Comments on optimizing the code or improving the code are requested. The input parameters to the class constructor are a one dimensional array of job ID's and the second argument is a list of vectors each vector containing two elements which specifies a constraint that the first job should be scheduled before the second job
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
// 1. Build Graph structure from the edges. (Create an adjacency list)
// 2. At each node, perform a DFS search
// 3. Push elements onto a stack as we recurse
// 4. Maintain graph color to detect cycles and terminate recursion if already visited node
// 5. Once we finished with all child nodes -> pop off the stack onto the solution vector
// W -> Node has not been visited
// G -> Node is part of current recursive search
// B -> Node has been visited and NOT part of current recursive search
enum color
W, G, B
class Graph
std::unordered_map<int, color> visited;
std::unordered_map<int, vector < int>> adj;
std::vector<int> sortedOrder;
std::stack<int> nodeStack;
std::vector<int> jobsVector;
bool cycleDetected;
Graph(const std::vector<int> &jobs, const std::vector<vector < int>> &deps)
jobsVector = jobs;
for (auto dep: deps)
addDepedency(dep[0], dep[1]);
for (auto job: jobs)
visited[job] = W;
cycleDetected = false;
void addDepedency(int a, int b)
void topoSort()
for (auto job: jobsVector)
void DFS(int job)
auto children = adj[job];
for (auto node: children)
if (visited[node] == G)
cycleDetected = true;
if (!(visited[node] == B))
visited[node] = G;
if (!(visited[job] == B))
visited[job] = B;
vector<int> getSortedOrder()
if (!cycleDetected)
while (!nodeStack.empty())
auto top =;
return sortedOrder;
// If there is a cycle in the graph return an empty vector
return {};
and a constructor taking nested vectors) is an external/*3rd party* requirement rather than your own design, consider using a block quote for those. \$\endgroup\$