I have implemented the Barnes-Hut algorithm for \$n\$-body-simulations (in this case "sort-of" 3D-gravity - see below). I'd appreciate any comments for improving my code (especially concerning speedups). I used the pseudo-code of this site https://beltoforion.de/en/barnes-hut-galaxy-simulator/ to implement it (nice for the "basic layout").
The code is a little bit messy. I use an array of the tree-struct of size 3 * NumParticles
(I think this is enough and for most cases additional memory allocation should not be neccessary - although I should probably implement it). TreeBase
is just the pointer to the first element of this array, Tree
in the function head is a pointer to some child (of a child of a child...), which is at some place (TreeBase.Oct[n].Oct[m].Oct[...]
) in the array. TreeCount
is a global variable holding the next free element in the array.
struct BHtree
unsigned int NrParticles;
Vec3 centerOfMass;
double mass;
Vec3 Pos;
double size;
BHtree* Oct[8];
unsigned int Okt[8]; // Ignore these last 3 lines (I think, I need them later for implementing this on GPU)
unsigned int NodeID;
int Parent;
Building the tree:
void InitTree(BHtree* Tree, double* Particles, unsigned int count)
double minX = Particles[0], maxX = Particles[0], minY = Particles[1], maxY = Particles[1], minZ = Particles[2], maxZ = Particles[2], dia;
for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)
if (Particles[n * 3 + 0] < minX)
minX = Particles[n * 3 + 0];
if (Particles[n * 3 + 0] > maxX)
maxX = Particles[n * 3 + 0];
if (Particles[n * 3 + 1] < minY)
minY = Particles[n * 3 + 1];
if (Particles[n * 3 + 1] > maxY)
maxY = Particles[n * 3 + 1];
if (Particles[n * 3 + 2] < minZ)
minZ = Particles[n * 3 + 2];
if (Particles[n * 3 + 2] > maxZ)
maxZ = Particles[n * 3 + 2];
dia = maxX - minX;
if ((maxY - minY) > dia)
dia = maxY - minY;
if ((maxZ - minZ) > dia)
dia = maxZ - minZ;
Tree[0].NrParticles = 0;
Tree[0].Pos.x = (maxX + minX) / 2.0;
Tree[0].Pos.y = (maxY + minY) / 2.0;
Tree[0].Pos.z = (maxZ + minZ) / 2.0;
Tree[0].size = dia;
for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
Tree[0].Oct[n] = nullptr;
Tree[0].Okt[n] = 0;
TreeCount = 1; // Next free space
Tree->Parent = -1;
Tree->NodeID = 0;
unsigned char GetOct(Vec3 TreePos, double TreeSize, Vec3 Particle)
unsigned char oct = 0;
if (Particle.x > TreePos.x)
if (Particle.y > TreePos.y)
oct += 2;
if (Particle.z > TreePos.z)
oct += 4;
return oct;
BHtree* CreateSubNode(BHtree* Tree, unsigned char oct)
BHtree* SubNode = &TreeBase[TreeCount];
//Initialize subnode
SubNode[0].NodeID = TreeCount++;
SubNode[0].NrParticles = 0;
SubNode[0].size = Tree[0].size * 0.5;
if (oct & 0b001)
SubNode[0].Pos.x = Tree->Pos.x + 0.5 * SubNode[0].size;
SubNode[0].Pos.x = Tree->Pos.x - 0.5 * SubNode[0].size;
if (oct & 0b010)
SubNode[0].Pos.y = Tree->Pos.y + 0.5 * SubNode[0].size;
SubNode[0].Pos.y = Tree->Pos.y - 0.5 * SubNode[0].size;
if (oct & 0b100)
SubNode[0].Pos.z = Tree->Pos.z + 0.5 * SubNode[0].size;
SubNode[0].Pos.z = Tree->Pos.z - 0.5 * SubNode[0].size;
for (int n = 0; (n < 8); n++)
SubNode[0].Oct[n] = nullptr;
SubNode[0].Okt[n] = 0;
Tree[0].Oct[oct] = SubNode;
Tree[0].Okt[oct] = TreeCount - 1;
SubNode[0].NrParticles = 0;
SubNode[0].Parent = Tree[0].NodeID;
return SubNode;
void InsertToNode(BHtree* Tree, Vec3 Particle, double mass)
unsigned char oct;
BHtree* NewNode;
if (Tree[0].NrParticles > 1)
oct = GetOct(Tree[0].Pos, Tree[0].size, Particle);
if (Tree[0].Oct[oct] == nullptr) // If subnode does not exist, create new one
NewNode = CreateSubNode(Tree, oct);
NewNode = Tree[0].Oct[oct];
InsertToNode(NewNode, Particle, mass);
else if (Tree[0].NrParticles == 1)
// existing particle
Vec3 Particle2 = { Tree[0].centerOfMass.x, Tree[0].centerOfMass.y, Tree[0].centerOfMass.z };
oct = GetOct(Tree[0].Pos, Tree[0].size, Particle2);
if (Tree[0].Oct[oct] == nullptr) // If subnode does not exist, create new one
NewNode = CreateSubNode(Tree, oct);
NewNode = Tree[0].Oct[oct];
InsertToNode(NewNode, Particle2, Tree->mass);
// new particle
oct = GetOct(Tree[0].Pos, Tree[0].size, Particle);
if (Tree[0].Oct[oct] == nullptr) // If subnode does not exist, create new one
NewNode = CreateSubNode(Tree, oct);
NewNode = Tree[0].Oct[oct];
InsertToNode(NewNode, Particle, mass);
Tree[0].centerOfMass = Particle;
Tree[0].mass = mass;
void ComputeMassDistribution(BHtree* Tree)
if (Tree[0].NrParticles > 1)
Tree[0].centerOfMass = { 0, 0, 0 };
Tree[0].mass = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
if (Tree[0].Oct[n] != nullptr)
Tree[0].mass += Tree[0].Oct[n]->mass;
Tree[0].centerOfMass.x += Tree[0].Oct[n]->mass * Tree[0].Oct[n]->centerOfMass.x;
Tree[0].centerOfMass.y += Tree[0].Oct[n]->mass * Tree[0].Oct[n]->centerOfMass.y;
Tree[0].centerOfMass.z += Tree[0].Oct[n]->mass * Tree[0].Oct[n]->centerOfMass.z;
Tree->centerOfMass.x /= Tree->mass;
Tree->centerOfMass.y /= Tree->mass;
Tree->centerOfMass.z /= Tree->mass;
The actual force calculation:
Vec3 CalcForceLJ(BHtree* Tree, Vec3 Particle, double delta)
Vec3 a, diff;
double dist3, dist2;
a.x = a.y = a.z = 0;
if (Tree[0].NrParticles == 1)
if (Particle.x != Tree[0].centerOfMass.x || Particle.y != Tree[0].centerOfMass.y || Particle.z != Tree[0].centerOfMass.z)
diff.x = Tree[0].centerOfMass.x - Particle.x;
diff.y = Tree[0].centerOfMass.y - Particle.y;
diff.z = Tree[0].centerOfMass.z - Particle.z;
dist2 = diff.x * diff.x + diff.y * diff.y + diff.z * diff.z;
dist3 = Tree[0].mass / (sqrt(dist2) * dist2) - 0.1 * Tree[0].mass / (dist2 * dist2);
a.x = diff.x * (dist3);
a.y = diff.y * (dist3);
a.z = diff.z * (dist3);
diff.x = Tree[0].centerOfMass.x - Particle.x;
diff.y = Tree[0].centerOfMass.y - Particle.y;
diff.z = Tree[0].centerOfMass.z - Particle.z;
dist2 = diff.x * diff.x + diff.y * diff.y + diff.z * diff.z;
if ((Tree[0].size * Tree[0].size / dist2) < (delta * delta))
dist3 = Tree[0].mass / (sqrt(dist2) * dist2) - 0.1 * Tree[0].mass / (dist2 * dist2);
a.x = diff.x * dist3;
a.y = diff.y * dist3;
a.z = diff.z * dist3;
Vec3 aTemp;
for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
if (Tree[0].Oct[n] != nullptr)
aTemp = CalcForceLJ(Tree[0].Oct[n], Particle, delta, NumRec);
aTemp.x = aTemp.y = aTemp.z = 0;
a.x += aTemp.x; a.y += aTemp.y; a.z += aTemp.z;
return a;
Note to CalcForceLJ()
: I'm using a Lennard-Jones-potential here, not exact gravity. \$1/r^2 - 0.1/r^3\$ in this case (actually \$-1/r^2 + 0.1/r^3\$) is (almost) exactly gravity for "bigger" \$r\$ and is repulsive for smaller \$r\$. When putting in a little friction, everything forms a "Lennard-Jones-ball" after a while. I can then later (without friction) let those "balls" circle each other, which gives nicely what closely rotating stars would do. I will later also do a CalcForce like \$1/(r^2 + 0.001)\$ (0.001 = gravitational softening to avoid the integrator with variable step-size go crazy if particles get to close to each other).
I'm using Boost/odeint (with variable step-size) to integrate the particle system using this as an ODE-function:
void odefun0LJ(std::vector<double> x, std::vector<double>& dxdt, const double)
InitTree(TreeBase, &x[0], NumParticles);
for (int n = 0; n < NumParticles; n++)
InsertToNode(TreeBase, { x[n * 3 + 0], x[n * 3 + 1], x[n * 3 + 2] }, 1.0);
for (int n = 0; n < NumParticles; n++)
Vec3 a = CalcForceLJ(TreeBase, { x[n * 3 + 0], x[n * 3 + 1], x[n * 3 + 2] }, 0.5);
Thank you in advance for any comments on my code.
I removed some lines of code that are irrelavant for the algorithm.
Here are some more declarations not in the code above (I think, I got them all...):
is a simple struct
Vec3 {double x, y, z}
std::vector<double> x
and std::vector<double> x&dxdt
are passed through like this by Boost/odeint. x
is defined as x[0], x[3], x[6] ... x-Position of Particle 1, 2, 3...,
x[1], x[4], x[7]... y-Position
and x[2], x[4], x[8]... z-Position
is a global unsigned int