I'm relatively new to python and for an assignment I had to write a program that fetches a webpage with BeautifulSoup, extract all Paragraphs from it, and extract all words ending with "ing", and in the end save it to a file with the format "Word" + tab + "wordcount" + "newline".
This is my code so far. Is there a more pythonic way to handle this? Or generally ways to improve the code?
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
def main():
site = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_science"
r = requests.get(site).content
soup = BeautifulSoup(r)
ps = soup.findAll('p')
fulltext = ''
for p in ps:
fulltext += p.get_text()
words = match_words(fulltext)
formated_words = sort_and_format(words)
with open(r"Q1_Part1.txt","w") as file:
def match_words(string):
pattern = re.compile(r'\b(\w*ing)\b')
words = re.findall(pattern, string.lower())
matching_words = {}
for word in words:
if word in matching_words:
matching_words[word] += 1
matching_words[word] = 1
return matching_words
def sort_and_format(dict):
ordered_keys = sorted(dict, key=dict.get, reverse=True)
output_string = ''
for r in ordered_keys:
output_string += f"{r}\t{dict[r]}\n"
return output_string