You can check the problem here:
My first approach in Haskell was this:
import Data.Ord
import Data.List
computeCollatzSequenceLength n = let
compute l n
| n == 1 = l+1
| even n = compute (l+1) (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = compute (l+1) (3*n+1)
in generate 0 n
main = print $ fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd) $ zip [1..1000000] $ map computeCollatzSequenceLength [1..1000000]
Too slow it was, so I tried to use a sort of memoization by using an unboxed array:
import Data.Ord
import Data.List
import Data.Int
import Data.Array.Unboxed
computeCollatzSequenceLength :: (UArray Int64 Int64) -> Int64 -> (Int64, [Int64])
computeCollatzSequenceLength a n = let
compute :: Int64 -> [Int64] -> Int64 -> (Int64, [Int64])
compute l s n'
| n' == 1 = (l+1, reverse s)
| v > 0 = (l+v, reverse s)
| even n' = compute (l+1) (n':s) (n' `div` 2)
| otherwise = compute (l+1) (n':s) (3*n'+1)
where v = if n' > (snd $ bounds a) then 0 else a!n'
in compute 0 [] n
computeMax m = let
compute :: (Int64,Int64) -> Int64 -> (UArray Int64 Int64) -> (Int64,Int64)
compute candidate n a
| n == (m+1) = candidate
| otherwise = let
(l, u) = computeCollatzSequenceLength a n
a' = a//(filter (\(n',_) -> n' <= m) (zip u [l,l-1..]))
in if (snd candidate) < l then compute (n,l) (n+1) a' else compute candidate (n+1) a'
in compute (0,0) 1 (array (1,m) [ (i,0) | i <- [1..m] ])
main = print $ fst $ computeMax 1000000
But, this was also very slow...(Both took more than a few minutes on my machine. Actually, the latter seems to take much longer...) I don't know what I've done wrong(I'm still a novice in Haskell.) In theory, the memoized version should be faster. I want to avoid using one of existing memoization packages out there.
What are issues with the current approach and how can I optimize this while still keeping its overall structure/approach?
EDIT: I found an elegant solution here: (The last one there, I mean.) Imperativeness and assignment are so hardwired in me as an inveterate C++ programmer, I cannot think of such a solution on my own at the moment. Still, I'd like to know what were issues with my approach above.
EDIT2: My not-working try based on @Hammar's advice:
import Data.Int(Int64)
import Data.List(maximumBy)
import Data.Ord(comparing)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Unboxed
getCollatzSequenceLengthUpto :: Int64 -> (UArray Int64 Int64)
getCollatzSequenceLengthUpto n = runSTUArray $ do
seqLengths <- newArray (1,n) 0
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
let compute l s n' = do
v <- if n' > n then 0 else (readArray seqLengths n')
if n' == 1
return (l+1, reverse s)
if v > 0
return (l+v, reverse s)
if even n'
then do
out <- compute (l+1) (n':s) (n' `div` 2)
return out
else do
out <- compute (l+1) (n':s) (3*n'+1)
return out
(l, u) <- compute 0 [] i
forM_ (filter (\(n',_) -> n' <= n) $ zip u [l,l-1..]) $ \(ix, e) -> do
writeArray seqLengths ix e
return seqLengths
main = print $ fst $ maximumBy $ (comparing snd) $ assocs $ getCollatzSequenceLengthUpto 1000000