I am teaching myself Ruby and Ruby-on-rails, as part of this regimen I thought it would be a good idea to do some Ruby quiz exercises and so I started with the solitaire cipher. The basic functionality of decoding a properly formatted message is there but only just so. I've come to the realization that I've written this like Ruby has no object-oriented functionality, and instead it's a big imperative function full of clever expressions that make it hard to read.
At this point I would like to pad it out with a fuller feature set and "unclever" some of the logic, and I wanted to do so via TDD. Is this program hardly unit-testable because of it's imperative design?
As someone who wants to be a great ruby programmer, is it imperative that I refactor this code to utilize classes, methods and objects? If not, will unit-testing be of very limited value as a result? Am I overreacting and this is fine for what it was designed?
input = String.new
input = ARGV[0].dup
def solitaire(input)
def decode(msg)
#Creates a hash with keys 1-54
abc = ('A'..'Z').to_a
alphaHash = Hash.new
alphaHash.default = ""
(1..54).to_a.each {|x| alphaHash[x] = (abc[x - 1])} #assigns 1-26 a letter in alphabetical order
abc.each {|x| alphaHash[abc.index(x) + 27] = x} #assigns letters in order to 27-52
#All non-joker card values 1-52 can be resolved to their letter
#Creates array in which each letter from msg is added as a number to the array, A = 1, B = 2 etc.
msg.delete! ' '
convertedMessage = Array.new
msg.each_char {|letter| convertedMessage << alphaHash.key(letter)}
#Create deck array, for this example in ascending numerical order; clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades
deck = (1..54).to_a
#Set indexes of two jokers
jkr_a_idx = deck.index 53
jkr_b_idx = deck.index 54
convertedKeys = Array.new
#This uses the solitaire cipher to generate the keys the message was encrypted with
while convertedKeys.length < convertedMessage.length
#Joker A down one card
jkr_a_idx = deck.index 53
jkr_a_idx += 1
#check if it returns to front of deck
if jkr_a_idx >= 54
jkr_a_idx -= 54 #Reset index to beginning of deck
jkr_a_idx += 1 #Joker can never be first card so it skips index 0
#Remove and insert Joker A at new index
deck.insert(jkr_a_idx, 53)
#Joker B down two cards
jkr_b_idx = deck.index 54
jkr_b_idx += 2
#check if Joker B must return to front of deck
if jkr_b_idx >= 54
jkr_b_idx -= 54 #Reset index to beginning of deck
jkr_b_idx += 1 #Joker can never be first card so it skips index 0.
#Remove and insert Joker B at new index
deck.insert(jkr_b_idx, 54)
#Triple cut around jokers, exchange cards above first joker with cards below second joker.
#determine top and bottom jokers
topJoker = deck.detect {|e| e == 53 or e == 54}
if topJoker == 53
bottomJoker = 54
if topJoker == 54
bottomJoker = 53
#Make the cuts
topCut = deck.slice!(0...deck.index(topJoker))
if bottomJoker != deck.last #if a joker is the last card, there is no bottom cut
bottomCut = deck.slice!((deck.index(bottomJoker) + 1)..-1) #cuts cards after bottom joker to the last one
deck.unshift bottomCut #Inserts the bottomCut at the front
deck << topCut
deck.flatten! #deck must be flattened as cuts are inserted as nested arrays
#Count cut: take last card's value, cut this many cards from top and insert before last card
if deck.last == 53 or deck.last == 54 #Either joker's value is always 53
countCut = deck.slice!(0...53) #If either joker is the last card, we cut 53 cards
countCut = deck.slice!(0...deck.last)
deck.insert(deck.index(deck.last), countCut) #inserts the countCut before the last card
#Take first card's value, count this many cards, convert the facing card to a letter, this is the letter for the keystream
if deck.first == 54 #All jokers get value 53
if deck[53] != 53 and deck[53] != 54 #If a joker is the facing card, there is no output to the keystream for this iteration
convertedKeys << alphaHash.key((alphaHash[deck[53]])) #Any other facing card is converted to a letter, then back to numeric
if deck[deck.first] != 53 and deck[deck.first] != 54 #Step is skipped if the facing card is a joker
convertedKeys << alphaHash.key((alphaHash[deck[deck.first]]))
end #while loop
decodedMessage = String.new
#Decodes the message
#Both convertedMessage and convertedKeys are numeric values 1-26
convertedMessage.each { |value|
#When decoding, subtract key from the encoded value for the decoded message
if convertedKeys[decodedMessage.length] >= value #If this operation is 0 or negative, add 26 to value
decodedMessage << alphaHash[((value + 26) - convertedKeys[decodedMessage.length])]
decodedMessage << alphaHash[(value - convertedKeys[decodedMessage.length])]
end #decode
puts decode(input)
puts solitaire(input)
is humongous!). Also, I'd also write it in functional style (in the Functional Programming sense), noeach
, all that imperative stuff. Functional and OOP can coexist pretty well in fact. \$\endgroup\$or
, andand
, use||
. They're not the same thing,or
are not meant to be used as boolean operators. \$\endgroup\$(x..y).to_a.each
, you're instantiating an array needlessly. Just use(x..y).each
. \$\endgroup\$