I'm trying to become more familiar with template metaprogramming and practice more of it. I need to use modular arithmetic to solve certain problems and so I decided to write a general purpose template for it.
Include files
// Individual
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <vector>
#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
// PCH
#include "bits/stdc++.h"
Modular Arithmetic Template
namespace competitive_programming::utility::sfinae {
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_istream_streamable
: std::false_type
{ };
template <typename T>
struct is_istream_streamable <T, std::void_t <decltype(std::cin >> std::declval <T&> ())>>
: std::true_type
{ };
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_istream_streamable_v = is_istream_streamable <T>::value;
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_ostream_streamable
: std::false_type
{ };
template <typename T>
struct is_ostream_streamable <T, std::void_t <decltype(std::cerr << std::declval <T> ())>>
: std::true_type
{ };
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_ostream_streamable_v = is_ostream_streamable <T>::value;
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct has_begin_iterator
: std::false_type
{ };
template <typename T>
struct has_begin_iterator <T, std::void_t <decltype(std::declval <T> ().begin())>>
: std::true_type
{ };
template <typename T>
constexpr bool has_begin_iterator_v = has_begin_iterator <T>::value;
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct has_end_iterator
: std::false_type
{ };
template <typename T>
struct has_end_iterator <T, std::void_t <decltype(std::declval <T> ().end())>>
: std::true_type
{ };
template <typename T>
constexpr bool has_end_iterator_v = has_end_iterator <T>::value;
template <typename T>
constexpr bool has_begin_end_iterator_v = has_begin_iterator_v <T> && has_end_iterator_v <T>;
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_mathematical
: std::false_type
{ };
template <typename T>
struct is_mathematical <T, std::void_t <decltype(
std::declval <T&> () += std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T&> () -= std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T&> () *= std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T&> () /= std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T&> () %= std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T&> () &= std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T&> () |= std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T&> () ^= std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T&> () <<= std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T&> () >>= std::declval <T> (),
++std::declval <T&> (),
--std::declval <T&> (),
std::declval <T&> ()++,
std::declval <T&> ()--,
std::declval <T> () + std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () - std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () * std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () / std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () % std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () & std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () | std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () ^ std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () << std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () >> std::declval <T> (),
+std::declval <T> (),
-std::declval <T> ()
)>> : std::true_type
{ };
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_comparable
: std::false_type
{ };
template <typename T>
struct is_comparable <T, std::void_t <decltype(
std::declval <T> () == std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () != std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () <= std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () >= std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () < std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T> () > std::declval <T> (),
std::declval <T&>() = std::declval <T> (),
static_cast <bool> (std::declval <T> ())
)>> : std::true_type
{ };
template <typename T>
struct is_integer_type {
static constexpr bool value = is_mathematical <T>::value &&
is_comparable <T>::value;
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_integer_type_v = is_integer_type <T>::value;
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct common_bigger_integer {
using type = T;
template <typename T>
struct common_bigger_integer <T, std::enable_if_t <std::is_integral_v <T>, void>> {
using type = int64_t;
template <typename T>
using common_bigger_integer_t = typename common_bigger_integer <T>::type;
namespace competitive_programming::utility::math {
namespace sfinae = competitive_programming::utility::sfinae;
template <typename Integer, Integer Modulo>
class modular {
static_assert(sfinae::is_integer_type_v <Integer>, "class modular requires integer type");
static_assert(Modulo > 0, "Modulo must be positive");
using Common_Integer = std::decay_t <sfinae::common_bigger_integer_t <Integer>>;
Common_Integer integer = Common_Integer();
const Common_Integer modulo = Modulo;
void normalize () {
if (integer >= mod() || -integer <= mod())
integer %= mod();
if (integer < 0)
integer += mod();
modular (const modular& m)
: integer (m.integer)
{ }
template <typename T = Common_Integer>
modular (const T& integer = T())
: integer (static_cast <Common_Integer> (integer))
{ normalize(); }
modular& operator = (const modular& m)
{ integer = m.integer; return *this; }
constexpr Common_Integer mod () const { return modulo; }
constexpr Common_Integer operator () () const { return integer; }
constexpr Common_Integer& operator () () { return integer; }
template <typename T>
constexpr explicit operator T() const { return static_cast <T> (integer); }
modular& operator += (const modular& other) {
integer += other.integer;
if (integer >= mod())
integer -= mod();
return *this;
modular& operator -= (const modular& other) {
integer -= other.integer;
if (integer < 0)
integer += mod();
return *this;
modular& operator *= (const modular& other)
{ return integer *= other.integer, normalize(), *this; }
modular& operator /= (const modular& other)
{ return *this *= other.extended_euclidean_inverse().integer, normalize(), *this; }
modular& operator ++ () { return *this += 1; }
modular& operator -- () { return *this -= 1; }
modular operator ++ (int) const { modular result (*this); *this += 1; return result; }
modular operator -- (int) const { modular result (*this); *this -= 1; return result; }
modular operator + () const { return *this; }
modular operator - () const { return modular(-integer); }
friend modular operator + (modular self, const modular& other) { return self += other; }
friend modular operator - (modular self, const modular& other) { return self -= other; }
friend modular operator * (modular self, const modular& other) { return self *= other; }
friend modular operator / (modular self, const modular& other) { return self /= other; }
friend bool operator == (const modular& left, const modular& right) { return left() == right(); }
friend bool operator != (const modular& left, const modular& right) { return left() != right(); }
friend bool operator <= (const modular& left, const modular& right) { return left() <= right(); }
friend bool operator >= (const modular& left, const modular& right) { return left() >= right(); }
friend bool operator < (const modular& left, const modular& right) { return left() < right(); }
friend bool operator > (const modular& left, const modular& right) { return left() > right(); }
// Assumes modulo is prime
// Fermat's Little Theorem (
modular fermat_inverse () const {
modular inverse = *this;
inverse.binary_exponentiate(mod() - 2);
if (*this * inverse != 1)
throw std::runtime_error("integer and modulo are not co-prime");
return inverse;
// Assumes modulo is prime
// Euler's Totient Theorem (
modular euler_inverse () const {
auto m = mod();
long double totient = mod();
for (Common_Integer i = 2; i * i <= m; ++i)
if (m % i == 0) {
while (m % i == 0)
m /= i;
totient *= 1.0L - 1.0L / i;
if (m > 1)
totient *= 1.0L - 1.0L / m;
Common_Integer phi = totient;
modular inverse = *this;
inverse.binary_exponentiate(phi - 1);
if (*this * inverse != 1)
throw std::runtime_error("integer and modulo are not co-prime");
return inverse;
// Assumes modulo is co-prime with integer
// Extended Euclidean Algorithm (
modular extended_euclidean_inverse () const {
Common_Integer u = 0, v = 1;
Common_Integer a = integer, m = mod();
while (a != 0) {
Common_Integer t = m / a;
m -= t * a;
u -= t * v;
std::swap(a, m);
std::swap(u, v);
if (m != 1)
throw std::runtime_error("integer and modulo are not co-prime");
return u;
// Assumes power is non-negative
modular binary_exponentiate (Common_Integer power) {
auto base = *this;
*this = 1;
while (power > 0) {
if (power & 1)
*this *= base;
base *= base;
power >>= 1;
return *this;
modular abs () const { return *this; }
std::string to_string () const { return std::to_string((*this)()); }
friend auto operator << (std::ostream& stream, const modular& m)
-> std::enable_if_t <sfinae::is_ostream_streamable_v <Common_Integer>, std::ostream&>
{ return stream << m(); }
friend auto operator >> (std::istream& stream, modular& m)
-> std::enable_if_t <sfinae::is_istream_streamable_v <Common_Integer>, std::istream&>
{ return stream >> m(), m.normalize(), stream; }
template <typename Integer, Integer Modulo = Integer()>
using modular = competitive_programming::utility::math::modular <Integer, Modulo>;
using mod998244353 = modular <int, 998244353>;
using mod1000000007 = modular <int, 1000000007>;
// Example 1
int main () {
int64_t n;
std::cin >> n;
mod998244353 y = 2;
std::vector <mod998244353> fibo (n + 1);
fibo [0] = 0;
fibo [1] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i)
fibo [i] = fibo [i - 1] + fibo [i - 2];
std::cout << fibo [n] * y.fermat_inverse() << '\n';
return 0;
// Example 2
namespace competitive_programming::utility {
using namespace std::chrono;
class timer {
time_point <steady_clock> begin, end;
timer () : begin (steady_clock::now()), end () { }
~timer () {
end = steady_clock::now();
std::cerr << "\n\nDuration: " << duration <double> (end - begin).count() << "s\n";
timer () : begin (), end () { }
~timer () { }
int main () {
mod1000000007 m;
std::cin >> m; // 42
competitive_programming::utility::timer t;
std::cout << m.extended_euclidean_inverse() << '\n';
// 23809524
// Duration: 0.0000641200s
competitive_programming::utility::timer t;
std::cout << m.fermat_inverse() << '\n';
// 23809524
// Duration: 0.0000082080s
competitive_programming::utility::timer t;
std::cout << m.euler_inverse() << '\n';
// 23809524
// Duration: 0.0007950880s
return 0;
Question and Others
Comments about code-style and other related guides are welcome as usual. I'd like to know if my code is optimally written in the math related part. It would be great to have comments on is_mathematical
and is_comparable
parts of the code. With C++20 I believe, the way I've done it simplifies a great deal in implementation verbosity with concepts. What other features may be added to the code (that I may have missed)?
to check if a type is mathematical or not. Although, I'd like the template to be more general purpose and allow user-defined integer types too. Say that someone has a arbitrary multiprecision big integer implementation and would like to use a really big modulo (bigger thanstd::numeric_limits <int>::max()
, my code would allow you to do that. \$\endgroup\$Integer
is a signed type? \$\endgroup\$-1 % -10
==9 % -10
? If so, all's well and good. (That was a real question, not a criticism). \$\endgroup\$