I was implementing the AAN algorithm for computing the 2D Discrete Cosine Transform on an 8*8 array. I perform both the forward and inverse AAN algorithms.
My code is extremely fast compared to the naive DCT algorithm but I feel that my implementation could be faster. How can I improve the performance of my transforms?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifndef M_PI
# define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
File: dct.c
Summary: 2D AAN implementation of Discrete Cosine transform
Code for Forward and Inverse DCT using AAN method
Sources: Forward DCT inspired by // https://unix4lyfe.org/dct-1d/
Inverse DCT inspired by (Everything you need to know about jpeg Youtube Playlist) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb8CQ9knDgI&list=PLpsTn9TA_Q8VMDyOPrDKmSJYt1DLgDZU4
Input : float array of 64 elements representing 8 * 8 block
*Note I use a 1-dimensional array to represent 2d data
//Compute forward dct
void ForwardDCTComponent(float *component)
/*Forward DCT constants*/
const float a1 = 0.707;
const float a2 = 0.541;
const float a3 = 0.707;
const float a4 = 1.307;
const float a5 = 0.383;
const float s0 = 0.353553;
const float s1 = 0.254898;
const float s2 = 0.270598;
const float s3 = 0.300672;
const float s4 = s0;
const float s5 = 0.449988;
const float s6 = 0.653281;
const float s7 = 1.281458;
/*Forward DCT constants*/
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
const float b0 = component[0*8 + i] + component[7*8 + i];
const float b1 = component[1*8 + i] + component[6*8 + i];
const float b2 = component[2*8 + i] + component[5*8 + i];
const float b3 = component[3*8 + i] + component[4*8 + i];
const float b4 =-component[4*8 + i] + component[3*8 + i];
const float b5 =-component[5*8 + i] + component[2*8 + i];
const float b6 =-component[6*8 + i] + component[1*8 + i];
const float b7 =-component[7*8 + i] + component[0*8 + i];
const float c0 = b0 + b3;
const float c1 = b1 + b2;
const float c2 =-b2 + b1;
const float c3 =-b3 + b0;
const float c4 =-b4 - b5;
const float c5 = b5 + b6;
const float c6 = b6 + b7;
const float c7 = b7;
const float d0 = c0 + c1;
const float d1 =-c1 + c0;
const float d2 = c2 + c3;
const float d3 = c3;
const float d4 = c4;
const float d5 = c5;
const float d6 = c6;
const float d7 = c7;
const float d8 = (d4+d6) * a5;
const float e0 = d0;
const float e1 = d1;
const float e2 = d2 * a1;
const float e3 = d3;
const float e4 = -d4 * a2 - d8;
const float e5 = d5 * a3;
const float e6 = d6 * a4 - d8;
const float e7 = d7;
const float f0 = e0;
const float f1 = e1;
const float f2 = e2 + e3;
const float f3 = e3 - e2;
const float f4 = e4;
const float f5 = e5 + e7;
const float f6 = e6;
const float f7 = e7 - e5;
const float g0 = f0;
const float g1 = f1;
const float g2 = f2;
const float g3 = f3;
const float g4 = f4 + f7;
const float g5 = f5 + f6;
const float g6 = -f6 + f5;
const float g7 = f7 - f4;
component[0*8 + i] = g0 * s0;
component[4*8 + i] = g1 * s4;
component[2*8 + i] = g2 * s2;
component[6*8 + i] = g3 * s6;
component[5*8 + i] = g4 * s5;
component[1*8 + i] = g5 * s1;
component[7*8 + i] = g6 * s7;
component[3*8 + i] = g7 * s3;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
const float b0 = component[i*8 + 0] + component[i*8 + 7];
const float b1 = component[i*8 + 1] + component[i*8 + 6];
const float b2 = component[i*8 + 2] + component[i*8 + 5];
const float b3 = component[i*8 + 3] + component[i*8 + 4];
const float b4 =-component[i*8 + 4] + component[i*8 + 3];
const float b5 =-component[i*8 + 5] + component[i*8 + 2];
const float b6 =-component[i*8 + 6] + component[i*8 + 1];
const float b7 =-component[i*8 + 7] + component[i*8 + 0] ;
const float c0 = b0 + b3;
const float c1 = b1 + b2;
const float c2 =-b2 + b1;
const float c3 =-b3 + b0;
const float c4 =-b4 - b5;
const float c5 = b5 + b6;
const float c6 = b6 + b7;
const float c7 = b7;
const float d0 = c0 + c1;
const float d1 =-c1 + c0;
const float d2 = c2 + c3;
const float d3 = c3;
const float d4 = c4;
const float d5 = c5;
const float d6 = c6;
const float d7 = c7;
const float d8 = (d4+d6) * a5;
const float e0 = d0;
const float e1 = d1;
const float e2 = d2 * a1;
const float e3 = d3;
const float e4 = -d4 * a2 - d8;
const float e5 = d5 * a3;
const float e6 = d6 * a4 - d8;
const float e7 = d7;
const float f0 = e0;
const float f1 = e1;
const float f2 = e2 + e3;
const float f3 = e3 - e2;
const float f4 = e4;
const float f5 = e5 + e7;
const float f6 = e6;
const float f7 = e7 - e5;
const float g0 = f0;
const float g1 = f1;
const float g2 = f2;
const float g3 = f3;
const float g4 = f4 + f7;
const float g5 = f5 + f6;
const float g6 = -f6 + f5;
const float g7 = f7 - f4;
component[i*8 + 0] = g0 * s0;
component[i*8 + 4] = g1 * s4;
component[i*8 + 2] = g2 * s2;
component[i*8 + 6] = g3 * s6;
component[i*8 + 5] = g4 * s5;
component[i*8 + 1] = g5 * s1;
component[i*8 + 7] = g6 * s7;
component[i*8 + 3] = g7 * s3;
void InverseDCTComponent(float *component)
const float m0 = 2.0 * cos(1.0/16.0 * 2.0 * M_PI);
const float m1 = 2.0 * cos(2.0/16.0 * 2.0 * M_PI);
const float m3 = 2.0 * cos(2.0/16.0 * 2.0 * M_PI);
const float m5 = 2.0 * cos(3.0/16.0 * 2.0 * M_PI);
const float m2 = m0-m5;
const float m4 = m0+m5;
const float s0 = cos(0.0/16.0 *M_PI)/sqrt(8);
const float s1 = cos(1.0/16.0 *M_PI)/2.0;
const float s2 = cos(2.0/16.0 *M_PI)/2.0;
const float s3 = cos(3.0/16.0 *M_PI)/2.0;
const float s4 = cos(4.0/16.0 *M_PI)/2.0;
const float s5 = cos(5.0/16.0 *M_PI)/2.0;
const float s6 = cos(6.0/16.0 *M_PI)/2.0;
const float s7 = cos(7.0/16.0 *M_PI)/2.0;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
const float g0 = component[0*8 + i] * s0;
const float g1 = component[4*8 + i] * s4;
const float g2 = component[2*8 + i] * s2;
const float g3 = component[6*8 + i] * s6;
const float g4 = component[5*8 + i] * s5;
const float g5 = component[1*8 + i] * s1;
const float g6 = component[7*8 + i] * s7;
const float g7 = component[3*8 + i] * s3;
const float f0 = g0;
const float f1 = g1;
const float f2 = g2;
const float f3 = g3;
const float f4 = g4 - g7;
const float f5 = g5 + g6;
const float f6 = g5 - g6;
const float f7 = g4 + g7;
const float e0 = f0;
const float e1 = f1;
const float e2 = f2 - f3;
const float e3 = f2 + f3;
const float e4 = f4;
const float e5 = f5 - f7;
const float e6 = f6;
const float e7 = f5 + f7;
const float e8 = f4 + f6;
const float d0 = e0;
const float d1 = e1;
const float d2 = e2 * m1;
const float d3 = e3;
const float d4 = e4 * m2;
const float d5 = e5 * m3;
const float d6 = e6 * m4;
const float d7 = e7;
const float d8 = e8 * m5;
const float c0 = d0 + d1;
const float c1 = d0 - d1;
const float c2 = d2 - d3;
const float c3 = d3;
const float c4 = d4 + d8;
const float c5 = d5 + d7;
const float c6 = d6 - d8;
const float c7 = d7;
const float c8 = c5 - c6;
const float b0 = c0 + c3;
const float b1 = c1 + c2;
const float b2 = c1 - c2;
const float b3 = c0 - c3;
const float b4 = c4 - c8;
const float b5 = c8;
const float b6 = c6 - c7;
const float b7 = c7;
component[0 * 8 + i] = b0 + b7;
component[1 * 8 + i] = b1 + b6;
component[2 * 8 + i] = b2 + b5;
component[3 * 8 + i] = b3 + b4;
component[4 * 8 + i] = b3 - b4;
component[5 * 8 + i] = b2 - b5;
component[6 * 8 + i] = b1 - b6;
component[7 * 8 + i] = b0 - b7;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 8; i++)
const float g0 = component[i*8 + 0] * s0;
const float g1 = component[i*8 + 4] * s4;
const float g2 = component[i*8 + 2] * s2;
const float g3 = component[i*8 + 6] * s6;
const float g4 = component[i*8 + 5] * s5;
const float g5 = component[i*8 + 1] * s1;
const float g6 = component[i*8 + 7] * s7;
const float g7 = component[i*8 + 3] * s3;
const float f0 = g0;
const float f1 = g1;
const float f2 = g2;
const float f3 = g3;
const float f4 = g4 - g7;
const float f5 = g5 + g6;
const float f6 = g5 - g6;
const float f7 = g4 + g7;
const float e0 = f0;
const float e1 = f1;
const float e2 = f2 - f3;
const float e3 = f2 + f3;
const float e4 = f4;
const float e5 = f5 - f7;
const float e6 = f6;
const float e7 = f5 + f7;
const float e8 = f4 + f6;
const float d0 = e0;
const float d1 = e1;
const float d2 = e2 * m1;
const float d3 = e3;
const float d4 = e4 * m2;
const float d5 = e5 * m3;
const float d6 = e6 * m4;
const float d7 = e7;
const float d8 = e8 * m5;
const float c0 = d0 + d1;
const float c1 = d0 - d1;
const float c2 = d2 - d3;
const float c3 = d3;
const float c4 = d4 + d8;
const float c5 = d5 + d7;
const float c6 = d6 - d8;
const float c7 = d7;
const float c8 = c5 - c6;
const float b0 = c0 + c3;
const float b1 = c1 + c2;
const float b2 = c1 - c2;
const float b3 = c0 - c3;
const float b4 = c4 - c8;
const float b5 = c8;
const float b6 = c6 - c7;
const float b7 = c7;
component[i * 8 + 0] = b0 + b7;
component[i * 8 + 1] = b1 + b6;
component[i * 8 + 2] = b2 + b5;
component[i * 8 + 3] = b3 + b4;
component[i * 8 + 4] = b3 - b4;
component[i * 8 + 5] = b2 - b5;
component[i * 8 + 6] = b1 - b6;
component[i * 8 + 7] = b0 - b7;
void Print(float *array, int length)
for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
if(i > 0 && i % 8 == 0)
printf("%.1f ", array[i]);
int main()
//Create Sample Array
float *component = malloc(64 * sizeof(int));
for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
component[i] = 255;
//Print Sample Array
//Perform forward DCT
//Print results of forward dct
//Perform inverse DCT
//Print results of inverse dct
return 0;