I often copy things from my terminal to other places (like Discord), and to make my workflow even easier I decided to use the IPython API to make an extension that has two magic functions pickle
and clip
can copy the contents of a line (or cell). It can copy both, the input line or the output line.
takes in a variable as an argument and pickles its contents and copies it to your clipboard, it can also unpickle your clipboard's content and load it into a variable or print it.
I've heard that unpickling unknown data can be dangerous but I'm not sure if there is anything I can do about that, other than assume that the user trusts the data he or she is unpickling. (If there are other alternatives please let me know).
Are there any improvements that I could apply to my code? Like making the docstrings/error messages more understandable or patching a bug that I have not spotted, or rewriting something specific.
I'm kind of concerned about the user trying to unpickle a large object, such as a pandas data frame (I was helping someone with a pandas question and told him to pickle the data frame and send it, I didn't feel any noticeable delay as I unpickled the file, but the data frame was small anyways).
I also don't know how I could create tests for magic functions in case I add any extra features or patches in the future.
Any recommendations and constructive feedback are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentTypeError
from ast import literal_eval
from keyword import iskeyword
from pickle import dumps as p_dumps
from pickle import loads as p_loads
import IPython.core.magic_arguments as magic_args
from IPython.core.magic import line_magic, Magics, magics_class
from pyperclip import copy as pycopy
from pyperclip import paste as pypaste
def valid_identifier(s: str):
if not s.isidentifier() or iskeyword(s):
raise ArgumentTypeError(f'{s} is not a valid identifier.')
return s
def valid_line_num(s: str):
valid_conditions = (
s in '_ __ ___ _i _ii _iii'.split(),
s.startswith('_') and s[1:].isdigit(),
s.startswith('_i') and s[1:].isdigit()
if not any(valid_conditions):
raise ArgumentTypeError(f'{s} is not a valid line number or a valid ipython cache variable (eg. `_` or `_i3`)')
return s
class IPythonClipboard(Magics):
help='The line number to copy the contents from'
def clip(self, line: str = ''):
"""Copies an input or output line to the clipboard.
`_i7` copies the input from line 7
`_7` copies the output from line 7
`7` copies the output from line 7"""
args = magic_args.parse_argstring(self.clip, line)
line_num: str = args.line_number
if line_num.isdigit():
line_num = f'_{line_num}'
ip = self.shell
content: str = str(ip.user_ns.get(line_num, ''))
@magic_args.argument('--output', '-o',
help='The variable to store the output to.')
help='The variable to pickle.')
def pickle(self, line: str = ''):
Pickles a variable and copies it to the clipboard or un-pickles clipboard contents and prints or stores it.
`%pickle` unpickle clipboard and print
`%pickle v` pickle variable `v` and store in clipboard
`%pickle _` pickle last line's output and store in clipboard
`%pickle -o my_var` unpickle clipboard contents and store in `my_var`"""
ip = self.shell
args = magic_args.parse_argstring(self.pickle, line)
if bool(args.output) and bool(args.var):
msg = (
'Incorrect usage, you can either pickle a variable, or unpickle, but not both at the same time.' '\n'
'\n' f'`%pickle {args.var}` to pickle the contents of `{args.var}` and send them to your clipboard'
'\n' f'`%pickle -o {args.output[0]}` to unpickle clipboard contents and send them to `{args.output[0]}`'
'\n' f'`%pickle` to unpickle your clipboard contents and print'
return None
if not line or args.output: # user wants to unpickle from clipboard
content: str = pypaste()
possible_errors = (not content.startswith('b') and content[1] != content[-1], # must be like b'...'
not content # clipboard is empty
if any(possible_errors): # clipboard doesn't have a valid pickle string
sys.stderr.write(r"Your clipboard doesn't have a bytes-like string (ie. b'\x80\x03N.')")
return None
if args.output: # user wants to unpickle into a variable
ip.user_ns[args.output[0]] = p_loads(literal_eval(content))
else: # user wants to unpickle and print
else: # user wants to pickle a var
def load_ipython_extension(ipython):