1], s[2]
# print(f'Binary operators: op = {op}, p1 = {p1}, p2 = {p2}')
if op == '&':
if p1 == False or p2 == False:
return False
if p1 == True:
if p2 == True:
return True
elif p2 in trace[0][0]:
return True
return False
if p2 == True:
if p1 in trace[0][0]:
return True
return False
if (p1 in trace[0][0]) and (p2 in trace[0][0]):
return True
return False
elif op == '|':
if (p1 == True) or (p2 == True):
return True
if (p1 in trace[0][0]) or (p2 in trace[0][0]):
return True
return False
elif op == '->':
if (p1 == False) and (p2 == False):
return True
if (p1 == False) or (p2 == True):
return True
if (p1 not in trace[0][0]) or (p2 in trace[0][0]):
return True
return False
elif op == 'U':
for s in trace[0]:
if p2 in s:
return True
elif p1 == True:
elif p1 in s:
return False
return False
# Building the formula for checking
atom = pp.Regex(r'[a-z]') | 'True'
binop = pp.Regex(r'[U&|]|(->)|(<->)')
unop = pp.Regex(r'[~XGF]')
# phi = (atom + binop + atom) | (unop + atom)
phi = pp.infixNotation(
atom, [
(unop, 1, pp.opAssoc.RIGHT),
(binop, 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT)]
form = '(F (a & b))'
parsed_form = phi.parse_string(form)
updated_form = parsed_form.as_list()
# print(type(updated_form))
# print(f'length of tree: {len(updated_form)}')
print(f'parsed formula: {updated_form}')
# Making the trace
rho = [('a', 'b', 'ab', '', 'b', 'b', '', '', '', ''), (1, 21, 37, 43, 59, 65, 73, 83, 99, 100)]
rho2 = list(zip(rho[0], rho[1]))
# test = eval_unary(['X','b'], rho)
# test2 = eval_binary(['a','<->','b'], rho)
# print(test)
# print(test2)
def evaluate_form(form, trace):
if len(form) == 1:
form = form[0]
if len(form) == 2:
op = form[0]
tree1 = form[1]
return eval_unary([op, evaluate_form(tree1, trace)], trace)
elif len(form) == 3:
tree1 = evaluate_form(form[0], trace)
op = form[1]
tree2 = evaluate_form(form[2], trace)
return eval_binary([tree1, op, tree2], trace)
return form
result = evaluate_form(updated_form, rho)
Please give me some idea on how can I improve this code?
? \$\endgroup\$pyparsing
library for parsing. And imported it aspp
at the top. Check the first line of the code. \$\endgroup\$