I wanted to check and see if this was as efficient as can be. The goal is to get a user's data from a group of documents that contains references to users in Firestore.
this.links = this.currentUserRef.collection('links', ref => ref.where('pendingRequest', '==', false)).get()
.pipe(map(querySnap => {
const ret = [];
querySnap.forEach(async doc => {
const val = await doc.get('otherUser').get().then(async userData => {
return {
id: userData.id,
img: await this.getImage(userData.get('profilepic')),
name: userData.get('name'),
bio: userData.get('bio')
return ret;
<ion-item *ngFor="let link of links | async">
<ion-avatar slot="start">
<img src="{{link.img}}">
<ion-checkbox id="{{link.id}}"></ion-checkbox>