I created a daemon that creates a fifo file with a default name, then is been blocked waiting for messages on that fifo. When an interactive process writes data to that fifo, the daemon wakes up and writes the received data to a journal file along with the time when it was written.
The question is whether it is considered a daemon if it runs in the background and other commands can be executed in the terminal? Does a daemon have to have a control terminal? What else could I improve or what problems does implementation have?
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "lab.h"
void printTime(int fd)
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm tm = *localtime(&t);
char s[100];
snprintf(s, 100, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
if (write(fd, s, strlen(s)) < 0)
printf("Writing error\n");
int main()
int ff;
char c;
int sem = 0;
int fd;
if (mkfifo("file_fifo", 0660) < 0)
printf("Existing pipes\n");
if (creat("journal.txt", 0777) < 0)
printf("File exist\n");
ff = open("file_fifo", O_RDWR);
while (1)
if (read(ff, &c, 1) < 0)
printf("Error reading\n");
if (sem == 0)
fd = open("journal.txt", O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0777);
sem = 1;
if (write(fd, &c, 1) < 0)
printf("Error reading\n");
if (c == '\n')
if (write(fd, &c, 1) < 0)
printf("Error writing\n");
sem = 0;
lab.h content:
/* Our own header, to be included *after* all standard system headers */
#ifndef __ourhdr_h
#define __ourhdr_h
#include <sys/types.h> /* required for some of our prototypes */
#include <stdio.h> /* for convenience */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for convenience */
#include <string.h> /* for convenience */
#include <unistd.h> /* for convenience */
#define MAXLINE 4096 /* max line length */
/* default file access permissions for new files */
/* default permissions for new directories */
typedef void Sigfunc(int); /* for signal handlers */
/* 4.3BSD Reno <signal.h> doesn't define SIG_ERR */
#if defined(SIG_IGN) && !defined(SIG_ERR)
#define SIG_ERR ((Sigfunc *)-1)
#define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
/* prototypes for our own functions */
char *path_alloc(int *); /* {Prog pathalloc} */
int open_max(void); /* {Prog openmax} */
void clr_fl(int, int); /* {Prog setfl} */
void set_fl(int, int); /* {Prog setfl} */
void pr_exit(int); /* {Prog prexit} */
void pr_mask(const char *); /* {Prog prmask} */
Sigfunc *signal_intr(int, Sigfunc *);/* {Prog signal_intr_function} */
int tty_cbreak(int); /* {Prog raw} */
int tty_raw(int); /* {Prog raw} */
int tty_reset(int); /* {Prog raw} */
void tty_atexit(void); /* {Prog raw} */
#ifdef ECHO /* only if <termios.h> has been included */
struct termios *tty_termios(void); /* {Prog raw} */
void sleep_us(unsigned int); /* {Ex sleepus} */
ssize_t readn(int, void *, size_t);/* {Prog readn} */
ssize_t writen(int, const void *, size_t);/* {Prog writen} */
int daemon_init(void); /* {Prog daemoninit} */
int s_pipe(int *); /* {Progs svr4_spipe bsd_spipe} */
int recv_fd(int, ssize_t (*func)(int, const void *, size_t));
/* {Progs recvfd_svr4 recvfd_43bsd} */
int send_fd(int, int); /* {Progs sendfd_svr4 sendfd_43bsd} */
int send_err(int, int, const char *);/* {Prog senderr} */
int serv_listen(const char *); /* {Progs servlisten_svr4 servlisten_44bsd} */
int serv_accept(int, uid_t *); /* {Progs servaccept_svr4 servaccept_44bsd} */
int cli_conn(const char *); /* {Progs cliconn_svr4 cliconn_44bsd} */
int buf_args(char *, int (*func)(int, char **));
/* {Prog bufargs} */
int ptym_open(char *); /* {Progs ptyopen_svr4 ptyopen_44bsd} */
int ptys_open(int, char *); /* {Progs ptyopen_svr4 ptyopen_44bsd} */
pid_t pty_fork(int *, char *, const struct termios *,
const struct winsize *); /* {Prog ptyfork} */
int lock_reg(int, int, int, off_t, int, off_t);
/* {Prog lockreg} */
#define read_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
lock_reg(fd, F_SETLK, F_RDLCK, offset, whence, len)
#define readw_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
lock_reg(fd, F_SETLKW, F_RDLCK, offset, whence, len)
#define write_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
lock_reg(fd, F_SETLK, F_WRLCK, offset, whence, len)
#define writew_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
lock_reg(fd, F_SETLKW, F_WRLCK, offset, whence, len)
#define un_lock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
lock_reg(fd, F_SETLK, F_UNLCK, offset, whence, len)
pid_t lock_test(int, int, off_t, int, off_t);
/* {Prog locktest} */
#define is_readlock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
lock_test(fd, F_RDLCK, offset, whence, len)
#define is_writelock(fd, offset, whence, len) \
lock_test(fd, F_WRLCK, offset, whence, len)
void err_init(const char *);
void err_dump(const char *, ...); /* {App misc_source} */
void err_msg(const char *, ...);
void err_quit(const char *, ...);
void err_ret(const char *, ...);
void err_sys(const char *, ...);
void log_msg(const char *, ...); /* {App misc_source} */
void log_open(const char *, int, int);
void log_quit(const char *, ...);
void log_ret(const char *, ...);
void log_sys(const char *, ...);
void TELL_WAIT(void); /* parent/child from {Sec race_conditions} */
void TELL_PARENT(pid_t);
void TELL_CHILD(pid_t);
void WAIT_PARENT(void);
void WAIT_CHILD(void);
#endif /* __ourhdr_h */
rather than having to re-implement in every daemon we write. \$\endgroup\$