Have been constructing an array that can be used to populate options to find. ${incl[@]}
made from function parameter arguments that takes filename suffixes.
# get parameter arguments
incl+=("$2") ; shift 2 ;; # file type suffix
Example using --incl .texi --incl .org
gives incl=( .texi .org )
But I also have the option for the user to pass a delimiter called fs
, so one can use --incl .texi,.org
by using --fs ","
. This means that if fs
is specified, I would need to split each element of array incl.
But I believe there is repetition in the code and possible fails in some circumstances. It could need some cleaning up, and need suggestions and analysis.
if [[ -z "$fs" ]]; then # undefined field separator
isufx=( '(' )
for ext in "${incl[@]}"; do
isufx+=( -name "*$ext" -o ) # for find cmd
isufx[${#isufx[@]}-1]=')' # modify last -o with )
isufx=( '(' )
for ext in "${incl[@]}"; do
if [[ "$ext" == *"$fs"* ]]; then
s=${ext//"$fs"/" "}
for fltyp in $s; do
isufx+=( -name "*$fltyp" -o ) # for find cmd
isufx+=( -name "*$ext" -o ) # for find cmd
isufx[${#isufx[@]}-1]=')' # modify last -o with )
[[ -z "$fs" && "$ext" == *"$fs"* ]]
. If I remember, one can also introduce parentheses. So it becomes[[ (-z "$fs") && ("$ext" == *"$fs"*) ]]
. \$\endgroup\$