I have made two classes. The first is SharePointHandler
, and contains a few functions that I intend on using to automate some actions on SharePoint. A simplified version of this is shown below:
from office365.runtime.auth.authentication_context import AuthenticationContext
from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientContext
from office365.sharepoint.folders.folder import Folder
from office365.sharepoint.files.file import File
from path_handler import PathHandler
class SharePointHandler(object):
def __init__(self, username:str, password:str, company_site:str) -> None:
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.company_site = company_site
def create_client_context(self) -> None:
ctx_authorization = AuthenticationContext(self.company_site)
ctx_authorization.acquire_token_for_user(self.username, self.password)
self.client_context = ClientContext(self.company_site, ctx_authorization)
print(f"\nSharePoint authentication successful.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"\nSharePoint authentication failed. The following exception has occured:\n{e}\n")
def map_folder(self, to_map:PathHandler) -> tuple[list[PathHandler], list[PathHandler]]:
file_handler_list, folder_handler_list = [], []
def enum_folder(parent_folder):
parent_folder.expand(["Files", "Folders"]).get().execute_query()
for file in parent_folder.files: # In the event that the directory ends in a file.
file_handler_list.append(PathHandler(to_map.get_scheme_and_root_from_absolute() + file.serverRelativeUrl))
for folder in parent_folder.folders: # In the event that the directory ends in a folder.
folder_handler_list.append(PathHandler(to_map.get_scheme_and_root_from_absolute() + folder.serverRelativeUrl))
root_folder = self.client_context.web.get_folder_by_server_relative_url(to_map.get_relative_from_absolute())
print(f"\nMapping complete. {len(file_handler_list)} file/s + {len(folder_handler_list)} folder/s found.")
return file_handler_list, folder_handler_list
The first function create_client_context
creates a ClientContext instance using the user credentials (necessary for accessing the SharePoint site). The second function map_folder
is used to recursively append all PathHandler instances of all files and folders to their own lists.
The second class is PathHandler
, which I've made in an attempt to simplify the way that I make alterations to the urls / local paths as I need them, eg: sometimes I'll need a relative url exclusive of scheme and site name. This class is shown below:
import os
import urllib.parse
from pathlib import Path
class PathHandler(object):
def __init__(self, absolute_path:str) -> None:
self.absolute_path = absolute_path
def get_filename_from_absolute(self) -> str: # COMPLETE ✓
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.absolute_path)
return os.path.basename(parsed_url.path)
def strip_filename(self) -> str: # COMPLETE ✓
return self.absolute_path[:-len(self.get_filename_from_absolute())]
def get_relative_from_absolute(self) -> str: # COMPLETE ✓
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.absolute_path)
return parsed_url.path
def get_parent_folder_from_absolute(self) -> str: # COMPLETE ✓
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.absolute_path)
return os.path.dirname(parsed_url.path)
def get_scheme_and_root_from_absolute(self) -> str: # COMPLETE ✓ - Not to be used for local paths
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.absolute_path)
return f"{parsed_url.scheme}://{parsed_url.netloc}"
def convert_to_absolute_local(self, local_root:str, global_root:str) -> str: # COMPLETE ✓
temporary_path = local_root + self.absolute_path[len(global_root):]
return temporary_path.replace("//", os.sep)
def convert_to_absolute_global(self, local_root:str, global_root:str) -> str: # COMPLETE ✓
return global_root + self.absolute_path[len(local_root):].replace(os.sep, "//")
My question:
The above scripts tie into quite a large project, and I am trying to simplify this by incorporating OOP. However, I've not worked in an OOP manner before, and am concerned that PathHandler
exists unnecessarily. Many of my SharePointHandler
methods can be simplified to return strings, but to remain consistent, I am encouraged to return instances of PathHandler
Is this PathHandler
class indeed adding unnecessary complexity to my code? Should I simply remove the class and use the functions as typical helper functions and make the necessary adjustments to the method inputs at the start of a function call?