You already have a working solution but you say "it would be easier on the system to have 2 separate arrays". I have no idea what you mean by that, and in any case this is false since memory locality plays a big role in performance and by separating these lengths from the string contents you'd be prematurely pessimizing your code for no reason.
But of course you haven't mentioned the biggest obstacle: how are you going to refer to those strings in that array? Surely not by magic numbers. Thus: by some separate enums? No, forget about using preprocessor macros: yuck! The less of those, the better. How will you ensure the names for the indices remain in sync with contents of the array?
That's the problem with C: it's a really nice language for outputting generated code to, but by itself it's like writing in a human-friendly assembly almost, and almost any idea you have can't really be expressed nicely in C without writing absurd amounts of code.
I don't know why you insist on having an array, since just naming each string would give you names that are intimately tied to the contents, but there are valid reasons to have an array, e.g. for translations - so let's say the array is a valid requirement.
So, what you want really is code generation. None of this stuff should be manually tweaked by humans - it's a total waste of time, and obscure macros doesn't help with readability either. Let the generator generate plain C, with nothing special.
You decided to use C, so I can propose a code generator written in C, even though C is rather hard to get right and becomes somewhat verbose. Again: it is something I came up with in 10 minutes, it's just an example that should be made much nicer (and even longer) if you intend to use it:
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void *check_alloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
if (size && !ptr)
fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory while attempting to allocate %zu bytes\n", size);
return ptr;
void *checked_malloc(size_t size)
return check_alloc(malloc(size), size);
void *checked_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
return check_alloc(realloc(ptr, size), size);
typedef struct {
char *data;
size_t count, size;
} Buffer;
Buffer buf_new(void)
Buffer buf = {.data = NULL, .count = 0, .size = 4096 }; = checked_malloc(buf.size);
return buf;
char *buf_end(const Buffer *b)
return b->data + b->count;
size_t buf_avail(const Buffer *b)
return b ? (b->size - b->count) : 0;
size_t buf_extend(Buffer *b)
size_t const newSize = 2*b->size;
char *newData = checked_realloc(b, newSize);
b->size = newSize;
b->data = newData;
return b->size - b->count;
void buf_append(Buffer *b, size_t count)
b->count += count;
void buf_free(Buffer *b)
if (b) {
memset(b, 0, sizeof(*b));
Buffer read_all(FILE *file)
Buffer buf = buf_new();
if (!buf.size) return buf;
for (;;)
size_t maxToRead = buf_avail(&buf);
if (!maxToRead)
maxToRead = buf_extend(&buf);
if (!maxToRead)
size_t readNow = fread(buf_end(&buf), 1, maxToRead, file);
buf_append(&buf, readNow);
if (!readNow) {
if (feof(stdin))
*buf_end(&buf) = '\0';
return buf;
if (ferror(stdin))
return buf;
int isident1(int c) { return isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '$'; }
int isident(int c) { return isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '$'; }
int isendl(int c) { return c == '\r' || c == '\n'; }
typedef struct {
char *data;
size_t size;
} StringView;
static const StringView empty_str[1];
char str_last(const StringView *str)
return str->size ? str->data[str->size-1] : '\0';
char *str_lastp(const StringView *str)
return str->size ? str->data + str->size - 1 : NULL;
void buf_append_stringz(Buffer *buf, const StringView *str)
for (size_t avail = buf_avail(buf); avail < str->size + 1;)
avail = buf_extend(buf);
memcpy(buf_end(buf), str->data, str->size);
buf_append(buf, str->size);
*buf_end(buf) = '\0';
buf_append(buf, 1);
StringView read_label(char **input)
StringView result = {.data = NULL, .size = 0};
char *p = *input;
unsigned char c;
while ((c = *p) && isspace(c)) ++p;
if (!c) return result; = p;
if ((c = *p) && isident1(c)) ++p;
else return result;
while ((c = *p) && isident(c)) ++p;
result.size = p -;
if (c) *p++ = '\0'; // null-terminate the result
*input = p;
return result;
StringView read_text_line(char **input)
StringView result = {.data = NULL, .size = 0};
char *p = *input;
unsigned char c;
while ((c = *p) && isspace(c)) ++p;
if (!c) return result; = p;
while ((c = *p) && !isendl(c)) ++p;
result.size = p -;
if (c) *p++ = '\0'; // null-terminate the result
*input = p;
return result;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Arguments
// <array_name>
// Input format:
// <label> <whitespace> <text to go with the label> <newline>
// The text can contain C escapes, which are not interpreted.
// Multi-line strings are supported using the line continuation character
// <\> at the end of the line.
if (argc != 2) return 1;
const char *array_name = argv[1];
Buffer labels = buf_new();
Buffer input = read_all(stdin);
fprintf(stdout, "const StringView %s[] = {\n", array_name);
int has_previous_entry = 0;
for(char *in =;;)
StringView label = read_label(&in);
if (!label.size) break;
int needs_open_brace = 1;
size_t total_size = 0;
for (;;)
StringView text = read_text_line(&in);
if (!text.size) break;
total_size += text.size;
if (has_previous_entry && needs_open_brace)
fprintf(stdout, ",\n");
if (needs_open_brace)
buf_append_stringz(&labels, &label);
fprintf(stdout, " /* %s */\n { ",;
fprintf(stdout, " ");
needs_open_brace = 0;
has_previous_entry = 1;
if (str_last(&text) == '\\')
*str_lastp(&text) = '\0';
fprintf(stdout, "\"%s\"\n",;
fprintf(stdout, "\"%s\", %zu }",, total_size);
if (has_previous_entry)
fprintf(stdout, "\n};\n");
fprintf(stdout, "};\n");
if (has_previous_entry)
buf_append_stringz(&labels, empty_str);
int has_previous_label = 0;
char *label =;
fprintf(stdout, "enum %s_labels {\n", array_name);
while (*label)
size_t len = strlen(label);
if (has_previous_label)
fprintf(stdout, ",\n");
fprintf(stdout, " %s", label);
label += len + 1;
has_previous_label = 1;
fprintf(stdout, "\n};\n");
return 0;
Invoked as generate myArray
, given the following standard input:
label_1 text1a text1b
label_2 text2a text2b text2c\
text2d text2e \
the output is:
const StringView myArray[] = {
/* label_1 */
{ "text1a text1b", 13 },
/* label_2 */
{ "text2a text2b text2c"
"text2d text2e "
"text2f", 42 }
enum myArray_labels {
For type-safety, you'd also want the generator to emit a custom array lookup function so that the wrong enum type would at least be warned against by the compiler (C is insane in that everything that's not a pointer or a struct behaves as if it was an integer).
StringView *myArray_get(enum myArray_labels label)
assert(label < 2);
return myArray[label];
If you are OK with not using C for the generator, then either C++ or Python or Perl or even bash would yield a more robust generator at less than 1/3 the size.
Let's say we wanted to integrate the above code generator - let's call it strarraygen
- into cmake. It'd look as follows:
# This is whatever target you use the generated file in
# This is the code generator target
add_executable(strarraygen strarraygen.c)
# This generates the array based on description in `myArray.txt`
add_custom_command(OUTPUT myArray.c
COMMAND "$<TARGET_FILE:strarraygen>" myArray
> myArray.c
DEPENDS myArray.txt strarraygen )
If you use cmake, then you probably shouldn't be writing such a generator in C since it'll end up being 10x (or worse!) longer than the equivalent CMake script.
of arrays. (And a spelling checker.) \$\endgroup\$sizeof ‹string literal› - 1
is specified to equalstrlen(‹string literal›)
. \$\endgroup\$strlen()
takes the length of the string, but excludes the nullterm.sizeof
on a string literal takes the total size, including the null terminator. Sostrlen()
on a string literal is equivalent tosizeof - 1
. \$\endgroup\$strlen(string_literal) != (sizeof string_litleral - 1)
when then string literal has an explicit\0
. e.g.strlen("abc\0xyz")
--> 3, else you are mostly OK. \$\endgroup\$