I have binary files that need to be efficiently processed. The first 8 bytes correspond to metadata, and all the rest is data. From the first 8 bytes I need the last 4 bytes to determine how to structure the rest of the data.
Since I'm new to rust, this seemed like a good exercise. The following code complies and produces results that seeem reasonable.
use std::convert::TryInto;
use ndarray::Array2;
use chrono::prelude::*;
fn four_bytes_to_array(barry: &[u8]) -> &[u8; 4] {
barry.try_into().expect("slice with incorrect length")
fn eight_bytes_to_array(barry: &[u8]) -> &[u8; 8] {
barry.try_into().expect("slice with incorrect length")
fn bin_file_to_matrix(file_name: &str) -> ndarray::Array2<f64> {
// Read in file_content
let mut file_content = std::fs::read(file_name).expect("Could not read file!");
// The first 4 bytes are some random information, the second 4 bytes are the
// number of data-points per spectrum
let nr_dp_per_spectrum = four_bytes_to_array(&file_content[4..8]);
// We combine the 4 bytes into an unsigned integer
let nr_dp_per_spectrum = u32::from_be_bytes(*nr_dp_per_spectrum);
// Calculate how many spectra there are in this file
let how_many_spectra = file_content.len() as u32/8/(nr_dp_per_spectrum + 1u32);
// Create a buffer to write the data to
let dim = ndarray::Dim([how_many_spectra as usize, nr_dp_per_spectrum as usize]);
let mut data = Array2::<f64>::zeros(dim);
// Remove the first 8 bytes that contain metadata we have already processed
for i in 0..how_many_spectra {
for j in 0..nr_dp_per_spectrum {
let idx = ( (nr_dp_per_spectrum+1) * i + j * 8 ) as usize;
let tmp = eight_bytes_to_array( &file_content[idx..idx+8] );
let val = f64::from_be_bytes( *tmp );
data[ndarray::Ix2(i as usize, j as usize)] = val;
fn main() {
let start = Utc::now();
let res = bin_file_to_matrix("./data/example.bin");
let difference = Utc::now() - start;
println!("Time:\t {:?}", difference);
Is there a way to speed up the code?