I have the following VBA subs that run before and after query refresh. However, it's taking quite a while to run through the code (about 20 seconds or so from clicking 'Refresh All' to being able to use the spreadsheet again, more time when there are more lines). I'm fairly new to VBA, so please let me know if you see any areas for improvement!
This is all functional, just slow! :)
Initialization Sub:
Dim X As New query_table
Sub Initialize_It()
Set X.qt = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Lines to Check").ListObjects("Table_Query_from_Excel_Queries").QueryTable
End Sub
Calling Initialization Sub:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
'Initialize query_table object
End Sub
Class Module Header:
Public WithEvents qt As QueryTable
Class Module (Before Refresh):
Private Sub qt_BeforeRefresh(Cancel As Boolean)
Application.EnableEvents = False
'Save everything!
'Go to Lines to Check sheet
Sheets("Lines to Check").Select
'Clear all filters
'Go to Upload Data sheet
Sheets("Upload Data").Select
'Clear all filters
'Reset header labels (on Upload Data sheet)
Range("A1").Value = "# Rows Used:"
Range("A2").Value = "PO-Line-ISBN"
Range("B2").Value = "Called"
Range("C2").Value = "Online"
Range("D2").Value = "Emailed"
Range("E2").Value = "ISBN"
Range("F2").Value = "New Status"
Range("G2").Value = "PO #"
Range("H2").Value = "Ln #"
Range("I2").Value = "Personal Notes"
'Select the Lines to Check sheet and unhide upload columns
Sheets("Lines to Check").Select
Columns("AC:AL").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
'Copy upload data
Range("Table_Query_from_Excel_Queries[[**FOR UPLOAD** PO-Line-ISBN]:[**FOR UPLOAD** Personal Notes]]").Select
'Paste to Upload Data sheet
Sheets("Upload Data").Select
Sheets("Upload Data").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
'Display last row number in cell B1
Dim rowCount As Long
rowCount = Sheets("Upload Data").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Range("B1").Value = rowCount
'Go to Lines to Check sheet
Sheets("Lines to Check").Select
'Clear manually entered data
Range("Table_Query_from_Excel_Queries[[Updated Status (Format like P21 Ext Desc)]:[Emailed]]").Select
'Hide upload data columns
Columns("AC:AL").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
'Go home
Sheets("Lines to Check").Select
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Class Module (After Refresh):
Private Sub qt_AfterRefresh(ByVal Success As Boolean)
Application.EnableEvents = False
'Save quotation mark to variable (for less confusing use)
Dim quoteMark As String
quoteMark = """"
'Go to the Lines to Check sheet
Sheets("Lines to Check").Select
'Fill blank cells with spaces to eliminate text overflow
For Each i In Range("Table_Query_from_Excel_Queries[[Buyer]:[Updated Status (Format like P21 Ext Desc)]]")
If i.Value = "" Then
i.Value = " "
End If
Next i
For Each i In Range("Table_Query_from_Excel_Queries[[IM Ext Desc]:[SO Ln '#]]")
If i.Value = "" Then
i.Value = " "
End If
Next i
'Fill notes column w/ previously entered data
Range("Table_Query_from_Excel_Queries[Queued to Upload/Notes]").Value = "=XLOOKUP([@[PO-Line-ISBN]],'Upload Data'!$A:$A,'Upload Data'!$I:$I," & quoteMark & quoteMark & ",0,-1) & " & quoteMark & " " & quoteMark & " & XLOOKUP([@[PO-Line-ISBN]],'Upload Data'!$A:$A,'Upload Data'!$F:$F," & quoteMark & quoteMark & ",0,-1)"
'Fill Called column with most recent call dates
Range("Table_Query_from_Excel_Queries[Called]").Value = "=XLOOKUP([@[PO-Line-ISBN]],'Upload Data'!A:A,'Upload Data'!B:B," & quoteMark & quoteMark & ",0,-1)"
'Fill Online column with most recent online dates
Range("Table_Query_from_Excel_Queries[Online]").Value = "=XLOOKUP([@[PO-Line-ISBN]],'Upload Data'!A:A,'Upload Data'!C:C," & quoteMark & quoteMark & ",0,-1)"
'Fill Emailed column with most recent email dates
Range("Table_Query_from_Excel_Queries[Emailed]").Value = "=XLOOKUP([@[PO-Line-ISBN]],'Upload Data'!A:A,'Upload Data'!D:D," & quoteMark & quoteMark & ",0,-1)"
'Go home
Range("A13").Select 'Ensures that non-frozen rows are not scrolled all the way to the bottom
Range("A1").Select 'Goes "home"
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub