Code is posted after explanation.
Due to the size of the project, this is being posted in three separate posts. This also ensures each post is more focused.
- Post 1 of 3, Core: Newspaper Bill Calculator CLI with Python (1 of 3, Core)
- Post 3 of 3, Database: Newspaper Bill Calculator CLI with Python (3 of 3, Database)
What is this?
This application helps you calculate monthly newspaper bills. The goal is to generate a message that I can paste into WhatsApp and send to my newspaper vendor. The end result here is a CLI tool that will be later used as a back-end to build GUIs (hence learn about: C#, HTML/CSS/JS, Flutter). In its current form, everything will be "compiled" by PyInstaller into one-file stand-alone executables for the end-user using GitHub Actions.
The other important goal was to be a testbed for learning a bunch of new tools: more Python libraries, SQL connectors, GitHub Actions (CI/CD, if I understand correctly), unit tests, CLI libraries, type-hinting, regex. I had earlier built this on a different platform, so I now have a solid idea of how this application is used.
Key concepts
- Each newspaper has a certain cost per day of the week
- Each newspaper may or may not be delivered on a given day
- Each newspaper has a name, and a number called a key
- You may register any dates when you didn't receive a paper in advance using the
command - Once you calculate, the results are displayed and copied to your clipboard
What files exist?
(ignoring conventional ones like README
and requirements.txt
File | Purpose/Description | Review |
---|---|---| |
Provide the core functionality: the calculation, parsing and validation of user input, interaction with the DB etc. Later on, some functionality from this will be extracted to create server-side code that can service more users, but I have to learn a lot more before getting there. | Please review this. | |
Import functionality from and wrap a CLI layer on it using argparse . Also provide some additional validation. |
Please review this. | |
Provide a utility to update the application on the user's end. | Don't bother reviewing this (code not included). | |
Test the functionality of the core file (pytest). This isn't as exhaustive as I'd like, but it did a good job of capturing many of my mistakes. | Please review this. |
data/schema.sql |
Database schema. In my local environment, the data folder also has a test database file (but I don't want to upload this online). |
Please review this if you can (not high priority). |
Known problems
- Tests are not exhaustive (please suggest anything you think of).
- Tests are not well commented (working on this right now in a local branch).
- SQL injection is possible in some cases by
CLI parameters, if you can figure out a way to insert a semicolon in an integer. I will remove this in a future version, once I find a way to improve or remove thegenerate_sql_query()
function. - A lot of documentation is tied up in the CLI UI and comments, and is not an explicit document.
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from argparse import Namespace as arg_namespace
from datetime import datetime
from colorama import Fore, Style
from pyperclip import copy as copy_to_clipboard
from npbc_core import (VALIDATE_REGEX, WEEKDAY_NAMES, add_new_paper,
add_undelivered_string, calculate_cost_of_all_papers,
delete_existing_paper, delete_undelivered_string,
edit_existing_paper, extract_days_and_costs,
format_output, generate_sql_query, get_previous_month,
query_database, save_results, setup_and_connect_DB,
validate_month_and_year, validate_undelivered_string)
## setup parsers
def define_and_read_args() -> arg_namespace:
# main parser for all commands
main_parser = ArgumentParser(
description="Calculates your monthly newspaper bill."
functions = main_parser.add_subparsers(required=True)
# calculate subparser
calculate_parser = functions.add_parser(
help="Calculate the bill for one month. Previous month will be used if month or year flags are not set."
calculate_parser.add_argument('-m', '--month', type=int, help="Month to calculate bill for. Must be between 1 and 12.")
calculate_parser.add_argument('-y', '--year', type=int, help="Year to calculate bill for. Must be between 1 and 9999.")
calculate_parser.add_argument('-c', '--nocopy', help="Don't copy the result of the calculation to the clipboard.", action='store_true')
calculate_parser.add_argument('-l', '--nolog', help="Don't log the result of the calculation.", action='store_true')
# add undelivered string subparser
addudl_parser = functions.add_parser(
help="Store a date when paper(s) were not delivered. Previous month will be used if month or year flags are not set."
addudl_parser.add_argument('-m', '--month', type=int, help="Month to register undelivered incident(s) for. Must be between 1 and 12.")
addudl_parser.add_argument('-y', '--year', type=int, help="Year to register undelivered incident(s) for. Must be between 1 and 9999.")
addudl_parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', type=str, help="Key of paper to register undelivered incident(s) for.", required=True)
addudl_parser.add_argument('-u', '--undelivered', type=str, help="Dates when you did not receive any papers.", required=True)
# delete undelivered string subparser
deludl_parser = functions.add_parser(
help="Delete a stored date when paper(s) were not delivered. Previous month will be used if month or year flags are not set."
deludl_parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', type=str, help="Key of paper to unregister undelivered incident(s) for.", required=True)
deludl_parser.add_argument('-m', '--month', type=int, help="Month to unregister undelivered incident(s) for. Must be between 1 and 12.", required=True)
deludl_parser.add_argument('-y', '--year', type=int, help="Year to unregister undelivered incident(s) for. Must be between 1 and 9999.", required=True)
# get undelivered string subparser
getudl_parser = functions.add_parser(
help="Get a list of all stored date strings when paper(s) were not delivered."
getudl_parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', type=str, help="Key for paper.")
getudl_parser.add_argument('-m', '--month', type=int, help="Month. Must be between 1 and 12.")
getudl_parser.add_argument('-y', '--year', type=int, help="Year. Must be between 1 and 9999.")
getudl_parser.add_argument('-u', '--undelivered', type=str, help="Dates when you did not receive any papers.")
# edit paper subparser
editpaper_parser = functions.add_parser(
help="Edit a newspaper\'s name, days delivered, and/or price."
editpaper_parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', type=str, help="Name for paper to be edited.")
editpaper_parser.add_argument('-d', '--days', type=str, help="Number of days the paper to be edited is delivered. Monday is the first day, and all seven weekdays are required. A 'Y' means it is delivered, and an 'N' means it isn't. No separator required.")
editpaper_parser.add_argument('-p', '--price', type=str, help="Daywise prices of paper to be edited. Monday is the first day. Values must be separated by semicolons, and 0s are ignored.")
editpaper_parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', type=str, help="Key for paper to be edited.", required=True)
# add paper subparser
addpaper_parser = functions.add_parser(
help="Add a new newspaper to the list of newspapers."
addpaper_parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', type=str, help="Name for paper to be added.", required=True)
addpaper_parser.add_argument('-d', '--days', type=str, help="Number of days the paper to be added is delivered. Monday is the first day, and all seven weekdays are required. A 'Y' means it is delivered, and an 'N' means it isn't. No separator required.", required=True)
addpaper_parser.add_argument('-p', '--price', type=str, help="Daywise prices of paper to be added. Monday is the first day. Values must be separated by semicolons, and 0s are ignored.", required=True)
# delete paper subparser
delpaper_parser = functions.add_parser(
help="Delete a newspaper from the list of newspapers."
delpaper_parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', type=str, help="Key for paper to be deleted.", required=True)
# get paper subparser
getpapers_parser = functions.add_parser(
help="Get all newspapers."
getpapers_parser.add_argument('-n', '--names', help="Get the names of the newspapers.", action='store_true')
getpapers_parser.add_argument('-d', '--days', help="Get the days the newspapers are delivered. Monday is the first day, and all seven weekdays are required. A 'Y' means it is delivered, and an 'N' means it isn't.", action='store_true')
getpapers_parser.add_argument('-p', '--prices', help="Get the daywise prices of the newspapers. Monday is the first day. Values must be separated by semicolons.", action='store_true')
# get undelivered logs subparser
getlogs_parser = functions.add_parser(
help="Get the log of all undelivered dates."
getlogs_parser.add_argument('-m', '--month', type=int, help="Month. Must be between 1 and 12.")
getlogs_parser.add_argument('-y', '--year', type=int, help="Year. Must be between 1 and 9999.")
getlogs_parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', type=str, help="Key for paper.", required=True)
# update application subparser
update_parser = functions.add_parser(
help="Update the application."
return main_parser.parse_args()
## print out a coloured status message using Colorama
def status_print(status: bool, message: str) -> None:
if status:
## calculate the cost for a given month and year
# default to the previous month if no month and no year is given
# default to the current month if no month is given and year is given
# default to the current year if no year is given and month is given
def calculate(args: arg_namespace) -> None:
# deal with month and year
if args.month or args.year:
feedback = validate_month_and_year(args.month, args.year)
if not feedback[0]:
if args.month:
month = args.month
month =
if args.year:
year = args.year
year =
previous_month = get_previous_month()
month = previous_month.month
year = previous_month.year
# look for undelivered strings in the database
existing_strings = query_database(
columns=['paper_id', 'string'],
'month': month,
'year': year
# associate undelivered strings with their paper_id
undelivered_strings: dict[int, str] = {
paper_id: undelivered_string
for paper_id, undelivered_string in existing_strings
# calculate the cost for each paper, as well as the total cost
costs, total, undelivered_dates = calculate_cost_of_all_papers(
# format the results
formatted = format_output(costs, total, month, year)
# unless the user specifies so, copy the results to the clipboard
if not args.nocopy:
formatted += '\nSummary copied to clipboard.'
# unless the user specifies so, log the results to the database
if not args.nolog:
save_results(undelivered_dates, month, year)
formatted += '\nLog saved to file.'
# print the results
status_print(True, "Success!")
## add undelivered strings to the database
# default to the current month if no month and/or no year is given
def addudl(args: arg_namespace):
# validate the month and year
feedback = validate_month_and_year(args.month, args.year)
if feedback[0]:
# if no month is given, default to the current month
if args.month:
month = args.month
month =
# if no year is given, default to the current year
if args.year:
year = args.year
year =
# add the undelivered strings to the database
feedback = add_undelivered_string(
## delete undelivered strings from the database
def deludl(args: arg_namespace) -> None:
# validate the month and year
feedback = validate_month_and_year(args.month, args.year)
# delete the undelivered strings from the database
if feedback[0]:
feedback = delete_undelivered_string(
## get undelivered strings from the database
# filter by whichever parameter the user provides. they as many as they want.
# available parameters: month, year, key, string
def getudl(args: arg_namespace) -> None:
# validate the month and year
feedback = validate_month_and_year(args.month, args.year)
if not feedback[0]:
conditions = {}
if args.key:
conditions['paper_id'] = args.key
if args.month:
conditions['month'] = args.month
if args.year:
conditions['year'] = args.year
if args.undelivered:
conditions['strings'] = str(args.undelivered).lower().strip()
if not validate_undelivered_string(conditions['strings']):
status_print(False, "Invalid undelivered string.")
# if the undelivered strings exist, fetch them
undelivered_strings = query_database(
# if there were undelivered strings, print them
if undelivered_strings:
status_print(True, 'Found undelivered strings.')
print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}entry_id{Style.RESET_ALL} | {Fore.YELLOW}year{Style.RESET_ALL} | {Fore.YELLOW}month{Style.RESET_ALL} | {Fore.YELLOW}paper_id{Style.RESET_ALL} | {Fore.YELLOW}string{Style.RESET_ALL}")
for string in undelivered_strings:
print('|'.join([str(item) for item in string]))
# otherwise, print that there were no undelivered strings
status_print(False, 'No undelivered strings found.')
## edit the data for one paper
def editpaper(args: arg_namespace) -> None:
feedback = True, ""
days, costs = "", ""
# validate the string for delivery days
if args.days:
days = str(args.days).lower().strip()
if not VALIDATE_REGEX['delivery'].match(days):
feedback = False, "Invalid delivery days."
# validate the string for costs
if args.costs:
costs = str(args.costs).lower().strip()
if not VALIDATE_REGEX['prices'].match(costs):
feedback = False, "Invalid prices."
# if the string for delivery days and costs are valid, edit the paper
if feedback[0]:
feedback = edit_existing_paper(
*extract_days_and_costs(days, costs)
## add a new paper to the database
def addpaper(args: arg_namespace) -> None:
feedback = True, ""
days, costs = "", ""
# validate the string for delivery days
if args.days:
days = str(args.days).lower().strip()
if not VALIDATE_REGEX['delivery'].match(days):
feedback = False, "Invalid delivery days."
# validate the string for costs
if args.costs:
costs = str(args.costs).lower().strip()
if not VALIDATE_REGEX['prices'].match(costs):
feedback = False, "Invalid prices."
# if the string for delivery days and costs are valid, add the paper
if feedback[0]:
feedback = add_new_paper(,
*extract_days_and_costs(days, costs)
## delete a paper from the database
def delpaper(args: arg_namespace) -> None:
# attempt to delete the paper
feedback = delete_existing_paper(
## get a list of all papers in the database
# filter by whichever parameter the user provides. they may use as many as they want (but keys are always printed)
# available parameters: name, days, costs
# the output is provided as a formatted table, printed to the standard output
def getpapers(args: arg_namespace) -> None:
headers = ['paper_id']
# fetch a list of all papers' IDs
papers_id_list = [
for paper_id, in query_database(
# initialize lists for the data
paper_name_list, paper_days_list, paper_costs_list = [], [], []
# sort the papers' IDs (for the sake of consistency)
# if the user wants names, fetch that data and add it to the list
if args.names:
# first get a dictionary of {paper_id: paper_name}
papers_names = {
paper_id: paper_name
for paper_id, paper_name in query_database(
columns=['paper_id', 'name']
# then use the sorted IDs list to create a sorted names list
paper_name_list = [
for paper_id in papers_id_list
# if the user wants delivery days, fetch that data and add it to the list
if args.days:
# initialize a dictionary of {paper_id: {day_id: delivery}}
papers_days = {
paper_id: {}
for paper_id in papers_id_list
# then get the data for each paper
for paper_id, day_id, delivered in query_database(
columns=['paper_id', 'day_id', 'delivered']
papers_days[paper_id][day_id] = delivered
# format the data so that it matches the regex pattern /^[YN]{7}$/, the same way the user must input this data
paper_days_list = [
'Y' if int(papers_days[paper_id][day_id]) == 1 else 'N'
for day_id, _ in enumerate(WEEKDAY_NAMES)
for paper_id in papers_id_list
# if the user wants costs, fetch that data and add it to the list
if args.prices:
# initialize a dictionary of {paper_id: {day_id: price}}
papers_costs = {
paper_id: {}
for paper_id in papers_id_list
# then get the data for each paper
for paper_id, day_id, cost in query_database(
columns=['paper_id', 'day_id', 'cost']
papers_costs[paper_id][day_id] = cost
# format the data so that it matches the regex pattern /^[x](;[x]){6}$/, where /x/ is a number that may be either a floating point or an integer, the same way the user must input this data.
paper_costs_list = [
for day_id, _ in enumerate(WEEKDAY_NAMES)
for paper_id in papers_id_list
# print the headers
print(' | '.join([
for header in headers
# print the data
for index, paper_id in enumerate(papers_id_list):
print(f"{paper_id}: ", end='')
values = []
if args.names:
if args.days:
if args.prices:
print(', '.join(values))
## get a log of all deliveries for a paper
# the user may specify parameters to filter the output by. they may use as many as they want, or none
# available parameters: paper_id, month, year
def getlogs(args: arg_namespace) -> None:
# validate the month and year
feedback = validate_month_and_year(args.month, args.year)
if not feedback[0]:
conditions = {}
# if the user specified a particular paper, add it to the conditions
if args.key:
conditions['paper_id'] = args.key
if args.month:
conditions['month'] = args.month
if args.year:
conditions['year'] = args.year
# fetch the data
undelivered_dates = query_database(
# if data was found, print it
if undelivered_dates:
status_print(True, 'Success!')
print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}entry_id{Style.RESET_ALL} | {Fore.YELLOW}year{Style.RESET_ALL} | {Fore.YELLOW}month{Style.RESET_ALL} | {Fore.YELLOW}paper_id{Style.RESET_ALL} | {Fore.YELLOW}dates{Style.RESET_ALL}")
for date in undelivered_dates:
print(', '.join(date))
# if no data was found, print an error message
status_print(False, 'No results found.')
## update the application
# under normal operation, this function should never run
# if the update CLI argument is provided, this script will never run and the updater will be run instead
def update(args: arg_namespace) -> None:
status_print(False, "Update failed.")
## run the application
def main() -> None:
args = define_and_read_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
If you need it, here is a link to the GitHub repo for this project. It's at the same commit as the code above, and I won't edit this so that any discussion is consistent.