I've written a Python program to analyse a huge C++ code base in excess of millions of lines of code. The job of the program is simply to search for all C and C++ style comments and extract all the comments which contain specific keywords and phrases and to write those comments to an associated file. So far the program works well enough. It's fairly quick and easy to configure and it does the job, but it doesn't search anywhere near as fast as I would like it to and I would like some advice on how to make things run faster.
The program is very quick and easy to configure. If you'd like to search a codebase for a single expression all you have to do is pass it that expression as an argument and the directory to search in and it will do the rest for you. To search for comments containing the word "hack" in the src/ directory you could simply write:
./main.py -e hack -s ./src/
If you want to pass many expressions however, you need to use a specially crafted JSON file and pass the name of that file as an argument. An example JSON file might look like this:
"hack-stuff": [
The file is then passed to the program like such:
./main.py -f test-words.json -s ./src/
This will create four files: "hack-stuff", "WARNING", "DANGER" and "bad". The file "hack-stuff" will be where all comments containing the words hack, hacked and hacky will be placed, "bad" will be where all comments containing "bad" and "badly" will be placed, and "WARNING" and "DANGER" will be where comments containing "WARNING" and "DANGER" will be placed respectively. This example demonstrates the three ways (string, list or dictionary) you can specify which comments matches you want to place in which files.
Program Structure
At the core of the program is the SourceWalker class which contains all the internal logic required to analyse the codebase and write the comments to their respective files. There is also a main function in a separate file which reads the arguments into their relevant variables and performs the JSON processing (if necessary) before then initialising and running an instance of the class via the walk() method.
I've tried a number of things to make the program as performant as possible, including incorporating multiprocessing which yielded huge improvements, but I'm not sure what I can do to make it any faster at this point. The main slowdown is caused by the for loop within _process_files() on line 117. This is the part of the program which runs in each of the child processes and searches through each file looking for valid comments before checking them against a series of pre-compiled regular expressions to see if they match one of the expressions we're looking for. I'm sure there are better ways of extracting the comments from each file and then searching through them but I'm not sure what they would be. Any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated.
Additional Comments
While performance is my main concern here, I'd also appreciate any feedback on the correctness and style of my program. It seems to work as intended but I can't guarantee there aren't some edge cases I've missed during my testing.
The Code
import sys
import json
import os
import argparse
import SourceWalker
def initialiseParser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Search the contents of comments within source code files")
parser.add_argument("--file_name", "--file", "-f", help = "Name of the file containing the JSON list of expressions to search for", type = str)
parser.add_argument("--source-dir", "--src", "-s", help = "The root directory of the source files to search over", type = str)
parser.add_argument("--output-dir", "--out", "-o", help = "The directory the output files will be placed in", type = str)
parser.add_argument("--expression", "--expr", "-e", help = "The expression to search for within the source comments", type = str)
parser.add_argument("--language", "--lang", "-l", help = "The style of comments to look for within the file", type = str)
return parser
def main():
parser = initialiseParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.source_dir:
source_dir = args.source_dir
sys.exit("Source directory must be specified!")
if args.file_name:
file_name = args.file_name
input_file = open(file_name, "r")
expressions = json.loads(input_file.read())
elif args.expression:
expressions = []
sys.exit("Error: Expression or file containing expressions must be specified!")
output_dir = "./comments/"
if args.output_dir:
output_dir = args.output_dir
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
walker = SourceWalker.SourceWalker(source_dir, output_dir, expressions, extensions=[ ".c", ".cpp", ".h", ".cxx" ])
if "input_file" in locals():
if __name__=="__main__":
SourceWalker.py #!/usr/bin/python3
import sys
import json
import re
import os
import multiprocessing
import codecs
from pathlib import Path
class SourceWalkerException(Exception):
Raised when there is an error processing the given expressions
TODO: Make error handling more informative and clean up. Should display a message to the user explaing what went wrong and close all open files.
class SourceWalker:
_output_file_names = []
_regexes = {}
_expr_file_names = {}
def __init__(self, source_dir, output_dir, expr_list, encoding = "ISO-8859-1", process_count = 12, extensions = [ ".c", ".h" ]):
if not os.path.exists(source_dir) or not os.path.exists(output_dir):
raise NotADirectoryError
if process_count < 1:
raise SourceWalkerException("Process count cannot be less than one!")
if not isinstance(extensions, list):
raise SourceWalkerException("Extensions must be passed as a list!")
for extension in extensions:
if extension[0] != '.':
raise SourceWalkerException("Extensions must start with a \'.\'!")
elif len(extension) <= 1:
raise SourceWalkerException("Extensions must be more than one character long!")
except NotADirectoryError as exception:
raise SourceWalkerException("Directory does not exist! " + str(exception))
self._source_dir = source_dir
self._output_dir = output_dir
self._encoding = encoding
self._expr_list = expr_list
self._process_count = process_count
self._extensions = extensions
def _process_expr_list(self):
for expr in self._expr_list:
if isinstance(expr, list):
if len(expr) == 0:
raise SourceWalkerException("Expression list cannot be empty!")
output_file_name = expr[0]
if not isinstance(output_file_name, str):
raise SourceWalkerException("Expression sub-lists can only contain strings!")
for sub_expr in expr:
if not isinstance(sub_expr, str):
raise SourceWalkerException("Expression sub-lists can only contain strings!")
elif sub_expr in self._regexes.keys():
raise SourceWalkerException("Expressions can only appear once in the expression list!")
self._regexes[sub_expr] = re.compile("\s+%s(\s|,|:|;|\n)+" % (sub_expr)) # Naieve regex to catch expressions
self._expr_file_names[sub_expr] = self._output_dir + output_file_name
self._output_file_names.append(self._output_dir + output_file_name)
elif isinstance(expr, dict):
if len(expr.keys()) == 0:
raise SourceWalkerException("Expression dictionary cannot be empty!")
output_file_name = list(expr)[0]
if not isinstance(expr[output_file_name], list):
raise SourceWalkerException("Expression dictionary cannot be empty!")
for sub_expr in expr[output_file_name]:
if not isinstance(sub_expr, str):
raise SourceWalkerException("Expression sub-lists can only contain strings!")
elif sub_expr in self._regexes.keys():
raise SourceWalkerException("Expressions can only appear once in the expression list!")
self._regexes[sub_expr] = re.compile("\s+%s(\s|,|:|;|\n)+" % (sub_expr))
self._expr_file_names[sub_expr] = self._output_dir + output_file_name
self._output_file_names.append(self._output_dir + output_file_name)
elif isinstance(expr, str):
if expr in self._regexes.keys():
raise SourceWalkerException("Expressions can only appear once in the expression list!")
self._output_file_names.append(self._output_dir + expr)
self._regexes[expr] = re.compile("\s+%s(\s|,|:|;|\n)+" % (expr))
self._expr_file_names[expr] = self._output_dir + expr
raise SourceWalkerException("Expression list can only contain dictionaries, lists, and strings!")
except SourceWalkerException as exception:
def _process_files(self, input_files, output_files, mutexes): # Find way to process different types of source file, I'd rather not be limited to C only...
for file_name in iter(input_files.get, None):
with open(file_name, "r", encoding = self._encoding) as file_object:
in_multi_comment = False
in_single_comment = False
in_string = False
prev_char = ''
comment = ''
for line_num, line in enumerate(file_object, 1):
for char in line:
if char == '/':
if in_string or in_single_comment:
prev_char = char
if prev_char == '*':
in_multi_comment = False
comment += char
for expr in self._regexes.keys():
if self._regexes[expr].search(comment):
os.write(output_files[expr], ("%s: %s %s\n" % (file_name, str(line_num), comment)).encode())
comment = ''
elif prev_char == '/':
in_single_comment = True
comment += prev_char
elif char == '*':
if in_string or in_single_comment or in_multi_comment:
if in_single_comment or in_multi_comment:
comment += char
prev_char = char
if prev_char == '/':
in_multi_comment = True
comment += prev_char
elif char == '"':
if prev_char == '\\' or in_single_comment or in_multi_comment:
prev_char = char
in_string = not in_string
prev_char = char
if in_single_comment or in_multi_comment:
comment += char
if in_single_comment:
in_single_comment = False
for expr in self._regexes.keys():
if self._regexes[expr].search(comment):
os.write(output_files[expr], ("%s: %s %s" % (file_name, str(line_num), comment)).encode())
comment = ''
def walk(self):
input_files = multiprocessing.Queue(0)
processes = []
mutexes = {}
output_files = {}
for fname in self._output_file_names:
file_handle = os.open(fname, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT)
mutex = multiprocessing.Lock()
except IOError:
for file in output_files.keys():
raise SourceWalkerException("Error: Could not open output file %s, skipping!" % fname)
for expr in self._expr_file_names.keys():
if self._expr_file_names[expr] == fname:
output_files[expr] = file_handle
mutexes[expr] = mutex
for root, dirs, file_names in os.walk(self._source_dir):
for file_name in file_names:
if any(ext in Path(file_name).suffix for ext in self._extensions):
input_files.put(os.path.join(root, file_name))
for i in range(self._process_count):
for cur_process in range(self._process_count):
process = multiprocessing.Process(target = self._process_files, args = (input_files, output_files, mutexes))
for i in range(1, self._process_count):
for file in output_files.keys(): # Close the file associated with each expression
os.close(output_files[file]) # Since multiple expressions can be associated with the same file we need to avoid invalid file closures
. This file wouldn't be able to run; please edit your question. \$\endgroup\$