Never iterate over indices in python
In Python this pattern is generally not recommended:
for y in range(len(wordBanList)):
if(Personne1 == wordBanList[y] or Personne2 == wordBanList[y]):
printIt = 0
You almost never need to iterate over and access elements by their indices. Instead you should directly iterate over the elements of the iterable:
for word in wordBanList:
if Personne1 == word or Personne2 == word:
printIt = 0
Also notice that you do not need the parentheses around the or
If you do need the index as well you can use built-in enumerate
for index, word in enumerate(wordBanList):
Membership tests
As Harsha pointed out, set
s are optimized for membership tests, so use them when possible. Doing so can also make your assignment of printIt
way more concise:
wordBanList = {'@everyone', '@here', '<@&763489250162507809>', ...}
printIt = 0 if (Personne1 in wordBanList or Personne2 in wordBanList) else 1
Parantheses are also not required here, but might improve readability.
Naming convention
PEP 8:
Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by
underscores as necessary to improve readability.
Variable names follow the same convention as function names.
Variable and function names should follow snake_case.
debug == True
As a general rule of thumb, you should always use is
with the built-in constants: True
, False
and None
. It might also suffice to check debug
for truthiness (if debug:
). This however depends on the use case, since the expressions are not equivalent. The second one will fail for all falsey values, not just False
(e.g. an empty string, an empty list). If you're interested, you can read more about Truthy and Falsy Values in Python.
String formatting
LoveRate = str(random.randrange(0, 100))
(or better love_rate
) should not be of type str
, since you only need its str
-represantation to print it. You can let Python handle formatting for you, by using f-strings. That way you never have to think about casting to str
print("[DEBUG] !love : The love rate ("+LoveRate+"%) between "+Personne1+" and "+Personne2+" has been printed in channel ID "+str(
print(f"[DEBUG] !love : The love rate ({LoveRate}%) between {Personne1} and {Personne2} has been printed in channel ID {}")
A few other small points:
- Instead of wrapping the main code inside an
-block we can use == 763352957579690018
as an exit condition.
is of type int
, but basically acts as a variable of type bool
. We can also eliminate that variable entirely, since we only use it once.
- Line length should ideally not exceed 80 characters. You can use parantheses to conveniently concatenate strings across multiple lines, as described in this reddit tip. My IDE is set to hard wrap only at 100 characters, so that's the maximum length for the lines below.
@bot.command(name="love", aliases=["l"])
async def love(ctx, personne1, personne2):
if == 763352957579690018:
bot_channel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.channels, id=768194273970880533)
message_bot = await ctx.send(f"Va faire cette commande dans {bot_channel.mention} "
f"ou je te soulève <:rage:831149184895811614>")
await asyncio.sleep(5)
await ctx.message.delete()
await message_bot.delete()
word_ban_list = {'@everyone', '@here', '<@&763489250162507809>', '<@&777564025432965121>',
'<@&822200827347075132>', '<@&763815680306184242>', '<@&764422266560839680<',
'<@&763815728972300338>', '<@&763815728972300338>', '<@&763815228323528725>',
'<@&763815784904261632>', '<@&764422166116171806>', '<@&764422057353936897>',
'<@&804807279043674143>', '<@&828664814678179861>', '<@&823562218095640646>',
love_rate = str(random.randrange(0, 100))
if personne1 in word_ban_list or personne2 in word_ban_list:
await ctx.send("Tu t'es pris pour qui ?")
if debug:
print("[DEBUG] !love : Someone tried to use a banned word !")
await ctx.send(f"L'amour entre **{personne1}** et **{personne2}** est de **{love_rate}%** "
if debug:
print(f"[DEBUG] !love : The love rate ({love_rate}%) between {personne1} and"
f"{personne2} has been printed in channel ID {}")