I'm building a platform like Rundeck/AWX but for server reliability testing.
People could log into a web interface upload scripts, run them on servers and get statistics on them ( failure / success).
Each script is made up of three parts, probes to check if the server is fine, methods to do stuff in the server, and rollback to reverse what we did to the server.
First we run the probes, if they past we run the methods, wait a certain time the user that created the method put, then run the probes again to check if the server self healed, if not then we run the rollbacks and probes again, then send the data to the db.
I have limited experience with programming as a job and am very unsure if what I’m doing is good let alone efficient so I would love to get some really harsh criticism.
This is the micro-service that is in charge of running the scripts of the user’s request, it gets a DNS and the fault name (fault is the whole object of probes/methods/rollbacks).
import requests
from time import sleep
import subprocess
import time
import script_manipluator as file_manipulator
class InjectionSlave():
def __init__(self,db_api_url = "http://chaos.db.openshift:5001"):
self.db_api_url = db_api_url
def initiate_fault(self,dns,fault):
return self._orchestrate_injection(dns,fault)
def _orchestrate_injection(self,dns,fault_name):
try :
# Gets fault full information from db
fault_info = self._get_fault_info(fault_name)
except Exception as E :
return { "exit_code":"1" ,"status": "Injector failed gathering facts" }
try :
# Runs the probes,methods and rollbacks by order.
logs_object = self._run_fault(dns, fault_info)
except :
return { "exit_code":"1" ,"status": "Injector failed injecting fault" }
try :
# Sends logs to db to be stored in the "logs" collection
db_response = self._send_result(dns,logs_object,"logs")
return db_response
except Exception as E:
return { "exit_code":"1" ,"status": "Injector failed sending logs to db" }
def _get_fault_info(self,fault_name):
# Get json object for db rest api
db_fault_api_url = "{}/{}/{}".format(self.db_api_url, "fault", fault_name)
fault_info = requests.get(db_fault_api_url).json()
# Get the names of the parts of the fault
probes = fault_info["probes"]
methods = fault_info["methods"]
rollbacks = fault_info["rollbacks"]
name = fault_info["name"]
fault_structure = {'probes' : probes , 'methods' : methods , 'rollbacks' : rollbacks}
# fault_section can be the probes/methods/rollbacks part of the fault
for fault_section in fault_structure.keys():
fault_section_parts = []
# section_part refers to a specific part of the probes/methods/rollbacks
for section_part in fault_structure[fault_section]:
section_part_info = requests.get("{}/{}/{}".format(self.db_api_url,fault_section,section_part)).json()
fault_structure[fault_section] = fault_section_parts
fault_structure["name"] = name
return fault_structure
def _run_fault(self,dns,fault_info):
# Gets fault parts from fault_info
fault_name = fault_info['name']
probes = fault_info['probes']
methods = fault_info['methods']
rollbacks = fault_info['rollbacks']
except Exception as E :
logs_object = {'name': "failed_fault" ,'exit_code' : '1' ,
'status' : 'expirement failed because parameters in db were missing ', 'error' : E}
return logs_object
try :
method_logs = {}
rollback_logs = {}
probe_after_method_logs = {}
# Run probes and get logs and final probes result
probes_result,probe_logs = self._run_probes(probes,dns)
# If probes all passed continue
if probes_result is True :
probe_logs['exit_code'] = "0"
probe_logs['status'] = "Probes checked on victim server successfully"
# Run methods and get logs and how much time to wait until checking self recovery
methods_wait_time, method_logs = self._run_methods(methods, dns)
# Wait the expected recovery wait time
probes_result, probe_after_method_logs = self._run_probes(probes, dns)
# Check if server self healed after injection
if probes_result is True:
probe_after_method_logs['exit_code'] = "0"
probe_after_method_logs['status'] = "victim succsessfully self healed after injection"
probe_after_method_logs['exit_code'] = "1"
probe_after_method_logs['status'] = "victim failed self healing after injection"
# If server didnt self heal run rollbacks
for rollback in rollbacks:
part_name = rollback['name']
part_log = self._run_fault_part(rollback, dns)
rollback_logs[part_name] = part_log
probes_result, probe_after_method_logs = self._run_probes(probes, dns)
# Check if server healed after rollbacks
if probes_result is True:
rollbacks['exit_code'] = "0"
rollbacks['status'] = "victim succsessfully healed after rollbacks"
rollbacks['exit_code'] = "1"
rollbacks['status'] = "victim failed healing after rollbacks"
else :
probe_logs['exit_code'] = "1"
probe_logs['status'] = "Probes check failed on victim server"
logs_object = {'name': fault_name ,'exit_code' : '0' ,
'status' : 'expirement ran as expected','rollbacks' : rollback_logs ,
'probes' : probe_logs , 'method_logs' : method_logs,
'probe_after_method_logs' : probe_after_method_logs}
if logs_object["probe_after_method_logs"]["exit_code"] == "0" :
logs_object["successful"] = True
logs_object["successful"] = False
except Exception as E:
logs_object = {'name': fault_name ,'exit_code' : '1' ,
'status' : 'expirement failed because of an unexpected reason', 'error' : E}
return logs_object
def _inject_script(self,dns,script_path):
# Run script
proc = subprocess.Popen("python {} -dns {}".format(script_path,dns), stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
# get output from proc turn it from binary to ascii and then remove /n if there is one
output = proc.communicate()[0].decode('ascii').rstrip()
return output
def _run_fault_part(self,fault_part,dns):
script, script_name = file_manipulator._get_script(fault_part)
script_file_path = file_manipulator._create_script_file(script, script_name)
logs = self._inject_script(dns, script_file_path)
return logs
def _str2bool(self,output):
return output.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")
def _run_probes(self,probes,dns):
probes_output = {}
# Run each probe and get back True/False boolean result
for probe in probes :
output = self._run_fault_part(probe, dns)
result = self._str2bool(output)
probes_output[probe['name']] = result
probes_result = probes_output.values()
# If one of the probes returned False the probes check faild
if False in probes_result :
return False,probes_output
return True,probes_output
def _get_method_wait_time(self,method):
return method['method_wait_time']
except Exception as E :
return 0
def _get_current_time(self):
current_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
return current_time
def _run_methods(self,methods,dns):
method_logs = {}
methods_wait_time = 0
for method in methods:
part_name = method['name']
part_log = self._run_fault_part(method, dns)
method_wait_time = self._get_method_wait_time(method)
method_logs[part_name] = part_log
methods_wait_time += method_wait_time
return methods_wait_time,method_logs
def _send_result(self,dns,logs_object,collection = "logs"):
# Get current time to timestamp the object
current_time = self._get_current_time()
# Creating object we will send to the db
db_log_object = {}
db_log_object['date'] = current_time
db_log_object['name'] = "{}-{}".format(logs_object['name'],current_time)
db_log_object['logs'] = logs_object
db_log_object['successful'] = logs_object['successful']
db_log_object['target'] = dns
# Send POST request to db api in the logs collection
db_api_logs_url = "{}/{}".format(self.db_api_url,collection)
response = requests.post(db_api_logs_url, json = db_log_object)
return response.content.decode('ascii')
import os
import requests
def _get_script(fault_part):
file_share_url = fault_part['path']
script_name = fault_part['name']
script = requests.get(file_share_url).content.decode('ascii')
return script, script_name
def _create_script_file(script, script_name):
injector_home_dir = "/root"
script_file_path = '{}/{}'.format(injector_home_dir, script_name)
with open(script_file_path, 'w') as script_file:
return script_file_path
def _remove_script_file( script_file_path):