I'm implementing a single linked list as close as it could be to std::forward_list
. I would welcome a review and also more suggestions on what to test additionally.
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
class LinkedList {
struct Node {
Node* next;
T data;
Node(T data): data(data), next(nullptr){
struct iterator {
// this should probably be const or sth
Node* iterNode;
// Default constructor
iterator(): iterNode(nullptr)
// Constructor from a node
iterator(Node* n) : iterNode(n)
// Dereferences and gets the value of the node
const T& operator*() const
return iterNode->data;
// Prefix Increment points to the next element in the LinkedList
iterator* operator++()
iterNode = iterNode->next;
return this;
// Compares the two nodes of each iterator
bool operator !=(const iterator& other) const
return iterNode!= other.iterNode;
// Is the one nodes of the iterator equal to other iterator's node
bool operator ==(const iterator& other) const
return iterNode== other.iterNode;
// postFix increment returns an iterator to the previous node
// but points to the next element in the LinkedList
iterator operator++(int)
Node* previous = iterNode;
iterNode = iterNode->next;
return iterator(previous);
iterator& operator--();
iterator operator--(int);
value_type& operator*() const;
void push_back(const T& value)
Node* newNode = new Node(value);
if (!headNode)
std::cout << "!headNode" << std::endl;
headNode = newNode;
auto tmp = headNode;
Node* prevTmp = nullptr;
std::cout << "tmp" << std::endl;
while (tmp)
prevTmp = tmp;
tmp = tmp->next;
prevTmp->next = newNode;
void insert(iterator it, const T& value)
Node* newNode = new Node(value);
auto tmp = it.iterNode->next;
it.iterNode->next = newNode;
newNode->next = tmp;
iterator begin()
return iterator(headNode);
iterator end()
return iterator(nullptr);
iterator erase(iterator it)
// if deleting the first node then if this is the only element
// mark headNode as nullptr and delete the element else make
// the headNode point to the next element and delete the previous one.
if (headNode == it.iterNode)
std::cout << "headNode == it.iterNode" << std::endl;
auto nodeToDelete = it;
if (size == 1)
std::cout << "size == 1 " << std::endl;
headNode = nullptr;
std::cout << "size != 1 " << std::endl;
headNode = (++it)->iterNode;
std::cout << "deleting" << nodeToDelete.iterNode->data << std::endl;
delete nodeToDelete.iterNode;
auto prev = begin();
for (auto itr = begin(); itr!=end();itr++)
if (itr == it)
prev.iterNode->next = (++itr)->iterNode;
delete it.iterNode;
prev = itr;
LinkedList() : size(0), headNode(nullptr){
Node* current = headNode;
while (current)
Node* next = current->next;
delete current;
current = next;
int size;
Node* headNode;
This is testing using the g++ framework
#include "linkedlist.hpp"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
TEST(LinkedListTest, PushBackTest)
LinkedList<int> myList;
LinkedList<int>::iterator it;
for (int i=1; i<=5; ++i) myList.push_back(i);
it = myList.begin();
ASSERT_EQ(*it, 1);
auto counter = 1;
for (auto itr = myList.begin(); itr!=myList.end();++itr)
ASSERT_EQ(*itr, counter);
TEST(LinkedListTest, EraseTest)
LinkedList<int> myList;
LinkedList<int>::iterator it;
it = myList.begin();
// Deleting when is the only node and on the first place
for (int i=2; i<=5; ++i) myList.push_back(i);
it = myList.begin();
auto counter = 2;
// Ensure values are as expected
for (auto itr = myList.begin(); itr!=myList.end();++itr)
ASSERT_EQ(*itr, counter);
// Deleting when is not the only node but is on the first place
it = myList.begin();
std::cout << "Failing case" << std::endl;
counter = 3;
// Ensure values are as expected
for (auto itr = myList.begin(); itr!=myList.end();++itr)
ASSERT_EQ(*itr, counter);
it = myList.begin();
// Deleting an element from the middle and ensure everything is connected correctly
counter = 3;
for (auto itr = myList.begin(); itr!=myList.end();++itr)
if (counter == 4) counter++;
ASSERT_EQ(*itr, counter);