
I'm drawing a background into kivy, and then wrap and place a transparent image on top of it. Each second I move the location of the transparent a little bit.

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty
from kivy.uix.image import Image
from kivy.clock import Clock

class ScrollApp(App):

    def build(self):
        self.bkg = Background()
        self.clock = Clock.schedule_interval(self.bkg.scroll_texture, 1)
        return self.bkg

class Background(Widget):

    plx_2 = ObjectProperty(None)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # set as texture
        self.plx_2 = Image(source=r"assets\plx-2.2.png").texture
        self.plx_2.wrap = 'repeat'
        self.plx_2.uvsize = (1,-1)

    def scroll_texture(self, time_passed):
        # update uvpos
        x,y = self.plx_2.uvpos
        x = x - 0.05 % 1 # this magic number will change later
        self.plx_2.uvpos = (x, y)
        # redraw the image    
        texture = self.property('plx_2')

if __name__=='__main__':

And the .kv file:

#:kivy 1.11.1

            size : self.size
            pos : self.pos
            source: "assets\plx-1.png"
            size : self.size   
            texture: self.plx_2

The code works, but I feel very odd about the way I'm redrawing the texture with dispatching itself as an event. Is there a better way? Second, now if I were to add multiple transparent images on top, I would have to add a lot of code. Is there a a better way than just adding another Rectangle in the .kv file, adding another ObjectProperty in the Background class etc, etc.?


1 Answer 1


The only really odd thing I see is this:

x - 0.05 % 1

Modulation takes precedence over subtraction, and 0.05 % 1 == 0.05, so the modulation has no effect. Is this what you intended?

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I intended it to constrain x between 0 and 1, by only giving me the remainder. It should use brackets to first execute the x-0.05. Thanks for the catch! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 28, 2020 at 8:39

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