
I've started with developing BMP format reader in C#. This tool might read all data from binary BMP file and represents all data from it (from the header, the pixel data etc).

I have started and have done only first 14 bytes reading (header) and getting the pixel data from 24 bit BMP file. Of course there would be a lot of work, but I'd like to know if I'm developing this correctly.

Please, review my code:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

class BMPDataInfo
    enum BMPHeaderTypes
        BM, // Windows family
        BA, // OS/2 struct bitmap array
        CI, // OS/2 struct color icon
        CP, // OS/2 const color pointer
        IC, // OS/2 struct icon
        PT, // OS/2 pointer
        Invalid, // if two bytes from loaded file don't equal to any values of all BMP possible formats

    byte[] fileData;
    Encoding fileEncoding;
    BMPFileInfo fileInfo;

    class BMPFileInfo
        internal Encoding currentEncoding;
        internal BMPHeaderTypes currentBMPType;
        internal uint currentFileSize;
        internal int reservedFirst;
        internal int reservedSecond;
        internal int tablePixelStartAddress;
        internal int[] tablePixel;

    public BMPDataInfo()
        fileInfo = new BMPFileInfo();

    internal byte[] ReadFile(string fileName)
        FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);
        fileData = new byte[fs.Length];
        fs.Read(fileData, 0, fileData.Length);

        using (var fileStreamReader = new StreamReader(fileName, true))
            fileEncoding = fileStreamReader.CurrentEncoding;

        switch (fileEncoding.BodyName)
            case "utf-8":
                fileInfo.currentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            case "us-ascii":
                fileInfo.currentEncoding = Encoding.ASCII;

        return fileData;

    internal void BMPGetHeader()
        #region Initializing the array size of 14 bytes for the BMP header

        byte[] headerBMP = new byte[14];

        for (int i = 0; i < headerBMP.Length; i++)
            headerBMP[i] = fileData[i];


        #region Getting first TWO bytes to check the type of BMP file format

        fileInfo.currentBMPType = BMPCheckHeaderType(ref headerBMP[0], ref headerBMP[1]);


        #region Getting file size from BMP header, NOT from the `Length` property of stream

        byte[] fileSizeHeaderInfo = new byte[4];

        // needed fix for the correct byte shift (data[i] = i << shiftValue)
        for (int i = 2, j = 0; j < fileSizeHeaderInfo.Length; i++, j++)
            fileSizeHeaderInfo[j] = fileData[i];

        fileInfo.currentFileSize = BMPGetFileSize(ref fileSizeHeaderInfo);


        #region Getting reserved fields from BMP header

        byte[] fileReservedInfo = new byte[4];

        for (int i = 6, j = 0; j < fileReservedInfo.Length; i++, j++)
            fileReservedInfo[j] = fileData[i];

        int[] reservedResult = BMPGetReservedFromHeader(ref fileReservedInfo);
        fileInfo.reservedFirst = reservedResult[0];
        fileInfo.reservedSecond = reservedResult[1];


        #region Getting the starting address, of the byte where the bitmap image data (pixel array) can be found

        byte[] filePixelArrayAddress = new byte[4];

        for (int i = 10, j = 0; j < filePixelArrayAddress.Length; i++, j++)
            filePixelArrayAddress[j] = fileData[i];

        fileInfo.tablePixelStartAddress = BMPGetStartAddress(ref filePixelArrayAddress);


        #region Reading the pixel table of the current BMP

        // needed to be refactored, because the test BMP file has 24 bit depth color, so: 1 pixel/3 bytes
        fileInfo.tablePixel = new int[fileData.Length - fileInfo.tablePixelStartAddress];
        int[] bufferTable = new int[3];

        for (int i = fileInfo.tablePixelStartAddress, j = 0, k = 0; i < fileInfo.tablePixel.Length; i++, k++)
            if (k > 2)
                int tmpValue = 0;

                for (int z = 0; z < k; z++)
                    tmpValue += bufferTable[z];

                fileInfo.tablePixel[j] = tmpValue;
                k = 0;

            bufferTable[k] = fileData[i];


    BMPHeaderTypes BMPCheckHeaderType(ref byte firstValue, ref byte secondValue)
        if (firstValue == 0x42 && secondValue == 0x4d)
            return BMPHeaderTypes.BM;

        return BMPHeaderTypes.Invalid;

    uint BMPGetFileSize(ref byte[] headerPart)
        uint fileSize = (uint)fileData[5] << 24
                        | (uint)fileData[4] << 16
                        | (uint)fileData[3] << 8
                        | (uint)fileData[2];

        return fileSize;

    int[] BMPGetReservedFromHeader(ref byte[] headerPart)
        int reservedFirst = headerPart[0] + headerPart[1];
        int reservedSecond = headerPart[2] + headerPart[3];

        int[] resultReserved = new int[2];
        resultReserved[0] = reservedFirst;
        resultReserved[1] = reservedSecond;

        return resultReserved;

    int BMPGetStartAddress(ref byte[] headerPart)
        int resultStartAddress = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < headerPart.Length; i++)
            resultStartAddress += headerPart[i];

        return resultStartAddress;

class App
    const string fileName = @"\1.bmp";

    static void Main()
            BMPDataInfo objDataInfo = new BMPDataInfo();
        catch (Exception exc)

1 Answer 1


Instead of marking pieces of functionality within your BMPGetHeader() method with regions. I would suggest turning each region into a private method. The code will be much easier to read and refactor once this is done.

  • \$\begingroup\$ there would be too much similar function with the foreach block, it the function BMPGetHeader() will consists of many similar small functions, wouldn't be? I suppose I could be wrong, please tell me the exact reasons to cut this function into few small, which will be to similar? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 23, 2013 at 18:47
  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ @OlegOrlov How is having several methods that are too similar any worse than having #regions in the same method that are similar? \$\endgroup\$
    – svick
    Commented Mar 23, 2013 at 22:16
  • \$\begingroup\$ I think #regions are one of the best smell-indicators around (function to long, not-single responsible, ...) - remove them whereever you can \$\endgroup\$
    – Random Dev
    Commented Jul 6, 2014 at 7:02

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