Recently I was writing a class that had overloaded read
methods for various data types. One of the sets of types I wanted to handle were integral std::chrono::time_point
s. For this I wrote the following code:
// Return a timestamp from a chunk at a given offset as if from an
// integer in network byte order
template <IsTimePoint T>
requires std::integral<typename T::rep>
[[nodiscard]] T read(length_t offset = 0) const {
return T{typename T::duration{read<typename T::rep>(offset)}};
Elsewhere I included a concept for matching time_point
template <typename T>
concept IsTimePoint =
requires {
typename T::clock;
typename T::duration;
typename T::rep;
typename T::period;
requires std::chrono::is_clock_v<typename T::clock>;
requires std::same_as<T,
std::chrono::time_point<typename T::clock,
std::chrono::duration<typename T::rep,
typename T::period>>>;
The code works. My question is whether this was a good way to solve this problem or whether there is a simpler solution that I have overlooked. Part of the reason for this project is for me to learn C++20, but I often worry that I might be using new techniques because they are new rather than because they are the right tool for the job.