
roux is a Rust library that wraps the Reddit API. Neither Reddit nor roux provides a stream-like interface for obtaining the latest submissions automatically, so that's what I've implemented here.

I'm learning Rust as a hobby (I'm a Python developer by trade) and this is my first "serious" Rust project. Please feel free to point out anything that sticks out to you. The following points are particularly interesting to me:

  • Am I using references and owned values appropriately (e.g. no unnecessary cloning)?

  • Is the interface provided by my lib.rs fitting for this use case (async streaming of items) and idiomatic?

  • As a Rust newbie, the types in the where declarations are hard to understand. Would it be useful to introduce some aliases?

  • Is my approach to error handling OK?



Streaming API for `roux`

Reddit's API does not provide "firehose"-style streaming of new posts and
comments. Instead, the endpoint for retrieving the latest posts has to be
polled regularly. This crate automates that task and provides a stream
for a subreddit's posts (submissions).

See [`stream_subreddit_submissions`] for details.

# Logging

This module uses the logging infrastructure provided by the [`log`] crate.

use futures::{Sink, SinkExt};
use log::{debug, warn};
use roux::subreddit::responses::SubmissionsData;
use roux::{util::RouxError, Subreddit};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::marker::Unpin;
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
use tokio_retry::Retry;

/// Error that may happen when streaming submissions
pub enum SubmissionStreamError<S>
    S: Sink<SubmissionsData> + Unpin,
    /// An issue with getting the data from Reddit

    /// An issue with sending the data through the sink

Stream new submissions in a subreddit

The subreddit is polled regularly for new submissions, and each previously
unseen submission is sent into the sink.

`sleep_time` controls the interval between calls to the Reddit API, and depends
on how much traffic the subreddit has. Each call fetches the 100 latest items
(the maximum number allowed by Reddit). A warning is logged if none of those
items has been seen in the previous call: this indicates a potential miss of new
content and suggests that a smaller `sleep_time` should be chosen.

`retry_strategy` controls how to deal with errors that occur while fetching
content from Reddit. See [`tokio_retry::strategy`].
pub async fn stream_subreddit_submissions<S, R, I>(
    subreddit: &Subreddit,
    mut sink: S,
    sleep_time: Duration,
    retry_strategy: &R,
) -> Result<(), SubmissionStreamError<S>>
    S: Sink<SubmissionsData> + Unpin,
    R: IntoIterator<IntoIter = I, Item = Duration> + Clone,
    I: Iterator<Item = Duration>,
    // How many submissions to fetch per request
    const LIMIT: u32 = 100;
    let mut seen_ids: HashSet<String> = HashSet::new();

    loop {
        let latest_submissions =
            Retry::spawn(retry_strategy.clone(), || subreddit.latest(LIMIT, None))
                .map(|thing| thing.data);

        let mut latest_ids: HashSet<String> = HashSet::new();

        let mut num_new = 0;
        for submission in latest_submissions {
            if !seen_ids.contains(&submission.id) {
                num_new += 1;

            "Got {} new submissions for r/{} (out of {})",
            num_new, subreddit.name, LIMIT
        if num_new == LIMIT && !seen_ids.is_empty() {
                "All received submissions for r/{} were new, try a shorter sleep_time",

        seen_ids = latest_ids;


use futures::{channel::mpsc, Stream, StreamExt};
use roux::{subreddit::responses::SubmissionsData, Subreddit};
use tokio;
use tokio::time::Duration;
use tokio_retry::strategy::{jitter, ExponentialBackoff};

use subreddit_dumper;

async fn submission_reader<S>(stream: &mut S)
    S: Stream<Item = SubmissionsData> + Unpin,
    while let Some(submission) = stream.next().await {
            "New submission in r/{} by {}",
            submission.subreddit, submission.author

async fn main() {
    // Initialize logging

    let subreddit = Subreddit::new("AskReddit");

    let (mut submission_sender, mut submission_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded();

    let retry_strategy = ExponentialBackoff::from_millis(100)
        .map(jitter) // add jitter to delays
        .take(3); // limit to 3 retries

    let (submission_res, _) = tokio::join!(
            &mut submission_sender,
        submission_reader(&mut submission_receiver),

1 Answer 1


Your code is good for the most parts, however there are some improvements that can be made:

The final line in your main method submission_res.unwrap() should be changed to handle the errors and maybe log them.

Personally, I would change the structure of the library. Instead of calling the async method stream_subreddit_submissions with all the different configuration parameters, I would create a struct called SubmissionsStream that has two methods:

pub fn new(
        subreddit: Subreddit,
        sink: S,
        sleep_time: Duration,
        retry_strategy: R,
    ) -> SubmissionsStream

For creating the SumbissionsStream with all the configuration.

pub async fn run(self) -> Result<(), SubmissionStreamError<S::Error>> 

For running the stream.

I would also suggest to pull as much of the configuration creation inside of the new() method. For example you can change new() to create the mpsc channel inside and return the receiver, rather than passing the sender to it. However this would limit you from using a specific mpsc channel so I would leave it only as a suggestion and not something that you necessarily have to do.

SubmissionStreamError should implement the standard traits Display and Error.

The logic for the seen ids can be optimised.

When you are checking if an id has been seen or not in the for loop, and you find an id that has been seen, you can break from the loop because you would have seen all of the ids after it (iff roux returns the latest posts ordered by time, which seems to be the case from testing it).

This means that you don't need to have two HashSets and this:

let mut latest_ids: HashSet<String> = HashSet::new();

let mut num_new = 0;
for submission in latest_submissions {
    if !seen_ids.contains(&submission.id) {
        num_new += 1;

can be simplified:

let mut num_new = 0;

for submission in latest_submissions {
    if !seen_ids.contains(&submission.id) {
        num_new += 1;
    } else {
        //If you reach a seen submission you
        // will have seen all other submissions after it.

Final Code:


use futures::{Sink, SinkExt};
use log::{debug, warn};
use roux::subreddit::responses::SubmissionsData;
use roux::{util::RouxError, Subreddit};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter};
use std::marker::Unpin;
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
use tokio_retry::Retry;

/// Error that may happen when streaming submissions
pub enum SubmissionStreamError<SinkErr> {
    /// An issue with getting the data from Reddit
    /// An issue with sending the data through the sink

impl<S: Debug + Display> Display for SubmissionStreamError<S> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            SubmissionStreamError::Roux(roux_err) => {
                write!(f, "{}", roux_err)
            SubmissionStreamError::Sink(sink_err) => {
                write!(f, "{}", sink_err)

impl<S: Debug + Display> Error for SubmissionStreamError<S> {}

pub struct SubmissionsStream<S, R> {
    subreddit: Subreddit,
    sink: S,
    sleep_time: Duration,
    retry_strategy: R,

impl<S, R, I> SubmissionsStream<S, R>
    S: Sink<SubmissionsData> + Unpin,
    R: IntoIterator<IntoIter = I, Item = Duration> + Clone,
    I: Iterator<Item = Duration>,
    pub fn new(
        subreddit: Subreddit,
        sink: S,
        sleep_time: Duration,
        retry_strategy: R,
    ) -> SubmissionsStream<S, R> {
        SubmissionsStream {

    pub async fn run(self) -> Result<(), SubmissionStreamError<S::Error>> {
        let SubmissionsStream {
            mut sink,
        } = self;

        const LIMIT: u32 = 100;
        let mut seen_ids: HashSet<String> = HashSet::new();

        loop {
            let latest_submissions =
                Retry::spawn(retry_strategy.clone(), || subreddit.latest(LIMIT, None))
                    .map(|thing| thing.data);

            let mut num_new = 0;

            for submission in latest_submissions {
                if !seen_ids.contains(&submission.id) {
                    num_new += 1;
                } else {
                    //If you reach a seen submission you
                    // will have seen all other submissions after it.

                "Got {} new submissions for r/{} (out of {})",
                num_new, subreddit.name, LIMIT
            if num_new == LIMIT && !seen_ids.is_empty() {
                    "All received submissions for r/{} were new, try a shorter sleep_time",



use futures::{channel::mpsc, Stream, StreamExt};
use log::debug;
use roux::{subreddit::responses::SubmissionsData, Subreddit};
use tokio::time::Duration;
use tokio_retry::strategy::{jitter, ExponentialBackoff};

async fn submission_reader<S>(stream: &mut S)
    S: Stream<Item = SubmissionsData> + Unpin,
    while let Some(submission) = stream.next().await {
            "New submission in r/{} by {}",
            submission.subreddit, submission.author

async fn main() {
    // Initialize logging

    let subreddit = Subreddit::new("AskReddit");
    let (submission_sender, mut submission_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded();
    let retry_strategy = ExponentialBackoff::from_millis(100)
        .map(jitter) // add jitter to delays
        .take(3); // limit to 3 retries

    let submission_stream = subreddit_dumper::SubmissionsStream::new(

    let (submission_res, _) = tokio::join!(
        submission_reader(&mut submission_receiver),

    if let Err(stream_err) = submission_res {
        debug!("Error:  {}", stream_err);
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks! One thing regarding your suggested improvement of checking for seen IDs: in your version, seen_ids seems to grow indefinitely. That's something I'd like to avoid, since one intended use case are long-running Reddit bots. I do like the idea of wrapping the functionality in a struct! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 17, 2021 at 17:06

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