I'm "playing" with ARM assembly on a Raspberry Pi, reading various tutorials and posts to help - no, it's not a college assignment, I'm too old for college! I'm pleased with getting the following code to take a decimal value (between 0 and 255) and output the binary string equivalent to the screen using scanf()
and printf()
but curious to know though whether those more experienced would consider this a "naive" solution? Are there any "gotchas"? Any better ways of tackling the problem?
I reckon there should be a better way of declaring the string to hold the output and how the string is built from the LSB (using R9)
/* dectobin2.s */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Converts a decimal number to binary and outputs to screen */
/* ============================================================ */
.balign 4
value: .word 0
binStr: .asciz "00000000"
output: .asciz "%d in binary is %s\n"
lr_temp: .word 0
lr_local: .word 0
prompt: .asciz "Enter a positive value (0-255) > "
pattern: .asciz "%d"
@ function to convert given value into a binary string
@ save the link register
ldr r2, =lr_local
str lr, [r2]
@ set data values
mov r4, r0 @ value in r4 for processing
mov r9, #7 @ LSB position in output string
@ repeated division by 2 2
movs r4, r4, lsr #1 @ divide by 2, set carry
bcs _odd @ if carry set, remainder is 1
mov r5, #0 @ remainder of 0
b _toString
mov r5, #1 @ remainder of 1
add r5, #48 @ convert remainder to ASCII
ldr r1, =binStr @ address of binary string
strb r5, [r1, r9] @ store remainder in string at pos in r9
sub r9, r9, #1 @ move to next position in output string
cmp r4, #0 @ reached zero?
ble _endloop
b _loop
@ restore the link register
ldr lr, =lr_local
ldr lr, [lr]
bx lr
.global main
@ store the link register
ldr r1, =lr_temp
str lr, [r1]
@ print a title
ldr r0, =title
bl printf
@ get the value to convert
ldr r0, =prompt @ prep the arguments for scanf
bl printf
ldr r0, =pattern
ldr r1, =value
bl scanf
@ check for valid input (0-255)
ldr r0, =value
ldr r0, [r0]
cmp r0, #255 @ must be <= 255
bgt _getValue
cmp r0, #0 @ must be >= 0
blt _getValue
@ call the function, value is in R0
bl decToBin
@ display output
ldr r0, =output @ get address of output string
ldr r1, =value @ get the original value
ldr r1, [r1] @ for first parameter
ldr r2, =binStr @ get the binary string
bl printf @ print the result
@ restore the link register and exit
ldr lr, =lr_temp
ldr lr, [lr]
bx lr
.global printf
.global scanf